Listen in as they talk about how Sean went from wearing a mask and hiding behind bravado to ripping down the walls of insecurity and stepping into the transparency spotlight. This is one episode you don’t want to miss!
Featured image photo credit: Rob Norbutt
Hello everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I’m really excited to have with me today on the show a man who needs absolutely no introduction. This gentleman has I mean very impressive resume and we like to say he looks very good on paper but he’s also really phenomenal in person you know. So in addition to having an MMA career and running an organization Lions not Sheep which is phenomenal in and of itself, he has decided lately to run for Congress so the thing that we are talking about today, this is part of our superheroes series and we’re talking about whether or not the world is ready for Sean Whalen in Congress. So without further ado if you can join me in welcoming Sean at the show. Welcome Sean!
How are you?

Sean Whalen and Neva Lee Recla at Meltdown in the Desert
Fantastic! So we fell in love with you at Meltdown in the Desert. We knew who you were of you. But I’ll be honest with you I was very pleasantly surprised by you at that event, and I told you that at the event is that you know the embodiment of the inner strength and spirit that you possessed was very obvious, and I can’t think of any better accolade than to say that that our young seven year-old daughter was very taken with you and continues to talk about you so you know you got high marks!
Good! I appreciate that it means a lot especially being a father of three. You know I have a very keen affection for kids. So when a kid likes me I know I mean I know I’m doing the right thing. Most adults think I’m a dick so having a kid like me, I’m doing alright you know.
You’re OK, well that’s funny because she’s very sensitive as you can imagine and we go to a lot of conferences and she’s gotten up and walked out of a few lectures and presentations because of the energy. If people aren’t being authentic or if they’re coming from their head or you know she has to say Mom this doesn’t feel good and I’m like whoa we can leave you know, and so I mean that you know in the highest degree of sincerity that she’s pretty attuned to stuff, so she saw something special in you.
That’s great!
Thank you! It means a lot.
Absolutely! So we do love to ask our guess a simple question of, what are your super powers.
I think a super power that I definitely I don’t know that I was born with it, but I’ve grown to maximize that as being able to really truly enjoy life and I know it sounds really simple and probably cliché but being in the moment I think very few people are actually capable of being in a moment. We’re constantly looking forward constantly looking backwards and I think the thing that I’m probably the most known for right now is simply being able to tell the truth.
Yeah it’s interesting you and I talked a little bit before the show I’d watched a video of yours and actually most of your videos really reflect on that concept of telling the truth and showing up. And what I loved about your message and we you weave it throughout, Is this idea of we talk about it a lot in our membership group the super power and we talk about you know creating a place where you lead and feed and where you’re led and fed and that sort of kind of continuity of energy in giving and receiving and it really is such a beautiful principle.
But what’s fascinating to me about you is the overlay of like you said you know a lot of adults think you’re a dick, like you’ve got this Gross kind of edginess to you which you know is very I’m sure very purposely constructed if not consciously and manipulatively at least because that’s the essence of who you are and that’s what you came here to represent. But it’s juxtaposed with this really cool kind of tapped in feminine energy and the fact that you sit here and say you know being happy and following that kind of concepts and so it’s a really nice integrated balance. How did you get to that place like what was the journey that led you to that real solid state of wholeness?

Just a scared little boy.
