Conscious Comedian, StevieAnne Petit, uses her Super Powers of being a conduit for Source/God. She helps others BE more fully who they are. Her book, Egos are Like Farts, is rocking the world in an abrupt and humorous way. Get ready to laugh it up with this hilarious interview.

Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and you all are in for a treat. I am really excited to introduce today’s guest, StevieAnne Petitt. She is a…she is a who…she is a conscious comedian. And I can talk all day long about her and brag about her. And seriously take up the entire show time just in her accolades but what we’re going to focus on, because you’re just going to get that if she just…she starts talking, I really want to focus on the fact that she’s got a book out on Amazon called Egos Are Like Farts. Both are not guilty. This is hilarious. Just in the short time I was like getting to know her she’s already becoming quickly one of my favorite people. It was endorsed by Pam Grout who also wrote Think And Grow Rich here recently and she’s got some cool projects coming out. But for the most part what I want you to know about this woman is how she’s lighting up the world using herself as this open beacon to the world to show everybody that it is safe to be yourself, that it’s safe to work to your craft and it is safe to shine that light brightly and so please please, please join me in welcoming StevieAnne Petitt to the show. Welcome StevieAnne. How are you?

Thank you. Thank you, Tonya Dawn. I’m really well. Thank you so much.

I’m so excited to talk with you today. This is like a…anyway…anyway we could go on and on and get all this but we’ll jump right in. So, what are your Super Powers?

OK, my Super Power, first and foremost, I believe I act as a conduit for, you know, Spirit, God, Source and so that super power that exudes from me is the ability to lighten up enlightenment. I like to take all this deep dark shadow work, you know, and all this deep processing that we do when we’re trying to heal. And I like to use comedic metaphors that make it easy to digest and a little bit easier to kind of laugh our way through the process of what I like to call the humor experience. So I believe that’s how God uses me as an instrument.

That’s perfect. I love the lighten up enlightenment. I think it’s high time we all have like, lighten up enlightenment. This lighten up enlightenment with the whole Super Power thing is like, if we’re not having fun then what’s the point, right?

Right. I mean that’s like the best perks to a superpower right? It’s, you know, sometimes you got to make it fun and use it to your advantage, so, I’d say comedy and just coming up with wits and purposeful puns and metaphors that make it easier to observe the human experience and to just be more lighthearted in childlike wonderment. And so oftentimes I…I refer to flatulence because that’s something funny that takes place in the humor experience and it’s the way that I can connect with my like-minded beings. It’s something we can all relate to whether we want to admit it or not.

I love it. Let’s just jump right in there in kind of a short protocol. OK, so tell us a little bit about the book as I love some of those metaphors you were telling me earlier about, you know, the connection to opinions and I thought that was extremely valuable particularly with the onslaught of social media. Please, please, please share that.

