What does it look like to experience yourself saying yes in a fully activated, whole body way? For everyone who wants to change your life, change the world, have an impact, we must start with looking at where we’re receiving a full-bodied YES and where we shirk away from acknowledging it. Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to pursue your own evolution? Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to understand your own superpowers better? Are you hearing a full-bodied YES to getting your message out in a way that creates impact? If you are, be sure to listen to this episode and find out how to courageously step into the power of saying yes.

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today’s episode on Disrupt Reality, we’re talking about the power of saying yes. Last week I spoke with the incomparable Anna Brooke all about her book, Stripped Down, right? About burlesque and her journey with that and how it led her more deeply into herself. And part of that conversation we were looking at this idea of all means all, right? And asking for more and demanding more from our experiences here and the richness that life has to offer. And so, I wanted to take it this time to dive even more deeply into something that came up in that conversation about what it means to really say a full body yes. You heard Anna talk about her experience and how she just knew in every cell of her body and the faith that she had to follow her trajectory even when she didn’t understand it, right? Even when she wasn’t totally confident about it because it wasn’t clear, right?

Activate Your Superpowers

And I reiterated that from my own experiences and echoed what that experience is like. And talked about how oftentimes I sit and ask myself, “Why do I have the faith to do things when I don’t understand them? Why do I have the faith to follow my trajectory even when I don’t know where it’s leading me? Why do I have the obedience and the discipline to do things that only much later are ever revealed to me in terms of any space that I can comprehend. Why? And so, I was asking her the same questions and I jokingly said, “I don’t have any answer for myself on that, so maybe I’ll borrow yours.”

And she brought up some really cool points. One of them in particular was this idea of the personas that we play. And so, I think sometimes when we have an idea of who we are, changing into being somebody else or transforming into that seems bizarre. But what can help in that is in her situation through burlesque, is this idea of a stage name, right? So, what happens when we start to create this persona? So, what does that have to do with the power of saying yes? We’re going to take a quick break, but when we come back I’m going to tie together this idea of this exuberant full body, divinely inspired yes. And how we can work with the perhaps the lower frequency aspects or the younger aspects of us or the less developed aspects to get them on board with that concept.

Before we go to break, make sure you go to superpowerexperts.com. Click on that messages tab and put your email in there. That way you make sure to get the messages to your inbox weekly. Those are things I highly recommend you just stay on top of. Folks, if you want to walk this path of the divine, you have to consciously consume everything in support of that, right? Because prior to that walk, most of us consume material and are exposed to things that represent something quite different. The opposite in fact. And so, in order to shift things, stack the deck in your favor, make sure that you’re listening to a podcast episode today. Make sure that you’re talking about it, makes sure that you’re sharing that. Start sharing on social media, that’s a great place to get started.

If you listen to an episode and you really like it, you’re listening to this when you’re like, “Oh, I really liked when Tonya said that,” put it up and go, “Oh, I was listening to this and I really liked when Tonya made this comment,” or, “this comment made me think about this. Or, “I’m not sure I really agreed with this aspect, but I can see where it has an impact in my world.” Start really playing with some of these mechanisms that we have, but in a much higher vibrational way through that frequency of love, and you will start to transform your existence quite miraculously, but it does require some diligence. And so, we have all these tools and resources and support available to you. If you’re not ready to get into one of our Superpower programs and really transform right now in your existence, then take it slow.

Watch the messages, listen to the podcast, right? From the messages, you can sign up for our membership to get into the master classes, which are monthly. Again, the more you can dive deeply into these topics and this material, the more you’re going to remind yourself that there’s so much more to this existence than what you see in front of you. So, stay tuned. We’re going to come back right after the break and continue this conversation about the power of saying yes. You don’t want to miss this. Stay tuned.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.