Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert; and I’m excited to share with you our guest on the show, she is in our listeners choice guest list. For the next couple of minute we will have her on the show, just saying bye to relax into that space. Peggy Sealfon is a Personal Development Coach and Motivational Speaker an Internationally known Expert. She’s got a remarkable kind of bio. I really want to emphasize what I find most remarkable about her is your willingness to trust that the work that she’s doing is having the impact that it is designed and she shall share some stories, I’m sure with you but it’s just the outreach and the willingness to be in that expansion is a lot of what we talk about here Super Power Experts and she is the embodiment of that. In really practical ways which again is the work that we’re clear we’re all here to do. So, without further ado please join me in welcoming Peggy off onto the show. Welcome Peggy.
Thank you, Tonya. That is the most unusual introduction I’ve ever had and I love it.
I think we’ve succeeded in one and I work to make sure the listeners understand the work that you do, through your books and through your being. I mean all of that. I think it’s important to help people understand that kind of a holistic thing when you choose this life. But we’ll get into that, our first question is What are your Super Powers?
They are very expansive. The main one really is that I discovered that I’m Claire sentience and intuitive have precognition abilities and I’ve been told I’m a walking talking Radionics machine. And some people try to use a machine but I am the machine. So that was kind of interesting and I’ve been a healer so I’ve trained with Dr. Eric Perl and reconnected healing and I’ve studied with a lot of other energy healers. I really use all of that and I feel every one of us can connect to our inner powers and the healing powers and it’s really all about the energy it’s really all about the vital life force the Chi, the Holy Spirit however you want to call it. But that’s really at the core.
Sometimes, I’m talking but I’m not actually saying anything so I apologize. I realize and you did vocalize what I was saying to you. Those of you who didn’t pick up on the telepathy I was now back speaking again. I love what you were talking about Claire’s sentience and to touch more about the really Radionics Machine. I don’t know what that is?
Well, it’s one of these machines that really connects to that powerful combination of sound and color it really connects to the source and it’s a portal of information that’s always open. Some people use that to have the connection, to get balanced and I’m told that I am one, I’m the human version.
I can feel that and since I was getting it, it emanates out of you. And I call it embrace but it’s pulses I can see the pulse off me it’s almost like sonar. I didn’t have the words for it. I didn’t even know that existed. But it’s not that I can tell it’s almost like Internet theory. I tried oddly enough at one stage of my existence where I typed electromagnetic theory an antenna theory that kind of stuff to individuals in the government. So that’s in my contract that’s what it reminds me of.
Thank you.
Absolutely! let’s talk a little bit about the how all of that led you to the realization of that powerful in itself. And then being willing to really step into that space with other people. Because today’s shows is all around strategies for Personal Development. How did you get to the place where you were comfortable saying one claiming this like using that or maybe using it came first and then claiming it second. How did that unfold for you?
Right to be honest Tonya is the very first time that I’ve claimed it in public. I mean it’s always been a private thing and just something that I’ve used in my whole life since I was a young girl. I’ve always been a compassionate listener and I thought everybody was I always felt deeply that person’s experiences that I was with in their emotions over the years as I certified and trained in a variety of modalities and became a Personal Development Coach. I am able to connect with others in a deeper way that could really help them overcome their limitations or boundaries or obstacles. And I created an entire integrated life coaching system that I use and really helped them balance and supercharge their lives. All the super powers that are part of me, really helped me fast track other people’s evolutions and abilities to transcend whatever blockages they may have whether they’re issues or health relationships work life purpose spirituality. And I’m able to really drill down to the source of the problems and help them overcome. And all of that really emanates from that knowing inner place and the beautiful connection because again it’s about the energy it’s about the vibrational frequencies and a lot of them begin with very low vibrational frequencies and I really help lift them up and tune them up.