Cool. Thank you. OK so well, first and foremost, this was a divine download. This came to me during a project at the school that I was attending the Southwest Institute of Healing Art. I was going through a two-year degree program to become a holistic wellness practitioner. And one of the classes, I took a whole 300 hours in Hypnotherapy, big fan of metaphors and how the subconscious, you know, speaks in metaphors and images. So one of the projects was to come up with a metaphor and I happened to be like a class clown, anyway and I just wanted to do a comedic approach because I didn’t want this heavy deep dark metaphor of carrying a bag of rocks. And, you know, I wanted to kind of play with it. And so I just thought, “OK what is it do I want to work on?” And I realized that I struggle a lot with criticism. I’m either criticizing myself or criticizing others. I bounce between self-righteous and self-loathing. And so is the ego right? That’s part of the human experience that helps us navigate between success and safety. But the ego in its mind chatter oftentimes goes beyond success into superiority and beyond safety into inferiority. And I struggle with that. And to this day I still do. So opening up this idea of, OK how can I make this an easier process for me to just be a decent human being? And what do you know? Oh the heavens parted and I get this divine download at 3 a.m. And I just was writing seriously Egos Are Like Farts. And I started to realize that how, if I were as mindful of expressing my opinions of other people and of myself as I was expressing my flatulence, we would be in much less toxic environment. My environment would be much less, you know, toxic and I would offend people less because I’d be mindful about how I was airing my opinions and how it was showing up because it causes a great deal of, you know, just tension and so all the comedic metaphors just kept rolling. I realized that much like my ego, farts are very similar in that it’s easy to tolerate my own but I can’t stand anyone else’s. So that was a great awareness. Also, I realized that after I’ve expressed my ego, it can be really difficult to clear the air. It puts distance between me and my loved one, if I’m not mindful of course. Two, they’re silent but deadly. And this is how, you know, this is the internal dialogue that we have like those thoughts that I have in my mind that I’m not good enough or better than another person. And so that’s, you know, that’s the most toxic of all cause that’s just kind of not being filtered, that’s not being expressed in a way that’s helpful. And I think you know there’s nine comedic comparisons in the book and they all relate to everyday human experiences. But Chapter Nine, the last part, is all about how the ego still is part of this human experience and it does serve us. It helps us digest information. And so it’s still there, we must express. That’s what makes us uniquely ourselves, in fact, the ego is part of our Super Powers. It’s one of the ways that we show up authentically and unique to us that helps contribute to the world. But the thing is, how can we channel that Super Power so that we use it for the good? So if I can express myself mindfully, then I’m able to hopefully inspire other people to do the same. And that ultimately contributes to what I call conscious crop dusting, which is the airing of opinions and, you know, my thoughts on things and my belief systems in a way that doesn’t offend other people but rather it keeps things harmonious. You know, we have to express this part of the human experience. And so is flatulence. So I own it when it’s me. You know, like, “Hey it was me. My apologies.” I own it when it’s just hot air, you know. That’s the gossip that’s not even true about other people. You know, sometimes it’s just hot air. And so I have to own that and I say, “You know what, my apologies, that was my ego running away with, you know, so on so forth.” And so I just…I use this comparison as often it’s possible to practice a mindful approach to how I express myself and in showing up that candidly, I’ve been very well received and I and I…it’s amazing that I actually can just share my embarrassing, silly moments as a human and that somehow helps other people realize their own Super Powers. So, I mean, that’s kind of the overall theme of the book is to just lighten up enlightenment and to take a comedic approach and to observe the ego from a place of neutrality and even humor. And in that childlike wonderment, in a sense, we are more mindful about how we express ourselves which leads to a more compassionate lifestyle and a more compassionate world. So that’s that.

That awesome. And it’s so needed right now. You know, people are starving just for that realness, you know, for people that just kind of stop all of this aside and really does show up fully as, you know. I often say, you know, there’s always someone watching, there’s always somebody wanting to know if it’s safe to show up as themselves. And for those of us who venture into the world of known, you know, the ownness is on us to demonstrate that and to show up fully because if we don’t, energetically, people know like, where you’re sitting vibrationally.


And if you are sitting in a specific vibration and you are still showing up in some sort of prescribed methodology, then people get that and intrinsically, like puts this message inside of them that says, “Well they’re not…they don’t feel like it’s safe to show up.” And they’re quote unquote, probably, they know more than I do, “So therefore it must not be safe for me to show up.” So anytime we play small, we just perpetuate that idea, you know.


It’s like, well, you know, what are we afraid of? I guess that we all carry around like remembrances of Crucifixion, and being drowned and being burned at the stake, like I guess that is a collective thing that if you start to talk about this stuff, you know, and accessing source and talking to God and all these other things, you know. We used to be, you know, shunned and imprisoned and killed for that type of stuff. And so we have those collective stories but…yeah…


This is safe. You know, we can do that this time. This is high time perhaps above all others. We don’t have to give up what we want and how we want to exist in relationships and everything else to do this work. And uhm…


But it doesn’t change the fact that we have those stories and we have those fears and so we have to touch through them.