I went the opposite way and I think that’s what makes it powerful for me is I truly went the opposite way. I was very insecure; I led with bullshit versus purity. I lied a lot you know I lied about being happy, I lied about what I was doing things for I was very successful at a very young age and I bought a lot of this hate that I bought, not because you know it was filled with stuff that was because this is what you’re supposed to have and this is what the definition and representation of success is, is to have have a bunch of cars and a bunch of houses and a boat and Rolex and all this other stuff and I found myself you know doing all of these things wondering why it wasn’t fulfilling to me, but yet you know on the outside I was praised and hailed as the most successful individual and I think what really got me to the point that I am right now is having gone through that and I like to share with my clients and tell the world that I mean that there’s no such thing as right or wrong, there’s no such thing as coincidence everything has a purpose and what we fail to do is identify the purpose. We fail to be in a present state. “Oh shit! That’s why this happened” versus saying “Well you know my partner screwed me, the market curve it down, turned above” We make all these excuses and blame everything versus saying, “What about he learned?” You know and I kind of went on this two year hiatus where you know I was 30 years old and I essentially burnt my entire life to the ground I walked away from a 10 year marriage, I walked away from the 20 plus million dollar a year business that I started from scratch. I was very successful. Many you know involved in this world of this life and I burned to the ground and spent two years in what I like to call my own wilderness which is being very self-destructive and being very lost being very deceitful and lying about who I believe was and where I really was and what I really felt. And then kind of have this you know this moment of clarity where I shared one Facebook post. I was challenged by my coach to you know to start writing them my thoughts and doing different things because I was just constantly spewing angry anger and negativity and frustration cause I was angry and I was negative and I was frustrated. And one night I shared a Facebook post where I talked about how I was an asshole and how I had been really just been a dick and in my in my marriage and you know the final years of my marriage and I was extremely selfish and I was angry and for the first time I didn’t put an asterisk at the bottom of it and say, “But it was because she did and but it was because of a problem”. I just owned it. And I finally admitted the truth; I finally came to the realization that this is who I was and from that moment things just continued to extend and this truth conversations continue to grow on me and I started to admit and I realized this is who I am and this is what I am and I am dark inside and I do have darkness and I do have light and I do have masculinity e and I do have femininity. I stuff my whole life you know beating my chests with men are supposed to do. Being this alpha male this kind of you know running through life just being this really arrogant egotistical guy thinking this is what man was and really it was just a scared little boy. And what I found is that the truth that’s were real power is that’s where real masculinity is that’s where she found both the masculinity and the femininity lie. And I just became really honest with myself saying, “I am scared”, “I don’t have all the answers”, “I did something”, “I do a lot of things right”, “I do love my children”, “I do want to be wealthy”, “I do want to have a rich body”
I do want all of these things and I want them for me. And I finally started looking inward versus looking outward and that’s where I really started to fall in love with life. I started to fall in love with who I was and accepting that I was all of these things versus lying and masking and pretending that you know all is well and I am I finally admitted I made mistakes, I did things wrong, I don’t have all the answers and free that journey of telling the truth. I found some of the purest moments that life has ever provided and I sit here now you know in an aspect of life if you will simply because I’ve shared the darkness I’ve opened up my world and I’ve laid out all of these things that are not socially acceptable. We don’t talk about sex, money, politics, religion it’s just a taboo topic and those are all the things that I talk about by sharing my truth with all of them. And it’s the most liberating feeling I’ve ever experienced in my life simply telling the truth. It sounds really simple and so cheesy. It’s so cliché. Cause that’s what our parents always taught us since we were kids to tell the truth. But yet we were raised to lie, we were raised that to say what was supposed to be said, sit in this box, don’t say anything that’s going to be contrary to what anybody else feels or believes and so there’s this paradox of life and I think there is this awakening happening. And I happen to have my awakening a few years ago where I realized, I don’t really give a shit about anybody else. And when you say that people like, “Oh my gosh he’s so arrogant, so egotistical”. No, at the end of the day that reason that we put our mask on first when the plane is crashing so that we can help others. And I found that diving inside of me and telling my true power I really feel both the light and the dark has been the most liberating freeing empowering experience I’ve ever had in my entire life.
I’m not sure there’s much else to add to that other than just to say, “Amen”. Pretty phenomenal. Drop the mike so let’s. We’re going to take a quick break. You’ve been listening to the Super Power podcast where today we’re doing our Super Hero Series, “Is the world ready for Sean Whalen in Congress?” When we come back from this break we’re going to talk with him about this idea of running for Congress which is you know I just I just giggle a little bit inside. So we’re going to we’re going to come back and stick with us. We’ll be right back.
