SPU – How to Quantum Leap into What’s Possible
Can we take the superpower to quantum leap out of movies and into our lives? Join this fantastic conversation about what it takes to move beyond a third dimensional reality and actualize truly magical abilities to alter your current reality. Host Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Elizabeth April about how to view the infinite realities available and make a choice to leap into one that lights up your spirit, contributes to collective expansion and harnesses universal knowingness regarding what’s possible. If you’re looking for next-level developmental techniques, don’t miss this how-to conversation between two fascinating women who walk their talks. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm really, really, really delighted today to have with me just this beautiful, amazing woman who walks the world with such light. It's kind of a unique situation in the sense that, as you [...]