Right. And that’s the thing. When we, I mean, we’ve nailed it, like, when we show up authentically as the greatest expression of ourselves not not offending others but, you know, mindful of how it is that we’re going to express, knowing that everyone’s going to digest or to receive us differently. When we show up and show off our Super Powers, other people go, “Hey I got…I got a super power. Can I show you mine?” because otherwise, they just feel like, “Who am I to show this?” This is something that makes me unique or different or they challenge and they question if it even is a Super Power because it’s…it’s so natural to them that they don’t realize that it’s unique and different from other people’s. So I love this project. I love what you’re inviting people to do which is to claim their own Super Powers. And sometimes, we get to ask our friends and say, “You know, what are some strengths that you would say that I have that you noticed about me?” And it’s ok…it’s ok to, like, know that about yourself. We take our strengths for granted and we don’t even know that they’re Super Powers because we assume that everyone else has them. But and maybe to some degree we all do. Right. But we all in this lifetime perhaps are meant to express certain ones more so than others or tap in and dial into other super powers more so than others. Maybe we all have the ability to fly but only a few of us will do it, you know, and that’s fine. But it’s like knowing that and not being afraid to show your Super Power, because all that does is give other people permission to do the same. So we have to start showing up super. We have to. We got it like S on the chest, like, let’s do it. We’re all raw, authentic and real. Yeah.

And that’s exactly what we stand for that and the way we manage a whole Super Power things I do believe that we all have access to all of them, that what we help people feel like we are predisposed to certain ones. And so, you know, master the one that you’re predisposed to first because that can be the easiest thing.  And the ones that we’re predisposed to always came with that challenge that we wanted to overcome this lifetime to do that work first. That’s where the crassness journey comes into. That’s where the getting to know yourself comes into. That’s where you have to get to where you’re embodying a particular frequency and then go out and be like, “Yeah sure. Now I can fly.” like “Now I can do this other Super Power, now I can practice Tempo Precognition, now I can do levitation, now I can finally say, you know. Well of course then you can.

Now I can meditate for two minutes.

Absolutely. Well and then you get to a space in that…embodying that abstract frequency where meditation becomes something totally different. You just do it for fun. Because you are connected to the Source in all things and all times. And so there’s no…you don’t have to vacate your life quote unquote your real life to go into connection. You’re connected in all things. You can’t totally disengage at that point.

Yeah like this has been in our DNA all along. It’s not like we are learning something, we’re remembering. And so it’s just as simple as let’s see it in another person and then if it resonates in that moment it’s because we ourselves know that it exists and resides within us otherwise we wouldn’t even be able to identify it in another person. We see it. We admire it. It inspires us, inspiring, meaning, in spirit. And so we see other people actively participating in showing up with their Super Powers. And it moves us. We instinctively feel it and know it, that it resides within us otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to recognize it. And so we have to show up as the greatest expression of ourselves with our Super Powers. We have to remember what those are, you know. And then we give other people permission to do the same because it reflects back to them. And it reminds them that they have it within their DNA also.

Absolutely. It’s so fascinating to me because I find…here recently, I just went through another big transition and, you know, this is the work that we do within The NET, The Network of Evolutionary Transformation. We guide people, give them that collective environment. We have experts who hold their hands and stuff like that and we…but it’s, you know, so as…what’s so fascinating to me is how interconnected we all are, have the luxury of looking at The NET as a microcosm of the collective population as a whole. And so I get to see the patterns and interconnectedness in a really cool way. But it’s fascinating to me how we grow both from being pushed from the bottom as well as from expanding from the top. And so as more people come into the net at different frequencies and stuff like that, they move all of us, collectively, and push those of us in certain positions to move even further while we as individuals are also, you know, kind of taking those brave steps forward. And here recently I went through another part of that and it’s so interesting because I would have told you, “Well let me backpedal.” So I told…I spoke earlier with you a little bit about the book that I wrote about my experiences being raped when I was 16 and then 32, you know. Anyway you can read the book if it’s of interest, but the whole point of it is that prior to my realization after that second situation I…I would have told you and I think everybody else would have told you that I was a very strong woman. I’d been a soldier. I was a government agent. I was usually armed like, you know, like there were some whatnot going on there. And, and after that second situation I had to face the fact that there were areas in my existence where I was not powerful at all and I didn’t feel safe and I didn’t feel in control.