Awesome we’re back! Thanks everyone for staying with us, again you’re listening to super power experts pod cast and we are talking about our Super Hero Series, “Is the world ready for Sean Whalen in Congress?” And so just to kind of piggyback off of what you were saying before folks I really want you to pay attention to, I mean there are so many beautiful key points so just go back and re listen to that a few times. But the points that really stood out for me is that it’s so easy for folks to covet what seems to come naturally for others but make them difficultly for them, and so the money pieces you talked about this status, but also the what we you know kind of how we prostitute ourselves to accomplish those things and in what really drew me into the story that you were sharing was the idea that you were able to overlay it with this concept of what do I like about myself and what do I do well and we talk a lot about that in the curriculum that we teach Super Power Experts because there’s you know I call it like whack a mole you know like there’s all these little verticals that we all kind of deal with and some of them were really good at naturally and some of them we aren’t so good at naturally. But what you did was you looked at it and you said, “OK but I do love my kids”,
You know, “But I do like myself”, “But I do want these things” And then the natural outflow of that is well you know, “Why would I put more weight on what I perceived to be like the bad stuff versus the good?” You know, how do you start kind of moving those energies back and forth a little more fluidly cause it’s really easy to focus on the negative?

The deeper we go the more truth we find.
Photo by Matt Kochar on Unsplash
It’s really interesting because we have these spots and one of the things that I share with a lot of my clients is you know when someone asks you the question, “What are you thinking?”
We tend to go into then creating what it is that we feel someone would want to hear or what we would socially think is an acceptable answer. You know and this is a really interesting thing.
It’s a really interesting paradox because the deeper we go the more truth we find the more I find myself connecting with people that truly don’t have a connection to the feeling of it but connection to the truth. And this is where you know I was actually when my fiancé and I we were talking about this and I said, “I want you to think about this for a second”. We were in a restaurant and there is a beautiful woman or a very devilishly handsome man sitting near us and you look over and your first thought is, “Wow he’s good looking or well she’s beautiful”. And then I say to you, “What are you thinking about when you turn and you look at me?” and you say, “I’m just thinking about how magical this date is”, that’s a lie because what you’re actually thinking about is how handsome that man is now in our social world if she was to say well I’m thinking about how good looking that guy is, a confident man, a man who lives in his truth would look over at them and say, “You’re right he is good looking”. There would be no scarcity there would be no whoa what are you talking about but why do you have to look at other guys and whatever. And it’s the same thing with the woman if she said, “What were you thinking about?” I’m like, “I just I looked at that girl and I thought she was very attractive”. There wouldn’t be like, “Oh we’re you cheating on me are you lying, are you this, are you this”. There’s a level of confidence that comes in telling truth and living in your own truth. And this is what I find, is most people that are living in the truth have a very hard time with it. And so when I share things about intimacy or when I share things about you know financial matters you know when I talk openly about money and I talk openly with my clients about there is absolutely nothing wrong with creating wealth. There’s nothing wrong with being financially independent and treating copious amounts of money. Typically the people that find it on are people that don’t have any. Or the people that impurely or are arguing with themselves and rationalizing with themselves the same way that I did years ago rationalizing about well she really was a bitch and she really did do all these things and so I’m just going to blame my divorce and blame my unhappiness and blame my misery at her or going to blame my downfall of my financial world on the marketer business partner whatever. When you get to stop and truly understand and live trees it’s the purest form of communication it’s the purest form of life where you can literally look at a human being and say what are you thinking out right now and they can literally without even thinking just tell you exactly what’s on their mind and you being in a place of similar truth you get it you’re like wow that’s powerful. And now we’re not taught that way we don’t we don’t understand that. And this is where you know it’s a really interesting concept because so few people actually do it or live it.
