SPS – Having A Spiritual Journey Online
Destinee Berman helps healers launch their work online. She joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about having a spiritual journey online. You no longer need to go to a mountain or a retreat center to create transformation, you can do it with a click. During this interview, Destinee explains how easy it is to have a spiritual journey online. Listen in as Jennifer and Destinee discuss taking your spiritual journey online. Hello, everyone. Welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I'm here today with Destinee Berman, what a cool name, and the topic is a Spiritual Journey Online. Welcome, Destinee. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you, Jennifer. You are so welcome. I always start the show with the question is, what do you consider the superpower of your soul? For me, it [...]