And not in control. Right.

Absolutely. And so. So what’s fascinating to me is and then after that realization you know you build that up and you realize that you feel those bonds and you were pushed through. Here recently, I had a similar experience where I would have told you that I was showing up fully, you know, absolutely fully, like I am like…what else do you need, because, you know, I talked to God a lot, you know, “What else do you need me to say? Like, “What else do you want me to do? Like, “Do I need to scream on the rooftop? Do I need to run around wearing a cape?” Like, “What do you want me to do?”


“Where am I now showing up?

What’s the next call that I’m supposed to take?

And again it was like, everyone’s like, “Tonya, you’re free out there, like you do Wednesdays, like you channel in front of a bunch of people. You pretty much busted through these barriers of showing up fully in this. And I’m like, “Nope there’s got to be another layer because I was sensing it and I was observing it in other people which always tells me that is in me, of course.

Yes, ma’am.

And so, of course, there was this other layer of it and it never ends like there’s always another layer. There’s always another level to pass through. And it’s so important to keep doing that because the second get complacent and think and develop an identity in whatever space we’re sitting in, then we’re not doing that next level of work. We’re not challenging ourselves to move into that. And so that’s, that’s never ending. Like it’s great to, you know, show up and be like oh I’m going to talk about egos be like farts. Well, gosh I mean, I can’t wait to hear what the next thing is you’re going to come out with because it’s like…

I have a working title. I have a working title. I’ll share it with you guys. Not too many people noticed, but it’s called I Just Shift My Pants instead of I Just, you know, Met My Pants. And it’s all about me, still, as you’re saying, pushing through this illusion or idea that I can’t do something or that I am not good enough or that my Super Power is limited, you know, like we got to push past that. And, and one of the greatest things I heard just yesterday was and I had heard it before. You know sometimes things resonate at a different time even yourself but don’t just be pushing through things. But also go to what you’re pulled to, like let something pull you through, as opposed to just always pushing. And so I really like that line that’s, gosh, you know, and it is…it’s a…it’s a paradoxical sort of deal we have to balance. And so yeah we push through. But then just trust and have faith that we’re also going to be pulled along the way. There’s, you know, and that’s probably the biggest thing to, with this whole Lighten Up Enlightenment is sometimes yeah we got to do work. I love Hypnotherapy. I love crying my eyes out. I love processing and unwinding through polarity and Reiki and I get all sorts of work done and it’s whatever feels right in that moment.

So I know that I have to push through these things and I do. But then when I have the opportunity to lighten it up a little bit that’s what pulled me through. That’s like the extra piece that gets me through and makes it a little bit easier. You know, it kind of strings me along with a little bit more ease and grace. So it’s finding what that is for us. Yeah we’re going to have to do the work that’s why we’re here. It wouldn’t be a human experience this whole reality if there wasn’t contrast, if there wasn’t like you and I had mentioned earlier this like sort of Spider-Man, you got to get bit by a spider, you know we spoke about that before going live. And it’s just a beautiful representation of how that’s what makes our Super Power super, you know.


So it’s beautiful. It’s a beautiful paradigm.

And it’s what prepares us for you, know, using those Super Powers for good. And I…and I’m very bold in telling people that, “You know, these Super Powers aren’t going to come on line for people until they’ve done that work because we didn’t want to use them for vehicle this lifetime, like we wanted to use them for good.


And that means you have to get to this place where you’re embodying a frequency where you get it and if you don’t get it yet and you’re still coming to the ego and you’re still, you know, as an individual, you can’t stay out of ego. But this is why we work in collaboration as a collective we had.

Yes. So own it.

As long as you’re willing to hold each other accountable and call each other out and be like, “Hey, you know, you want to check that story?” or you want to, you know, but as a person or an individual, it’s very difficult to do, you know. And so we come together because we can do it together which is why, like the whole Super Power Experts model, it’s completely collaborative. Like, I can’t stay out of ego it’s impossible.

