SPC – SuperPower Creatives
Tonya Dawn Recla, CEO & Founder of Super Power Experts, joins David Delmar to share her superpower insights on this debut show of SuperPower Creatives. Tonya was once a counterintelligence agent with a difficult decision to leave that work behind to start Super Power Experts. She shares with David, how to maintain alignment in resonance within the abstract frequency, having cracked the code on enlightenment herself. So listen in and get advice on how to start to raise your own frequency. All right. Hello. This is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you're listening to the debut episode of the show. I believe everyone is a creator, and it's this inherent birthright that's the source of our superpowers. Stepping into this personal authority is scary, though. This show celebrates creatives that stay true to who they really are, making a living using their creative [...]