I just saw this vision of you know when they drill for oil or whatever like it goes into the ground into the core and then but with that sonar piece like that emanated So it’s almost like you’re like breaking up the block like breaking up the solidity that keeps people tethered to those lower frequencies and as it kind of breaks it up like those pieces once there’s movement. Once we can create space in between those little pieces of parts now they can be transmuted. Now they can be worked with and moved and integrated or whatever the process might be for each of those parts. But that’s like it’s almost like a drill like me. What was that movie with. Oh goodness. Like all their faces like Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler on the moon. They go up to the crater like the meteor they have to go up to the meteor and like drill this. They bring in this like a hot fudge drill team to go up and they’ve got these issues like that. That’s it like this is so powerful. But the just the position of that with the love and the frequency of love that you carry. I think it’s so beautiful so it’s quite destructive. But it’s very healing and loving in the process.
Well, it’s destructive in terms of getting rid of old toxic stuff that is dark and it is cutting through that beautiful. Changing each person can really be self-empowered and really have hope. And I think by hearing people understanding then offering them real skills that can help them overcome that and sort of give them their own drills they can make a huge difference and so believe in this opportunity to help others because that’s what we’re about, as we lift-up our neighbors and our friends we’re really lifting ourselves up because we raise our vibrational frequencies, it’s such a crucial thing and I love that you talk about love because it all does starts from the heart and the source that really is love.
Well we talked about that a lot here in Super Power experts because our claim is that your super powers only really come on line with any degree of reliability and consistency when two things occur. One is you have to master your own personal power first and then you really have to commit to using those super powers for good. And that phase where we move into where we’re saying I am accepting that I agreed to assist others. Ironically, we think that’s altruism that we’re doing this great work in the world but it’s very self-perspective that’s the next phase of our own growth. When we talk about personal development. A lot of times we think people are going to be kind easy peace self-help kind of track. And then you’ll be good to go. I love what you’re embodying in the sense like there’s some dark places and deepness to it and death that holds really amazing clues and keys and abilities and all this like a lot of the essence of who we are is kind of trapped in there a few episodes like if I again drilling for oil, to get to the stuff but you need certain vibrational frequencies you have to be willing to bus through some things in it. It’s not in the moment it’s not always rainbows and unicorns but the resulting factor is far is exponentially more powerful and you know for those of you listening really understand that because I talk to people all the time who say that they want that existence. They say that they want to change the world. They say that they want to have an impact and that’s great. But if you’re not willing to have that impact first on yourself then it can’t happen. And so that’s a big piece of it. And then the second piece of it is really the idea that if it is truly the next phase the mission to do the thing.
It’s also about understanding that the darkness and the burdens that heaviness is really part of our humanness also. And it’s accepting that and not resisting it because as Core Young said what you resist persists and as you notice it and recognize it you can then with set and be in the light. And when you do that it’s so much more empowering and it allows you to really enter into your greatness and find your Superpowers because they just flow at that point because then you’re connected to the source and everything becomes more effortless and people I think in our culture don’t realize this. I know for myself I grew up in and environment that it was always about work harder to get more and struggle and suffer and then you’ll succeed instead of succeeding all along the way instead of really being in the channel of experiences that allow you to walk the walk. And I think we lose sight of that because of our cultural prejudices or beliefs. And it’s important to recognize that we can be in the light in every moment and we can see the darkness and we can respect it and we can let it go.
That is beautiful. Thank you so much. We’re going to take a quick break. We’ve been talking with Peggy Sealfon about strategies for personal development and when we come back we’re going to get you some real practical guide you and further down your path. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.
Awesome We’re back with Peggy Sealfon hunt on the super power expert super power podcast with Super Power Expert. And we’ve been talking about strategies for personal development so what can we share with our listeners about right here right now in this moment that they can a couple steps just to change things up for themselves.
I think one of the most important things as we’ve talked about before the break because of cultural influences we are on this stressful tear and we’re full of anxiety we’re full of fears and first and foremost we really need to find time to be quiet to meditate to be silent to be in nature to tune in word and to turn off the chatter. So that way you can really connect to your authentic self to your inner powers. And, for myself I find meditation particularly helpful. In fact I’ve even created a simple routine that I’ll share with your listeners to meditation or to free audio that they can download and it just takes three minutes. So, they can go to 3minutestodestress.com and just download it. What I recommend is that they use it multiple times a day because the practice of it will help the line you mind body heart and spirit. And it’s it takes practice. You just do it. You have commit to it. And I do have some longer meditations on my web site so if people want to visit my home page I have a very relaxing smile meditation that literally helps you put a smile in your heart. So, if you’re having a rough day or you just need to or want to be able to tune into that beautiful blissful place the smile meditation is a great way to go.