That’s right. So it’s like let’s find a way to use it for the good then, you know.


If I’m going to use my ego I want to use the ambitious side of it that motivates me to show up as the greatest expression of self. But in a humble way, you know. Sometimes they’ve got to give the ego, the chatter, the mind chatter, I got to give it a project to work on so that it’s not just running around sharing a bunch of gossip and other stuff, you know. So it’s like if I’m going to use my Super Power, I love that you said that the story and what we go through, is ultimately what helps us use the Super Power for good. And you’re right. You know what, it manifests when we’re ready. When we say, “I’m called to serve and I’m ready to serve. Show me my Super Power.” That’s when it shows up. So that’s…oh gosh that’s so beautiful. It’s like being called to a divine mission and you’re saying, “All right, I’m a spiritual courier. Let’s do this. I’m ready for the frontline.” you know. And I think it’s no surprise that our archetypes are very similar. You know with the government background like that, it’s like let’s do this.

Yeah. We didn’t even mention earlier about the fact that you have a military police background.


And I love that juxtaposition. In fact, it’s interesting to me most of the guests that I interview have, you know, they started life in a very practical grounded way and I always joke about them like, I feel like if I started off in the Woo-woo World like there’s no way I was going to go back and pick up that piece.

No way. Yeah no way.

Who wants to go through that? You know, once they’re in total awareness and so…so because of this lifetime we’re demonstrating integration and that’s what we want to live from, we had to do the practical first, because you know, I’m…me, I’m just not that motivated to go back and take it off, right?

And it’s like if anything, we’re going to go back to our hometown just to say, “Come on guys let’s get the heck out of here.” Like, it’s like when we go back to the military and just say, “Hey guys let me show you a better way.” And I got to tell you, you know, I do a lot of videos typically behind my seat belt in my Jeep. Crying tears of gratitude. And it’s crazy because it’s authentic raw dialogue and me just expressing openly my ego and where it has affected others and offended others and how I’m trying to consciously crop us and be mindful. People will message me mostly from the military, I was as in 12 years as a police officer so I worked with it. I mean hundreds of thousands of people, what…massive deployment you name it and they see this transition happening, which again, is the S on my chest and they’re like, “Wow, Stevie,” like, “you’ve evolved so much. You’re so optimistic. You’re so happy.” Like, “What have you done?” And so it’s amazing that by just showing up and all I’m doing is just expressing my process, you know, but they’re seeing the progress in the process and that’s now allowing them as reflecting back to them their own innate ability to do the same and to do their own superpowers and so now other people are creating videos and they’re finding the strength in their story you know our message. And so they’re finding that…their Super Powers and it’s like oh my gosh it really is as simple as if we just show up super, other people are able to don their own capes. You know it’s not even about me it’s about the we and just showing up is enough. It really is enough if we show up as the greatest expression of ourselves. It’s so beautiful and now we’re just like a school of Hogwarts and X-Men, you know. And it’s time to take that back to those environments that we came from. But I don’t even know that we have to go back. We just show up and then like, you know, the law of physics right? Like energy attracts like energy. And we just show up authentically and the people that are ready to hear it will just like you said, you know, you say I’m ready to serve and then boom your Super Powers are activated, if you will. You know, it’s that much easy to tune in to.


I love this concept.

I love that you said earlier, you know, but you have to do the work and that’s…that’s…we find a challenge in that because it’s, you know, we watch all the movies and we go to Comic-Con and we do all these things, it’s like Super Power. But every single superhero story was about doing the work. It’s like I love the idea that, you know, Stan Lee created all of those characters to identify pieces of himself. And so, you know, he developed the whole thing because he was dealing with some anger stuff. And it’s like you have to come to terms with those. You have to grow through them. You have to be willing to do that work and a lot of times we think that it’s going to be handed to us or we think somebody else can do it for us. You know, I often talk about that abstract frequency and it’s like through the evolved consciousness, that kind of middle ground, people can guide us. We can have our coaches and our consultants. We can have all these people who take us by the hand and guide us through. When you want to move into that abstract frequency, it’s not about other people doing it for you anymore. Now it’s like you have to be willing to connect with others, grow in the presence of others, be supported by others, ask for help from others. But you have to do the work like there…you can’t just read the book, like you have to be willing to change behaviors. It just…it won’t…you can’t do it otherwise. I have to tell people all the time like, “Oh I want to do Telekinesis.” or “I want to levitate.” I’m like, “Wait. Let me tell you what you have to do first.

