SPU – Personal and Professional Development with Dr. James Kelley

Dr. James Kelley, host of Executives After Hours, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss personal and professional development. James lives in Dubai with is wife and kids and is writing his book, 90 Executives on Authenticity Leadership. Listen in to hear their conversation and learn how you can up-level your own development. Hello, everybody. This is Tonya Dawn Recla and I am really elated to have with me today, Dr. James Kelley. First and foremost, I just want to highlight the fact that he's in Portugal but he lives in Dubai. This guy's got a pretty fantastic story. We brought him in today to talk about personal and professional development specifically as it relates to the concept of authenticity. So, I told him, “I'm just going to confess.” He got on the call and I'm like, “I'm going to confess to you that I already love you.” [...]