We talk about that at time in our house because we call the concept of being fully autonomous beings and one of the things we find and I appreciate that you’re mentioning your relationship because we don’t partner in that way and then through on top of that, you know, parenting and we really parent in that way because of some of that programming and so it really becomes an interesting dance when you are vowed to people to be whole and autonomous within themselves and then you choose to come together and share in a life together. And one of the things that really early on in our marriage, I remember you know looking at just and sometimes I’m going, “OK” so this obviously is true in me, I have no idea how to talk about it, where I’m not advocating my power but I’m also not trying to take yours and that really opened the door to like, how do you kinda work through these steps because we agreed to mirror things for each other and we agreed to treat each other and things. And I think that just being open to that dialogue is so powerful because it’s like, maybe you don’t know how to do it but you can at least say, “I don’t wanna do it that way”, “I don’t wanna do it before that led to this point but can we stumble through this together? Can we kind of agree to get in the mud and get dirty and geeing gross with it and just be in it?” and there’s a lot of power there. So I mean you and I can probably talk for days about this stuff but I really want to get to, I mean there were number of things you could have chosen to do, what is it about congress, because I have a sense I know the answer but I really want to hear it from you like, what is this about for you?

I can either be the hero or superman.
Yeah, well there’s a couple of different things and I wish that I could pin it down to one but I wrote on my mirror in my bathroom probably about a year and a half was almost 2 years ago, “Why not?”. And my cleaners come every 2 weeks and they know they don’t touch anything in mirror, clean everything but what I’ve written in my mirror. And I wrote in there, “Why not?” and that truly became kind of like my mantra for life is, “Why not do this, why not say this, why not be this, why not live this” like what it the reason. One of my great friends and mentor, Jesse, he asked me a question. He’s living in Austin, Texas a couple of years ago and he said, “Why would you anything that you don’t want to do?” and I couldn’t answer it, it was like it was such a simple question but it literally dumb pounded me, like I was like, “Shit I don’t have a good answer to this, I don’t know” and it made me think like, “Why would you literally do something that you don’t want to do?” and so like the whole premise of, “Why not” came up. You know, I have always been involved in the more a rip myself off to the truth the more I love talking about everything. I love talking about intimacy and relationships and God and religion and spirituality and the universe and politics and life. I’m really interested in the, “Why” and it’s funny because as a father I have these 3 kids and they’re like, “Why dad, why dad, why dad?” and I’m like, “I’m your dad just listen to what I say” Now asking why like a little child and somebody like, “This is what it is”. I’m like, “Why is it that way, why is this this, why is this that” because they truly want to know the layers behind it and so the congressman here in Utah where I live kind of abruptly decided he was going to step down and it was you know, I’ve always had this thing that I truly want to run for president I kept saying it for the last couple of years. My Snapchat name was Potus 2020 you know I’ve been very open about my desire in getting into politics and running for president. And when this pops up there was this thought process there was this thing that came inside of me that it said, “Why would you not do this?” and I didn’t have a reason like, I have all of these things, I will make way more money than I will ever make in the congress for United States of America in my own business but I realized like, you’ve been talking, you’ve been given this gift, you’ve been able to orate principles in a common sense simplistic way that people understand. I can talk about taxes, I can talk about security, I can talk about education, I talked about all of these things and they just make sense and not that my way is the only way but my way is the right way but I just feel like that like I believe that people have the power. We the people have the power to govern ourselves to govern our lives you don’t need this big huge bureaucratic mess that we have right now. And that wasn’t necessary I can either be the hero or superman but what I realized, the record keeps playing over and over and over again and at some point in time like something is going to have to happen to change the record. And as I stopped and I looked at like I’m like, I’m not a politician, I don’t want to be a politician, I don’t have gobs and gobs and gobs of money and all of these donors and a rich dad and a rich family, I don’t have a political name, I’m a bearded tattooed guy which already is like strike 1 and strike 2 in the state of Utah which is very religious, very you know, I’m not your typical guy that’s very conservative. I like to smoke a cigar and have a brass of whiskey which is the polar opposite of what 77% of the people in the state of Utah do but I realized something like we live in a day and age where was guiding down on Trump whether you like him whether you hate him he just showed us something, he showed that anybody from any walks of life can come to the table and it doesn’t matter your past, it doesn’t matter your history, it doesn’t matter whether you said shit or talked or anything else like that, it just matters what it is you can bring to the table and how truthful and honest you are and I think that’s something that a lot of people are looking for and I feel the reason why he keeps on going and the reason why people are attracted are maxed I’m getting hundreds of millions of views in our videos is simply because people realize they really like and they think that I’m the biggest ass on the planet but most people would