Perfect. Well thanks so much for sharing that with all of us. The one of the biggest challenges I see people facing is that we’re very smart and a lot of us are hyper aware and we’ve kind of done some of the exploratory journeying into. It challenges is that people resist sometimes the actionable steps. What they might perceive of as being very elementary steps of simply being quiet. And what I really want to remind people of is that so look at it this way. Like so let’s say your knowingness your higher self or whatever is in knowing is out there is aware of all this other stuff. Well the pieces and parts say that you’re integrating and moving some of these pieces and parts have been buried in that solidity maybe past lives that go eons ago maybe childhood maybe earlier all of this existence whatever that may be but they’re kind of in an arrested development state. So, you may be told where so because a lot of people like why know all this. I know this, I know this, is like rape but are you. Do, we get it sometimes those higher aspects of you may not need the reminders. But that doesn’t mean that all the pieces of parts of you are in a line or that so you know I liken it to if you had a child who didn’t know how to ride a bike you know would you would you chastise a child and say but I already know how to ride a bike why can’t you just do it. You don’t know. You take the time out and you teach that child how to ride the bike even though you know how to ride a bike already. You still teach it. So, you can look at it from that perspective and all pieces and part they need to learn and you may need to teach them in this moment how to do some of the more elementary things because they didn’t get that message. You know they’ve been very deep in the recesses of your body somewhere or your existence. as you bring them on like teach them how to be with you in this space that you’re aware of. But they haven’t been able to exist there with you.
I think it’s so true and it’s so much about awareness and really coming to grips with some of the preconditioning whether it’s past lives or childhood. I think so much of that begins by recognizing and being more in tune with one’s self talk. We do not pay attention to the things that we say to ourselves. When you cut your finger. What’s the reaction, do we curse at ourselves for being so stupid or irritated about it. How do we react to it, So it’s really being mindful paying attention on purpose about how we’re responding because so many of our reactions in life are from those early vibrational messages that we got that got stored in our bodies and minds and literally created these neural pathways that we keep defaulting back to, like I’m not good enough or I’m not going to succeed or I will not going to mount anything, and these could be messages that we got way before that keep manifesting in different ways that are holding us back. So, the first step to me is really becoming aware of what we’re saying to ourselves. And then the second step would be developing some new sayings some new affirmations or positive statements that really help talk to ourselves talk to our vibrational energies and really lift them up. And I’ll tell you a quick story. For myself I play competitive tennis and a years ago I was playing on a team at night and I was tasked with playing singles which I hadn’t been playing a lot. They sort of threw me to the wolves and I was playing on red clay at night against a woman who was 20 years my junior who is lefthanded making lousy line calls and I was getting more and more aggravated upset annoyed with myself how could I be so stupid. Why did I choose to do this or I hate this, I’m not doing well I can’t do this. I was performing worse and worse and worse and worse and I suddenly caught myself what am I doing with this self-talk. And I changed it and I just started reciting something that actually I have in my book Escape from anxiety and it came from Richard Rogers who was a pastor at a Unity Church. And the expression is “I’m a person of great value. I’m an expression of the divine” and just by saying that I cannot tell you how rapidly the feeling in my body and mind transformed and I became empowered and I realized wait a minute. But she’s a person of the divine as well. But I’m not going to think about her I’m thinking about me and I got better and stronger and stronger. It is a three-hour match and I won and it was such a palpable indication of how we all have the power to change what may not be working in our lives and we just have to look at OK what do we need to do to change that. And there are some simple solutions.
