WOA – The Living Earth

Do you believe that everything here on Earth has a soul? Is it remarkable to think that even rivers, animals, plants, or rocks embody life? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guests Penelope Jean Hayes and Carole Serene talk about learning to honor the Earth. Penelope and Carole are the authors of the book “Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late.” Through a divine being of wisdom which they call Pax, the authors relay the importance of consciousness to humans as guardian angels of Mother Earth. They also discuss taking responsibility for the mess we made here on the planet. Join Ayn, Penelope, and Carole as they talk more about how we, as transients here on this planet, learn to live harmoniously with the elements of the Earth. Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of [...]

2021-07-06T17:52:44-07:00July 21st, 2021|

Your Higher Self: You are whole. You are holy. You are Divine.

Your Higher Self is the essence of who you are. Broken? No. Not you. Not me. Not the ex who cheated on you or the Mom who beat you. If you’re feeling broken or lost or disconnected from Source, it just means you’re covered up at the moment. Perhaps layers and layers of untruths disguise your light, but there is nothing wrong with you. There is who you really are (infinite light and love shining across All That Is and ever was and ever will be), and there is the human personality having all the experiences you’re having right now. Your Higher Self Your Higher Self, or Infinite Self, is guiding these experiences Your Higher Self, or Infinite Self, is guiding these experiences to give you everything you’ve chosen to be and do in this life, and everything you’ve asked for. Yep, you are that powerful. You’ve incarnated [...]

2017-06-12T19:01:21-07:00June 5th, 2017|
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