Right. Right. First. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely.

I’m like you know, “It’s awesome. I’m glad that you want to do it. And it’s well worth the journey but it’s a journey.” And I wrote a little bit of a rant the other day about…it was one of the rape cases that had come out. People ask me all the time about…for my opinion on different rape situations whatever come up because that was my platform there for a little bit. And it’s like, you know here’s the deal like, I get to choose what I want to focus on, like I get to choose what stories I perpetuate, like I get to choose how I…if I even want to look at that or give it attention or give it voice or any of these things. And I think it was seriously acting irresponsibly when we…when we talk about half-truths and opinions. And you know I like the egos and opinions kind of thing but you know because all it does is this piece of idea that we somehow know that we were there, that we that we even get a high opinion about it. And I kind of went off on it for a little bit. And I was like, you know, “Is it a privilege for me to be able to say I don’t want to look at that?” And I’m like. “Absolutely! That’s a privilege and I earned it. Like I have worked to get to the place, to where I…

Right and I would even go as far as to say it’s your birth right. Yeah. Beyond the privilege, it’s your right to decide what, how you’re going to maintain your energy, right? Like we can’t have Kryptonite if it’s bringing us down. How are we going to show up strong in our Super Powers? We got to be mindful of what it is we’re ingesting and that’s not just, you know, nutritionally but physically, emotionally, spiritually, sexually even. You know we got to be mindful of how it is we’re sharing, you know and who we’re spending our time with. Time is our most precious commodity. You know what are we doing here and how are we…are we saving the world? And then…and those are big shoes to fill. You know like once you’ve got that Super Power and you claim that mission, good luck trying to turn down when Spirit has another mission for you, you know. Like you’re the only one. Like I’m sorry, you took the call the minute that you brought that red phone into your home. You agreed that you were going to pick it up, you know.

It’s not like when you see the bat sign you can be like, “Lalala it’s going to be you…”

Right. Right. It’s like, “No, I’m sorry. You’re Batman. So you got to take the Bat Call.” I don’t know what to tell you, you know. So and it’s insane. You know, my ego shows up so much and it’s not that it’s a bad thing. Again, it’s part of the human experience but my ego shows up that is my lesson that I love The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell. You know that idea that we’re all going to have that initial that separation and then there’s initiation and then there’s return. And every single day there are multiple opportunities, typically in traffic or a grocery checkout line. But there are always opportunities where my ego has plenty to say and I got to go to battle. As a spiritual warrior in that moment, my higher self, I have to let it win, you know. And then it’s as simple as just saying, “Hey,” like, “let’s really observe this for a minute. What’s going on?” you know. And that’s my own…that’s my own demon, that’s my own you know piece, my own shadow work, if you will. But then it’s expressing it and sharing it in a way that hopefully can help other people navigate through their human experience a little bit easier. You know so it’s not just called to show up. We’re also called to share so that it will ignite and help others activate their own Super Powers.

Absolutely. Well, honey, you’re in good company. And it is refreshing to hear that, well you know we like to call it supersizing the hero’s journey, you know. This is not just the hero’s journey anymore, this is the superhero’s journey and it is, it’s fun, you know, and it’s one thing to journey through it for yourself but what happens when you decide to journey through it for so many other people.

Right. And after you serve you got to use it for good. And you know what…

And that’s a lot of work to be done. So, oh my goodness…so obviously we could go on and on and on and on and on for days. I’m already so far over our…like, I get my little time allotment and it’s like beep, “Failed!” So you know I had to cut off, but if you’re open to it, I would like to have you back on the show at some point in time. Maybe we can do….