agree that I speak my mind. I’m not bought, I’m not suede and what comes out of my mouth is my passion and my truth. Whether you like it or not, I don’t give a shit, I don’t speak it for anybody else, I speak what’s on my mind and I think that’s the reason that tribe’s growing and people are attracted to it and they realized, we have to have this in our political system. We literally have, I described it to my children the other day I said, “This is the problem, is that we have all of these politicians, these congressman, these senators sitting on this bike, it’s better to be a tandem a bike there’s like 500 something seats and there’s one guy in the head and they literally just keep riding around the same block over and over and over doing the same dumb shit pretending in going to like this loop of insanity and sometimes the congressman will jump off and then a new one will jump on and the senator will jump off and a new one will jump on and I’m like, in some point in time like somebody’s gonna have to throw a stick or a bar into the front wheel of that bike and crash it and it’s not in a destructive manner it’s not in this way but in some point in time, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again. And I know who I am, I’m very clear with my thoughts, I’m very clear with my position, I know what I want and at the end of the day I feel like you know, the leadership capacity that I’ve been given, the gifts that I’ve been, the social media expansion that I’ve been given, this microphone, this megaphone that I’ve been given is a blessing. To cap something that I woke up one morning. You know what I want to become the social media celebrity guy and I want all these people to watch all of my videos, I just started counting my truth and it happened. And so when he decided to step down stay with beside and said do it. Just run and do it and I literally went down and filed my paper work, I brought my children with me and I said, “You know what, I’m going to teach my kids, I’m going to show my kids that I can tell them all I want” and I’m going to show them to actually live your life. To live your dreams on your rules with your own passion and this is something that I truly want to do I want to do this. I’m not interested in all of the fight I have a very clear vision as to why I’m doing this and the purpose that I have in going to DC and I realized that I’m not interested in going on a bike, I’m interested in throwing a bar in the front wheel and saying, “Hi Fellas, now that we’ve been thrown off the bike, why don’t we sit down and have a real conversation about the future of America and hopefully what to your children and my children and all of the different aspects” It’s kind of a hassle and a lot of feathers but in the end of the day truth does that.
Yeah, always. And you know just with the stint that I did with in the counterintelligence arena and everything else you know I give you a lot of credit because the environment is right and I agree with you we’re seeing all the signs. It doesn’t make it easier but you know I’m 100% behind you in the sense of, “Let’s shake some shit up” because I would much rather like take the snow globe shake it up and just kind of what happens versus continuing doing what we’ve been doing and for those of you. Oh go ahead.

The whole machine fails.
Photo by Jakub Skafiriak on Unsplash
Sorry just wanted to say something in conjunction to what you have said, I had one of my first whatever you want to call it cottage meeting, town hall meeting whatever political term is, the meeting was about 30 people in a gentleman’s home and we were talking about this and you know the comment continues to be made the machine is too big. It’s too big. The system is too big, the machine that’s been built is too big and these are all bikers you know I rode my Harley down, I told people I came to campaign on my Harley like I’m literally just on my leather jacket, I’m riding down here, I’m jumping off and throwing my jacket on the freaking stage and I’m going to stand up in front of people. I’m not doing the dog and pony show bullshit suite you know the whole thing. I’m going to be me I’m going to continue to be me. But as I’m standing there, in front of these guys I said, “Let me ask you guys a question” and gal because a woman there as well. I said, “What happens if this little teeny 99 cent part in this massive machine fails?” The answer was unanimous the whole machine fails and I said, “Why is it that we believe we truly have been indoctrinated to believe that the machine is too big, what happens if throw a little pebble in the big huge mass of machine? They say it will break the machine and I said, “Guys this thing is not too big to be broken, this thing is not too big to be stopped” Someone just a threw a goddamn pad bull in the machine who’s going to do it. I’ve already been down to the depths of hell, I’ve already been ring I’ve already done all of that. But my whole life has been exposed and I think truthfully that’s what made Trump so powerful again not whether you like him or don’t it doesn’t matter but he’s been in the public eye telling his truth and everybody knew who he was for the last 30 years and so people are trying to dig up what’s to dig up you already knew everything about him. And that’s where I feel like me telling my truth over the last 3 and a half years of my divorce, my bankruptcy, and making millions, losing millions and struggling with depression and having contemplation of suicide and all of the other things. I’ve been really real about it. I’ve done video after video and post after post and so it’s like what are you going to dig up what are you gonna come to the table and say that I’m not honest, I’m not truthful, I’m not this. It’s like what you see is what you get it’s real and on anything. The machine can be broken, every machine can be broken a massive multi ton airplane can literally be grounded because one tiny little rubber hose falls off. So to think that it can’t be stopped, it can’t be broken, a pad bull can’t be dropped in this machine, is bullshit. We’re just waiting for someone to come along and throw the pad bull in the freaking machine.
