SLSP – Plant Medicines, Sex Work and the Sacred Feminine

How does the sacred feminine weave into sex work? What is the relationship between sex work and plant medicines? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with Katherine Tomlinson about her journey into sex work as well as her experiences with psychedelics and how they intersect in her journey of uplifting the feminine. Judgements, taboos and the unraveling of shame are deeply explored in this heartfelt conversation you won’t want to miss. Okay. Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers Podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have a very special guest with me. It's Katherine Tomlinson. We are going to be discussing plant medicines, sex work, and the sacred feminine.  Let me tell you a little bit about Katherine before we get started. For the last 10 years, Katherine has been studying psychedelics in hopes of one day [...]

2022-05-30T19:01:20-07:00September 11th, 2019|

SLSP – Can Sex Work Be Spiritual?

While “spiritual” and “strip club” might not be terms you would normally think of in the same sentence, Lana Shay believes differently. On this episode of SLSP, host Tatiana Berindei and tantrika, exotic dancer and writer Lana Shay dive deep into the role of spirituality in sex work. About to release her new book about her ten-year journey as a sex worker, Lana shares with our listeners her vision of a conscious strip club and how she sees the new wave of spirituality in the sex work industry unfolding. Tune in to this fascinating, stigma-reducing and consciousness-expanding conversation! Hello everyone! Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have a delightful guest with me, Miss Lana Shay. And we are going to be discussing: Can sex work be spiritual? Let me tell you a little bit [...]

2022-06-05T05:59:44-07:00March 27th, 2019|
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