I’d be honored. Oh my goodness. Thank you Tonya. I’d be honored.

That would be fun. But before we talk, I want to do a couple of other things. So we do a segment called Live In Your Power. So I’d really love for you to share a moment with our listeners of when you got kind of an intuitive hit or the voice of God smacked you up inside the head and say, “Hey you know, go do this thing.” And then what happened when you did? You have a story you want to share?

Hey yeah. I mean I guess I would say, you know, this whole divine download, this whole Egos Are Like Farts. I started to implement it in my own life and I was having fun with it and doing a couple of posts here and there. And that’s what, you know, Source gave me. Universe provided that for my own, you know, for my own good. But what happened was I started to express it in class and then very quickly I was asked to publish it. And so I self-published. I started to share it online more so and it just became a sensation. And you know it was endorsed that you had mentioned by number one New York Times bestselling author Pam Grout and it became its own, like I was being called to share this message. And so, the time that it really hit me was, “OK I’ve got to use this for the greater good. This isn’t about me this isn’t about book sales. There’s something here.” And so what I decided to do is to…it just kind of hit me. I got this like e-mail about the Tempe Improv here which I mean Robin Williams has graced the stage, Dana Carvey, I mean all the greats have graced the stage. And I just thought, OK I think I’m going to sign up for standup comedy. And I decided to start taking this into standup. And it was so crazy because I was going in between really offensive, inappropriate material. And then here you got this like bubbly. You know they call me the humorous hippie and I’m doing all this conscious comedy stand down. And it was great. So I loved it because I was getting to show up in it’s capacity. But afterwards, people would come up that weren’t even there to support me although I mean my gosh the SWIHA community is great. Seventy-five people would show up every time I would do comedy just from our community alone. But this other kind of the mundane and practical lifestyle, they would come up here and say, “You know, your set was so clean but it was so funny.” And I got it and I get it just like ego and I get it like if I’m just mindful that how I express it and air it. And so I realized oh my gosh I’m being called to do this. So that transitioned into me going into companies. And so now one of my favorite ways of serving is all these company culture conferences that they have and they hire me to come in and I give these comedic exercises where we compare egos to fart in the workplace. And how to mindfully you know express your opinion and air yourself in the workplace so that it’s not offensive to Sally or Bob you know. And it’s just…it’s remarkable how well received that’s been. And I think that that would be realizing that this wasn’t about me. This wasn’t about book sales. This wasn’t about…this is me in service. I am a conduit for conscious comedy. And so knowing that, it’s important that the ego ironically doesn’t get too attached to the notoriety that comes with it. Rather I show up and I consistently serve as a conduit for this clean conscious comedy.

I love that.

And so that is the super power. It’s the power from what is super and superior to me perhaps, you know. So whatever and whatever that truth might be, you know, God universe Source, me being God’s creation. You know I believe we were all intentionally created and with the very gift that you speak of. You know, we have supernatural, super powerful gifts and tapping into those is a simple thing I’m ready to serve. Let’s do this.

I love it.

And then be willing to show up, ready to show up, knowing that it might not be easy.

That’s perfect. Well, thank you so much for sharing that. And I know our listeners are going to want to know more about you, where would you like for us to send them?

Oh my goodness. I’d be honored if people popped over to my website And then if they want the Egos Are Like Farts book, they could order through Amazon. I’d be honored. If they wanted a signed copy, they could message me at @stevieanne and I’ll send…I always like to send little inspirational, kind of intuitive, funny, comedic books so every signature is different, you know, it’s always just like I literally send the comedic message for whomever is purchasing so that would be an honor, you know, that all…you know it pays the bills so I can wear multiple capes.

I love that. Well very cool. Thank you so much. This has been a great honor.  I’m so thankful for that.

Thank you Tonya Dawn! Oh my goodness. And thank you, listeners, so much. I’m honored.

Absolutely. Very cool and to all of you out there as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time go out, discover your Super Powers and change the world. Take care everyone.