What is fear? Is it an emotion or feeling, an idea, a biological response to our environment or just a program? This conversation picks up where last week’s episode, Choose Your Reality with Gary Douglas from Access Consciousness, left off. Whether fear is a created construct or not, the undeniable truth is that the majority of humanity accepts it as real, therefore it has an impact on how we perceive of our reality. In order to alter what you see in the projection, you must be willing to look at all of the unknown or subconscious mechanisms that create on your behalf without your awareness. Listen to this episode to find out how to start disentangling yourself from fear and move into creating a reality founded in a higher frequency.
Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and today, we’re chatting about a concept that came up in last week’s episode with Gary Douglas. That episode is Choose Your Reality. And today, we’re talking about what is fear?
It was really fascinating to me when he and I hit a point in that conversation whether fear is real. Is it a construct? His take was fear doesn’t exist. I really reflected on that after he and I spoke because it brings up all kinds of whatnot. Whether we decide to view fear as something that is real or something that is not real. So then, of course, that begs the question, what is real and what is not real? A lot of our conversations here at The SuperPower Up! Network and in our curriculum programs, the Super Power Programs with our clients, we walk our clients through a curriculum called Redesign Your Reality.
The first portion of that curriculum is to master your personal power. Part of that process is to look at the construct, the concept, the emotion, whatever you want to call it, that is fear. It was so interesting that it happens with most of our guests, there’s the element of absolutely what they’re saying is truth. There are always these other dimensionalities to it. So, I think it’s important when those processes, those opportunities come up, that we take advantage of them to flesh things out a little bit.
Now, we don’t have to sit and dig through something ad nauseam, right? I’m not a big proponent of “Let’s see how many layers we can rip off in this process.” Because a lot of times, that just ends up being a how many layers can we create so we can tear them apart?
But this concept of fear I think is an important one. If we look at fears not being real – which was Gary’s point, it doesn’t exist – what does that do for us? that’s really what he was trying to get you all to wrap your minds around was how much are we programmed by this dangle, by this impending threat that we consider fear? From that angle, absolutely. I’m in total agreement with him and there’s this undeniable truth that real or constructed, it absolutely exists, right? People have an experience of fear. And I was also reflecting on a comment that he made about the idea that in a life threatening situation, you get calm, cool, collected and you can persevere through. Well, that’s not everybody, right?
Not everybody gets calm, cool, and collected in a crisis situation. So, all of those things are variables in this bigger conversation about fear that I want to go over today. And I don’t suggest that it’s simple. It’s not something that we’re going to resolve within a 20, 30, 40 minute podcast because it is very complex. We’re talking about eons of study of psychology and theology and philosophy and everything else. It touches into all components of our existence.

An emotion is a simple energy in motion.
So first, today, we’re going to look at the idea of let’s say it’s not real. We’re just going to expand on that conversation from last week. It’s okay, it’s not real. We don’t have to feed it, we don’t have to give it energy. And from that angle, there’s a lot of merit in that dialogue because if we look at emotion, which I don’t necessarily contend that fear is an emotion, but certainly people experience it emotionally. An emotion is a simple energy in motion. There’s an order for us to see something, feel it, experience, whatever. There has to be movement, that’s a motion piece. In the projection, so in light. The light is present and something has to make that move in order for us to perceive anything.
When we energize the component of fear, which obviously is a collective, again, Gary refers is the collective unconscious, whether you say it’s a collective consciousness, unconsciousness, whatever. It’s always creating on behalf of some aspect of us. It’s present within that collective construct. If we pull it out, wouldn’t it be a fascinating study to see what are all the ripple effects of that? For my personal existence, years ago, I did this little experiment of what are all the things that I do that are governed by, dictated by my fear.
One of the most phenomenal books I’ve ever read on this, I read it a long time ago so you’ve got to give it a grain of salt here with regards to what frequency you’re sitting at right now, is Deepak Chopra’s book called Why Is God Laughing? It’s one of those storytelling type books in the beginning, and then the lessons, this is how to do it, coaching construct in the back of it. But if you at least just read the story, it does a phenomenal job at depicting all the ways that we make decisions based in fear. Well, let’s keep backpedaling a little bit, this reverse engineering component. If we really decide that fear isn’t real, it doesn’t exist, we don’t have to feed it. If we don’t even have to really talk about it anymore, then wouldn’t it stands to reason that all of the decisions that we make that are typically propelled by fear, we have to rely on some other mechanism to make those decisions?
It’s a fascinating experience because once you start pulling back those layers and tugging on those threads, I predict that’s where you’ll find yourself that is similar to where I found myself, which is this idea that as we develop our opinions and our thoughts and what we think has to happen next, we disentangle from a fear component, we no longer respond to stimulus in the same way. In fact, you can actually get to a place where you don’t necessarily make decisions. What you’re doing instead is you’re feeling into where that motion is, right at those higher frequencies, where that movement is and you’re able to follow it. They call it a state of ecstasis. In Stealing Fire, they talk about that a lot. A lot of personal development or spiritual growth curriculum or modalities speak to this often in different language, but it’s this idea of being in where we train people in that intuitive channel.

If you don’t know where you get your intuition from, then it’s difficult for you to stay in your intuitive channel.
If you don’t know where you get your intuition from, then it’s difficult for you to stay in your intuitive channel. But once you’ve identified that, and you have your sweet spot, we all have that experience. If you’ve been on a journey for more than a day of what it feels like to be in communion with the divine and not in opposition to. Well, certainly we can all agree and imagine that fear is in opposition too. Now, fear may have been gifted to us from the divine to guide us in certain things. That’s a whole other aspect of the conversation. But ultimately, fear leads to some element of separation from the divine, within the divine, within the embrace of that. There’s truly nothing to fear.
So, we’re going to stick with this topic again. We’re talking about what is fear and we’re piggybacking off of last week’s episode with Gary Douglas on Choose Your Reality. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to that, go back and listen to it, get a refresher there because that was a conversation that’s spurred this whole inquiry into the concept of fear. We’re going to take a quick break, but before we do, just know that these are elements, these are concepts that we put into practice in our real world and our real life. We do it through our Super Power Programs and if you’re at all interested in upleveling your existence, that kind of phraseology is used and overused too often. But what I’m really speaking to, when we guide people to those programs who feel like they’re a good fit, is you know you’re a good fit when you have done a decent amount of journeying.
Again, you have a level of psychological privilege in the sense of you’ve at least done a decent job of chipping away at Maslow’s hierarchy. You’ve got your basic needs are met, you’ve had success on some level, you’re able to have relationships. There are really well adapted therapy models and counseling models and support mechanisms if you don’t feel like you have that psychologically privileged kind of position. But if you do, and you’re looking for something more than our programs, this may just be the best fit for you.
If you go to superpowerexperts.com and click on the Super Power Programs tab, then you can read about them. You can download our app, as well. If you go to Super Power Net in the App Store or wherever you get an app, you can also go to the programs tab there, get help training, all our evolution stuff, and walk through the quiz if you’re interested. We also have a readiness assessment that you can feel free to take just to get a gauge if “Is this a good thing for me right now? Is this in resonance for me? Is it the right timing?” We’re happy to help you assess that for yourself, but take a moment to check that out. If this resonates with you and calls to you and for sure stick with us because we’ll be back right after the break to expand on this concept of fear and dive more deeply into it. We’ll be right back.
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