SPU – Leadership and Personal Development Superpowers

Dr. Hans Finzel served as the President of International Nonprofit World for over 20 years. He's now the President of HD leaders and author of the best-selling book, "The Top 10 Mistakes Leaders Make" and "Top 10 ways to be a Great Leader". In this episode of SPU, Dr. Finzel shares how leadership and personal development skills tie with emotional intelligence to create a congruency in effective communication. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today I'm delighted to have with us a really fantastic guest. He brings a wealth of information with a successful author, speaker and trusted authority in the field of leadership and so I really want you to kind of settle in and listen in as we have a dialogue around leadership but he brings a unique aspect to it, so he looks really phenomenal on paper, [...]