SPS – Love As A Business Model

How can we utilize love as a business model? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Jill Wright, CEO of Executive Shine, talk about the incredible impact of using business as a vehicle to deliver love. Jill says that if you hang a sign outside your business saying "Love Available Here," nobody would come. Thus, as a business owner, you should start learning how to speak love in a language that people can receive. You must combine love with something you can deliver through your business. Tune in to know how to serve your customers and your soul using the best business model ever!

2022-03-01T18:09:21-07:00March 12th, 2022|

SPS – Freedom From Emotional Bondage

What relief would it be if we gained freedom from emotional bondage? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki talks about the importance of balancing the emotional response. Yet emotions can be one of the most challenging things to bring into absolute harmony. Amorahki also shares the fundamental techniques we can put into everyday practice until all that remains is harmonious equanimity and sensitive response to all of life. Tune in to gain freedom from emotional bondage.

2022-02-07T17:26:02-07:00February 26th, 2022|

SPS – The Scent of Intuition

What's it like when your child has the scent of intuition? How do you attempt to be the wind beneath their wings? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, Amorahki is joined by her daughter Hannah, now 18 years old, to talk about her experience of clairalience, or clairessence as it is sometimes known. It is the intuitive sense of psychic smell. Amorahki discusses how she handled it when she found out that her daughter has superpowers. It is vital to recognize and support the child, although out of their experience. Tune in to know more about the scent of intuition.

2022-01-24T18:59:40-07:00February 12th, 2022|

SPS – Soulful Family Side Hustle

Have you ever thought of having a soulful family side hustle? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, host Amorahki chats with Tonya and Alexa Ferrari to discuss a side hustle. They are an incredible mother-daughter duo co-founder of Salty Blue Self-Care, a line of clean, chemical-free, luxury self-care products to encourage people to focus on the wellness of mind, body, and soul. A Soulful Family Side Hustle allows Tonya and Alexa to attain the blessing of staying home with their young children as they fulfil their mission of empowering others to prioritise self-care as a vital part of well-being. Tune in to know more to learn about this side hustle.

2022-01-18T18:16:34-07:00January 29th, 2022|

SPS – What Lies Are You Believing?

What lies are you believing? Are you the person you ought to be? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amohraki and guest Earlene Coats talk about the consequences of building our lives on lies. Every person on this earth has unique gifts and talents. However, not all of us are encouraged to step into who we were uniquely created to be. Children are often forced down a road that ends up not enjoying their lives and at a loss to explain inner feelings of ill content and unfulfillment. The great news is, it is never too late to discover what lies we may be believing. Tune in to find them all to stop hiding from our most uniquely joyful and fulfilling life!

2021-12-15T19:35:47-07:00January 15th, 2022|

SPS – Heart Healing Power of Cacao

Are you ready to learn about the heart healing power of cacao? The world has never needed as much healing as it does today. In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki is joined by guest Suzanne Zephyr to explore the powerful medicine of cacao. Listen to this episode and learn about cacao’s heart healing capacity and the power of using cacao to amplify your work and message in the world where it has a uniquely supportive role in the intersection of spirituality and business.

2021-12-14T18:21:58-07:00January 8th, 2022|

SPS – The Flow of True Happiness

What is the flow of true happiness? Where can we obtain it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Mike Chang talk about the importance of a genuine stream of happiness. It has the power to improve our bodies and consciousness. Moreover, it will lead us to our journey away from an unfulfilled life. Listen to this episode to gain inner peace, contentment, and new favorable horizons in life.

2021-12-07T19:49:25-07:00January 1st, 2022|

SPS – Divine Feminine Wealth Codes

What are divine feminine wealth codes? How can it help us gain abundance? In this episode of Science of Superpowers, host Amorahki and guest Dr. Amanda Noelle talk about creating an abundant income in a feminine way. As the Divine Feminine rises, new pathways to wealth and business are re-emerging to reveal a feminine currency based on bliss. The old money system requires us to work hard and climb the corporate ladder. It was limiting, painful, and based on fear. Whereas the Divine Feminine Wealth Codes convey, "YOU are the creator! You are abundant! You ARE the abundance!" Calling all spiritual entrepreneurs to tune in and be ready to birth wealth from the inside out-even from your orgasmic energy-and do business from your highest bliss. Enjoy this pleasure-portal opening conversation into your Divine Feminine Wealth Codes.

