SPS – Intuitive Marketing

How do you practice being intuitive in marketing? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio is joined by Angella Johnson as they try to answer this question. Angella talks about the ways that you can market with your spirit and gut. Creating pathways your customers intuitively want to follow is the route to successful marketing. Though data-driven marketing is also an incredible tool, using your intuition is crucial so you will not find yourself lost along the way. Join Jennifer and Angella in today’s episode to discover more about intuitive marketing.   To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2024-10-21T15:41:43-07:00November 17th, 2024|

SPM – What is Intuitive in the Mind Body Connection?

Are you wondering what is intuitive in the mind/body connection? Do you have a “go to” strategy when you are feeling on edge and struggling to keep grounded and centered? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco is joined by Vitality Coach Alissa Okrent as shares her expertise in assisting so many in, as she describes, Energy Management from the Inside Out concept. In this show, you will lead to explore the value behind having a “go to” practice that can aid you in staying in, or returning to, grace and harmony as you learn techniques that will assist you in tapping back into your intuitive connection when life is unraveling. You are warmly invited to join this interactive discussion and really “feel” the gifts provided in this conversation. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Laura Greco and you're listening to SuperPower Mommas. I am so [...]

2020-10-22T10:25:06-07:00November 26th, 2019|

HFH – The Meaning of Intuitive Healing

Are you an intuitive? Or is intuition something weird and hard to believe for you? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, Maryanne Sea, a woman who had to live in extreme isolation from the world, in a room known as a ‘bubble’, joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to share her experience of self healing. In this episode, they discuss the meaning of intuitive healing. Maryanne Sea, MSW, discovered the power of intuition in healing as she was recovering from severe Environmental Illness. During that experience in the “bubble” she developed her intuition. When she recovered, she began to teach others. She introduced Intuition in Healing courses to nurses, doctors and other health professionals at many Australian hospitals, and also taught at four Australian universities. She has been part of the Master of Wellness degree program at RMIT University, Melbourne. She is the author of The Healing of a Sensitive [...]

2019-06-25T05:30:11-07:00July 2nd, 2019|

SPU – The Power of Intuition

Allison Sutter, best selling author and contemporary spiritual teacher, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the power of intuition. Allison is highly acclaimed for her ability to seamlessly blend spiritual and practical self-help information and how to make them relevant to the daily life. She is the author behind the book: Accelerate Your Mojo: 7 Simple Steps to Ignite Intuition, Shake off Fear, and Unleash the Real You. Join in as Allison and Tonya talk about how to accelerate your mojo and the most effective way to approach self-help and personal development to transform fear and allow yourself to shine. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I'm excited with us today a really fun woman who we're going to have a great conversation. Allison Sutter is all about accelerating your mojo. In fact, she wrote the book on it, [...]

2018-11-04T13:56:22-07:00November 16th, 2018|

SPU – The Journey of Intuitive Development

Terrie Christine, an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to explore the journey of intuitive development. She is Clairaudient (hearing), Clairvoyant (seeing) and Clairsentient (feeling). She helps people access love, abundance and peace by clearing old energetic blocks that hold them back. She works with clients all over the world and continues to be a source of emotional and spiritual healing in the self-empowerment community. Over the course of many years, she studied with the Masters on meditation and many different modalities. Today, as an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, she can remotely scan a body for environmental and energetic blocks. Listen in as she talks about intuitive development. Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts, and I'm really excited to have with us today, Terrie Christine. She is delightful and you're going to love her. She's an intuitive [...]

2018-04-05T17:00:05-07:00April 6th, 2018|
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