SPU – Divine Spiritual Messages
She-She O’Donnell, certified Angel Therapy practitioner and love, life, & relationship coach, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to share her experiences working with clients to access spiritual messages. She-She uses her natural abilities and focuses in with the guidance of her angels, as well as other people’s angels, to guide and assist people to move through their inner obstacles and gain clarity. Listen in as she shares her wisdom, experiences, and secrets with Tonya and the audience and how to facilitate Divine Guidance to bring in as much joy and peace in your life. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert and I'm really delighted to have with us today, She-She O'Donnell. She is super She-She, so as you know that she's a perfect fit for the show. But before we get too far into things, she's asked to lead us all in a [...]