Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine

Assume the Position, Ladies: Inviting the Rise of the Divine Masculine The Masculine and the Feminine In the Expanding Motherhood series we covered three major aspects of the mother archetype within the context of expansion. As we prepare for the fatherhood series, we notice the father archetype feels very different. In fact, after deeper inquiry, masculinity isn’t on its own trajectory of expansion at all, the expansiveness of the masculine IS the feminine. Or, more specifically, the masculine journey isn’t one of expansion, but, rather, one of definition. How do we know this? The most obvious answer is also the most polarizing. When deconstructing power majority groups, the biggest challenge is in categorizing, encapsulating, defining something so pervasive. You see, once something grows beyond a particular power point, it actually ceases to be defined. Basically, it is no longer a “thing,” [...]

2023-05-16T23:21:43-07:00March 6th, 2023|

SLSP – Understanding Men in the Wake of #MeToo

Dr. David Gruder, a Psychologist and the President of Integrity Culture Systems, joins Tatiana Berindei to talk about understanding men and the journey of elevating the divine masculine. His mission is to make happiness sustainable, collaboration productive, integrity profitable, and society healthy. He is known for his broad talents, integrative mind, unquenchable passion, huge heart, deep integrity, and naked authenticity. Everything he provides is geared to help you make all of this possible so you can succeed in your chosen spheres of influence. Listen in as he shares his insights about understanding men in the wake of #MeToo. Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am so honored to have with me today Dr. David Gruder. We are going to be discussing understanding men in the wake of Me Too. David Gruder has a very impressive bio. He's [...]

2022-06-05T11:16:14-07:00March 7th, 2018|
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