And you’re hitting on an amazing point to and then we’re seeing it across the board is the concept of transparency. We built both of our business upon that concept and really that is the most empowering thing you know when we connect with you melt down in the desert. One of the most powerful thing that I heard that come out of your mouth was the idea that the very first thing that you did wasn’t for anybody else and realized that was a piece you know I’ve danced with the devil, I’ve counted a lot of my own stuff and there was another layer of that I’m like, “Oh yeah” I’ve started building a business and connecting with people and serving in some capacity, I had taken on a story that said that I needed to take that into consideration not in an avocation but just filtering through for the audience and I was like, “Woh woh woh, where did I lose myself in that?” and it was such a powerful commentary and said oh wait I can do these things for me to. And I think sometimes in business we become enslaved to the brand, sometimes in relationships, we become enslaved into you know whatever the perception is. And so everything that we’re talking about is such a powerful commentary from where we sit and I love this stands and all it takes is one little tweak here and the whole system maybe it doesn’t collapse but it’s certainly is going to break down.
Well it’s the same thing in our own personal lives. One of the things that I featured to a client that I’m extremely passionate about is so many people and this is the reason that the last week of December is they make their money because everybody rushes and said, “I’m gonna get, this is my year. I’m gonna go to gym, I’m gonna crazy, I’m gonna get in shape” and we live in this world with an extreme but in reality it’s never extreme. You can’t go you know from being you know somebody runs $20,000 a year to earning $20,000,000 a week it’s overnight it doesn’t happen that way unless of course you win a lottery or whatever but my whole philosophy with life, with relationships, with business, with your body I mean it’s your body. Getting your body in shape but getting your mind right like your mind is full of weed it’s like you can’t turn it into this radically turn it into this beautiful lush garden where it’s bearing for this glorious fruit right. If you’re at and overweight, you can’t go from that to I’ve got a 12 pack in a week, you have to look at it from a realistic perspective and from what I teach my clients and what I share with my businesses and everybody that I worked with, this one debris. If you look at everything like if an airplane is flying in one direction and it changes 1 debris, in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months it’s in a radically different place, it’s literally on the other side of the world. And so if you look at every single day with 1 debris changed and I make today with one thing that I do differently with my body, with my mind was my relationship like your relationship is in the shredder, you’re not gonna solve that overnight. What would happen if you send 1 positive text message a day, “Oh Sean you don’t understand…?” all the excuses, cool why don’t you just try it? Why don’t you just try this one little thing? And what will happen like if you haven’t gotten off the couch for 12 months, what would happen if you like went to your mailbox and came back and then you went down to you driveway to your neighbor’s mailbox and back and then 3 doors down and then 6, the next thing you know you made a lap around the block, “Oh shit! First time I walked from the block!” and then you do 2 laps on the block and then you walked and the next thing you know you’re walking to the gym or you’re jogging to the gym. It’s this concept and understanding that the world in our lives is not gonna create these radical results overnight but what I’m trying to teach my clients and what I truly live my life by is success run in singles. Like the baseball hall of fame, the guys who were in the baseball hall of fame are not the dudes that jump to the fence every single of bat. There’s a dude that consistently got on the base and hit the ball, they weren’t flashy, they weren’t freaking all over the place, they weren’t smashing outside of the park every single bat, they were consistent every single day. You find success swinging singles; you find success in your relationships, in your financial world. If you’re broke and shit, what would it look like if you made $1 tomorrow? If you have $0 in