2021-12-06T19:55:20-07:00December 25th, 2021|

SPS – Guardian Angel Magic

Did you already feel the guardian angel magic? Do you want to experience boundless protection, guidance, and support? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Daniel Raphael talk about the wonders of having a guardian angel by your side. They also chat about the untapped power available to us to shift our reality to goodness. Tune in and learn how to recode your energetic field to sync with the space of miracles.

2021-11-29T18:35:55-07:00December 18th, 2021|

SPS – Centering Into The Divine

What is the importance of centering into the divine? How can we do it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest AngelaMaría talk about evolving and unlocking your superpowers by listening intuitively. Human as we are, we always needed the Divine being to help us in our daily endeavors. Tune in and learn how to unleash your hidden abilities from within.

2021-11-22T19:31:40-07:00December 11th, 2021|

SPS – You Are Already Enlightened

Do you believe that you are already enlightened? Are you aware that you don’t need help anymore? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Brandon Bozarth shatter your beliefs about emotional suffering, stress, and the need for happiness. You do not need all of this. You are already enlightened. The only way to break away from all the negativities in life is to recognize that you can put them to stop. Tune in and learn the whole process of starting to realize that your happiness is at hand.

2021-11-15T19:51:54-07:00December 4th, 2021|

SPS – The Path of the Medicine Woman

What is the path of the medicine woman? How can an individual grow and expand in leadership? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Q’orianka Cornejo talk about the three essential keys along the path of the medicine woman. They also tackle the importance of talking about things that are not fun and exciting to grow in underdeveloped areas. Tune in and listen to know the significance of walking your path along with good company.

2021-11-08T19:53:09-07:00November 27th, 2021|

SPS – The Power of Service

Those who stand in the power of service, powerfully serve. In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Tatiana Berindei talk about tapping into the power of service. Amorahki and Tatiana share their thoughts on being willing to step fully into who we are, and receiving and following our Divine guidance. Tatiana believes these are the first few steps in committing to being part of something bigger than ourselves. Join Amorahki and Tatiana in this insightful episode to learn more about gaining the power of service throughout your developmental journey.

2021-11-16T18:55:34-07:00November 20th, 2021|

SPS – Heart Centered Finances

Why do we need to have heart centered finances? How does it relate to our soul path? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Ximena Vasquez talk about abundance as a birthright. Most people are blinded by worldly things that sometimes, being good is not an option. However, if we anchor our finances to the Earth, we allow it to create a solid structure for us to navigate our soul path. Don’t miss this episode! Tune in and learn more about having your heart centered finances enrich your soul and guide you in your lifetime.

2021-11-01T18:10:49-07:00November 13th, 2021|

SPS – The Soul of New Business

What is the soul of new business? How can we adapt innovation and resiliency to our company? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Tonya Dawn Recla talk about the massive potential of bringing more souls into the business world. Many entrepreneurs want to do things differently; however, they get lost and stuck with the old ways along their journey. Tune in and discover how it is to trust divine guidance in business strategy and successfully build your business with the divine design. 

2021-10-04T09:51:34-07:00October 9th, 2021|

SPS – The Magic of Amorahki

Are you ready to be enchanted by the magic of Amorahki? Do you want to enter the energy realm and be connected with the divine light? In this episode of the Superpowers of the Soul, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces a new host for this show, Amorahki. She is truly a remarkable woman who radiates a shining light on her soul experience and many others. Enter the divine playground with Tonya and Amorahki, and be thrilled for the next fun-filled episodes with the show's new host. Tonya Dawn Recla: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. I've got a big, old grin on my face. I am so excited to share this episode with you, this time, this space, this moment, this yumminess, all of that good stuff. I'm Tonya, and I'm here today with you talking about what's happening next with SuperPowers [...]

2021-08-24T17:43:11-07:00September 11th, 2021|
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