SLSP – How to Build Self Esteem Through Conscious Living

Debra Graugnard, master healer and spiritual teacher, joins Tatiana Berindei on the Sex, Love and SuperPowers show to talk about how to build self esteem after suffering from sexual abuse. Debra is the author of the new book While We Were Silent that exposes the voices of sexual abuse survivors, interviews experts in the field of trauma, and tackles the questions about why abuse survivors stay silent. Listen in as they discuss why abuse survivors stay silent, finding your true core essence and not letting your past define you, no matter how challenging it may have been. Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I have with me Debra Graugnard, and we are going to be discussing how to build self esteem through conscious living. Debra Graugnard helps people to deeply and intimately know [...]