REC – Movie Magic

Do you often find yourself captured by movie magic? Do you consider yourself a cinephile, a person who loves to watch movies? If yes, then this episode of Reclamation is perfect for you. The Reclas, Tonya, Justin, and Neva, talk about their love of movies that serves as a common ground for the whole family. They share how they mimic and reenact movie quotes and lines after watching the film.  Things like movies allow us to go with a natural rhythm and flow because it mirrors the things happening to us. Join The Reclas as they converse about movies and the déjà vu moments that occur when movies mimic real-life situations. Group: (singing). Justin Recla: All Right. We've got a confession, and this might be a little weird. Tonya Dawn Recla: Oh, no. It's really weird. Neva Lee Recla: Very weird. [...]