SPS – The Soul and Story Telling
Did you know that story telling is a powerful tool that can drive other people to succeed in life? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Devorah Spilman and Jennifer Urezzio discuss the power of the soul and storytelling. Devorah Spilman has been a master storyteller for over 30 years. She has helped people all over the world follow their calling, write books, and build businesses based on the deep work that accesses their inner story. She takes listeners through a simple and profound exercise that provides a metaphor for who they are in the world. Listen now to hear Jennifer’s metaphor and connect with your own soul and begin to tell your own story of power. Hi everyone, this is Jennifer Urezzio. I'm a Super Power Expert and founder of the Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today, I'm with Devorah [...]