SPUm – The Power of Saying YES
What does it look like to experience yourself saying yes in a fully activated, whole body way? For everyone who wants to change your life, change the world, have an impact, we must start with looking at where we’re receiving a full-bodied YES and where we shirk away from acknowledging it. Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to pursue your own evolution? Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to understand your own superpowers better? Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to getting your message out in a way that creates impact? If you are, be sure to listen to this episode and find out how to courageously step into the power of saying yes. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today's episode on Disrupt Reality, we're talking about the power of saying yes. Last week I spoke with the incomparable [...]