SLSP – Dating Tips for Women Over 40
Women looking for dating tips, look no further! In this juicy episode of Sex, Love and SuperPowers, acclaimed sexologist Eva Clay joins host Tatiana Berindei to discuss the erotic midlife and how women over 40 can revolutionize their experience of dating in this day and age. A brilliant teacher and coach with a background in psychology and neuroscience, Eva Clay returns to the show to share her expertise in navigating the realms of pleasure and passion in the digital age. How do I do this online dating thing? What do I do if I get ghosted? How do I get him to chase me? All these questions and more will be explored in this not-to-be-missed conversation! Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am so excited to have with me, again, Miss Eva Clay. If [...]