your bank account, $1, “Oh Sean I can’t buy my Lamborghini with a dollar” you’re right you can’t buy a Lamborghini with a dollar but $1 in your account instead of having $0 would mean a lot to you hell yeah it would, awesome. Now what would it look like if you have $1.50 the next day and then $2 the next day and then $3 and this is not how people think, people that they have to eat the entire elephant in 1 sitting and I’d say I’ll eat the elephant all day long bite by bite. For now while you’re still trying to figure out how to fit the elephant in your mouth, I’ve already eaten it and that’s the radical difference between somebody that understands the progression of life than somebody that’s willing to be patient, that’s willing to do the work, that’s willing to make the changes and saying, “I’m gonna make this 6 month goal, 12 month goal.” Six months from now you’re still figuring out how to fit the elephant in your mouth, I’ve already eaten it.

Six months from now you’re still figuring out how to fit the elephant in your mouth, I’ve already eaten it.
Photo by Chris Christensen on Unsplash
Oh my gosh that’s awesome! Well like I said we can talk for days and if you want we can certainly to have you back on the show and tackle some topics, where can people go to find out more about you? is my website got most of my information there. A lot of my campaign stuff is there or you can go to and find out a little bit more about our program and coaching and different things that we are doing.
Cool and if you haven’t had the opportunity to check out Sean’s social media I like to call it the circus. In addition to being incredibly empowering the commentary that he invokes is pretty entertaining. So I’ve gotten caught up with that a couple of times just sitting there kinda scratching my head like, “What?”
I get a lot of these from people that were like, “Dude I literally laughed my butt off for hours” When they literally surf on my social media and reading comments and they were like, “How do you deal with these people?” and I smiled because I know when share something it’s not to create this radical risk. I know that I think differently with people and so when they talk about comments and things, people like, “I don’t even understand that” and what do we do we build a society that fights truth like
My favorite comment of all like sad, angry face emoji’s that people put on that’s where I was like I don’t understand why this invokes emotion like I’m really confused.
I know. Well it really does and to wrap everything that you were saying, truth does that and it sounds so simple, it sounds so easy because we’re supposed to tell the truth and if you really step back in your life, 99% of people listening to this are full of shit. I don’t say that arrogantly I don’t say that to be mean but really if you stop and really think about it. When you think about where you are in every aspect of your life you’re lying. You’re lying about where you’re really are what you really want because if you live that truth it’s a completely different reality than where you are right now and most people will go to their grave you know trying to fit into someone else’ mold, do it someone else’ way because that’s the way they think it’s supposed to be going once people realize how in the train the most liberating thing, empowering thing in the planet that is full of shit. You’re just naturally guided towards other people who are doing it.
Absolutely, yeah the people who are willing to play we call it synergistic collaboration those people just jump just play I mean you can tell the ones that don’t you know and it’s just like I just don’t have time for these stories and the what not so you’ve certainly inspired me to give a few of this thoughts in the world and I appreciate that and we wish you well and you know superpower experts is certainly behind you and are willing to support you. So reach out to us and let us know how we can help certainly I know there’s a donate but now your paid and inspired on what he’s doing 1. Do it yourself figure out how to do that in your world but also you know support what Sean is doing and promote his stuff I think we’re starting to see some shifts and very ready for that so thank you so much for joining us Sean.
Thank you so much!
Absolutely and to all of you out there as always we appreciate your loyalty so until next time go out and uncover your superpower and change the world. Take care everyone
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