SPU – Creative Entrepreneur Business

Ed Roman, award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, and multi-instrumentalist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about entrepreneur business. Ed uniquely crafts songs that receive regular rotation on more than 100 radio stations across North America and more than 400 stations worldwide. He also travels to several countries to deliver humanitarian aid. Listen in as he and Tonya talk about his experiences as a creative entrepreneur business owner and how music can change people’s lives through his songs that deliver socio-political, earthly-conscious, and globally-aware messages. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have a really fun treat for you all today. We're talking today with Ed Roman, he is an award-winning singer, songwriter, performer, multi-instrumentalist, all kinds of fun stuff, but he operates in the pop rock full country music space, and tons and tons and tons of a litany of awards, [...]

2018-10-18T16:27:48-07:00October 26th, 2018|

SPC – Conscious Free Song Creation

Ed Roman, award winning singer/songwriter, joins David Delmar to share his experiences writing music and explain his approach to conscious free song creation. His perspectives about life shared in his music help bring fresh new perspectives for others through his creative eye. Ed also works on an exciting video project with some powerful creative professionals sparking change while addressing educational systems in western society and how they treat children with dyslexia. He freely shares how growing up as a dyslexic kid affected his life. And how, if not for supporters like his mom, he wouldn’t have had the vitally important nurturing environment to stay true to his creative gifts of songwriting. So listen in and get advice on how to allow your songwriting process to have more conscious free song creation. Hello, this is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you're listening to our [...]

2018-08-10T14:23:33-07:00September 13th, 2018|
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