It’s so beautiful. It reminds me of when I was still a counterintelligence agent and I was working doing investigations and surveillance when I really started opening-up to some of these concepts. I you know I think I’d watch The Secret or you know you know how those things go and what I found is so challenging because I’ve been this phenomenal space that then I’d go to work and you maybe can imagine the government particularly counterintelligence happens to be a pretty suspicious paranoid kind of place in terms of national security and we see Spies like peeping around every corner and it was so hard for me. Like we’d have these team meetings and all this other stuff for me to maintain that frequency in that environment. And I got so frustrated I couldn’t find just like practical ways of how to do this. I just wasn’t in touch with those things, so I wrote one like I wrote a three step here is how you can do this. One, of them was like look for 20 things that are beautiful in the world, another one is I can’t remember but first kind of connected you to like opening your eyes and looking out broader than what you’re seeing. Third is by the third day you are connecting with others by smiling and greeting people who are virtual strangers and I didn’t even realize consciously what I was creating and it’s something that we sell now just as practical like how do you do this. I like these techniques in your library mindfulness, very practical. You said something a second ago and it was paying attention on purpose. It was so brilliant. But before we have just a few minutes left before we let everyone or we let you go and close-up the show you shared with me a remarkable story that I’d like to share with our listeners and it and this is what I was alluding to the beginning of the show folks is when we talk about doing this work in the world this isn’t a side gig like it’s not a hobby. You don’t set out to have an impact on the world and change the world by accident. Some of it can feel like you kind of look at oh wow look at all of that. But it is a choice and it’s a choice to do the things that will allow you to have an impact. Peggy’s also Prolific Writer and has number of books but would you mind sharing the story that you shared with me earlier.
Thank you for allowing me. I really was touched by this experience at the deepest level and I wrote this book Escape from anxiety supercharge your life with powerful strategies from A to Z which has over 100 strategies for interrupting stress and fear and pain. I was just floored. A couple of months ago when I got an email from a man who had read my book and said it changed his life and changed his life so much so that he began studying about anxiety and stress and has now written his own book to help his people. In his book is called Parachute and he asked me if I would write the forward. But what just socked this home to me is that this man Abbas Madani lives in Iran. The impact of reaching people in another part of the globe who we might view differently or have prejudices about the fact is what I wrote in the forward. If people go to my Web site I just posted the forward that I wrote on my blog. They can go to peggysealfon.com they can access it on the blog. And it’s about experiencing peace in your own life and being able to spread that through others and being able to really walk the walk and be in that vibrational frequency not just when you feel like it but always to really be able to exist there. And that really changes everything when you do that and when you open your heart and open your mind to new beliefs because I think we get stuck in our old beliefs that came from preprograming and all sorts of earlier messages and it’s time to be more expansive and we have that capacity. It’s time to recognize it to waken and to be empowered.
I love that story in so many levels. But the biggest one is like we’re kind of laughing before the show. Like how would you predict that. Like, you and I often find myself encouraging people that believe in the miraculous and every moment the miraculous is just around the curve we did a show with our no Saint Paul about paranoia and the concept that the universe is conspiring on your behalf. Like the difference or opposite of paranoia. It was such a beautiful concept. I’m like why is it so much easier. Restively the opposite. Let’s just believe in the miraculous it happens and whenever you go seeking you will find it. So be careful what you’re seeking. But what I love that story is the trust and faith that you demonstrated in yourself in the divine and in your journey and the way that you emulate and model that. Thank you and I honor you for the work that you do in the world.
Well and thank you for doing all that you’re doing. To be able to express this to the world beyond people I might have been able to reach without your opportunities so I really thank you and I appreciate being able to be here and I’m gratified with all this kind of return of the energy that comes back when you give out. You can’t give to others what isn’t flowing through you so it really starts with you and you have to start by activating your power.
Beautiful and I appreciate all of that. And we have shared some of these links. We’ll make sure if you’re looking for those they’ll be in the articles to make sure that you go to superpowerexperts.com and look for the shows and get all the links to her stuff and I highly recommend that you take her up on her offer. But some of those meditations and recognize that a piece of you may want to say that while I already know how to meditate I already know all this stuff and it’s like you know there’s really no place for that and oneness and in connection and in that frequency of love accept the gifts that are being offered and recognize that if it feels in resonance with you there’s probably a reason that there may just be a piece of you that needs that reminder. You know see it is the gift that it is. Peggy thank you again so much for being on the show and everyone is not there. Absolutely! and to all of you out there we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time go out and uncover your superpowers and change the world. Take care of everyone.
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