Tia LaVoie, of Be Love See Love, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the innate power and beautiful wisdom inherent in the journey of walking the world in realization. Tia journeyed under the guidance of a Wisened Grandmother, then pursued initiation on the Path under the tutelage of Patrick Collard. She traveled extensively from jungle to desert to gain wisdom from elders around the world. Through ritual, initiation and self-inquiry, she embodied inherent wisdom and now shares it with the world through group teachings, apprenticeships and podcasts. She is intent on helping as many people as she can and guide them to witness their own ability to create the miraculous from the Divinity within. Listen in as Tia and Tonya paint the picture of how to hear with the heart and take action while walking the world in realization.
Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and we have a delightful guest with us today. Tia Lavoie is just lovely, and you’re going to feel it as soon as she starts to speak. I’m sure you’re actually even feeling it now. She and I have spent the last few moments just really connecting, and the space around the concept of realization. So today we’re going to talk about how to walk the world in realization, and I really enjoy and appreciate her perspective on that. And so, we’re going to share with you all today.
Her site is beloveseelove.com, and we will talk about that a little bit as we proceed. Without further ado please join me in welcoming Tia to the show, welcome Tia.
Thank you Tonya, it’s a pleasure to be here.
So beautiful, I’m so grateful to have your voice in the mix of this dialogue of what we often refer to as embodiment, but really the recognition of, as you said it, the realization of who we are in the world, and of the world, and outside of the world, and all of that good stuff. So, let’s dive in first and ask what are your super powers?

My super powers are my ability to access presence.
My super powers are my ability to access presence, because presence that’s where we access whatever we need in a given moment. When we are stuck, depressed over the past, or anxious and hold our anxiety over the future, we are not able to create in that moment. And so, what’s necessary is we’ve got to ask ourselves, you know, it’s time to be present. It’s time to be present here in my present, and in presence that’s where we gain our realizations about things.
When we were speaking earlier I was telling you our power is infinite. When we wake up in the morning we are just as powerful this morning as we were yesterday morning, and we will be tomorrow morning. But what happens is we go through the experiences that teach us lessons, and when we take these lessons and we apply them what happens is we get to grow in our realization. And so, our realization is the thing that we really empower ourselves by, because the power that we need, the power that we already have to create or alchemize situations, or make big changes and impacts in our world, in this world, is, it comes through the realization.
You don’t wake up one morning and say, “You know I think I’m going to grow three feet in my compassion today.” Or, we don’t say, “I grew two gallons in patience yesterday.” We grow into realization, and the way that we grow through those realizations are those beautiful experiences that unfold in our day to day lives, and how deep we choose to go down that rabbit hole.
I love it. So, what prompted you to go down the rabbit hole? How did you move into this space? How did that come about?
I always knew there was something more. I feel like a lot of people go through this in their lives when they’re little kids, when they start hitting puberty and start trying to figure out what’s really going on. When they get into their adult lives and these situations and challenges show up for them, when they start to get later on in life, and they start looking back over their life, and they start looking at the things they did, or have their regrets. Or, they should’ve dones, or, “Oh I’d really love to tick this off my bucket list.”
I always knew there was something more. I always felt like there was something more and it was just underneath the surface, and I didn’t quite know how to get into that, get beyond that silt on the surface so that I could go a bit deeper. And so then, I just stayed open. I just asked, “I’d like to see more, may more be revealed to me.” That led me to travel to South Africa to live with the Zulu’s. It led me down to Peru to experience some eye opening experiences for my personal life.
It’s that drive for something more. I can feel this but I quite touch it, or I can’t quite articulate what it is that I’m feeling. It’s like when we get around a group of people and you get that vibe, you know, this feels good, or this doesn’t feel good. I could feel it, I could feel that something, and so I just started opening myself up to experience. When we open ourselves up to experience that’s when the magic happens.
We live these lives where we’re looking straight ahead, but circumstances and situations happen where we trip. Or, if somebody calls our name from the crowd in our peripheral vision, or something flies up into that scene that, those are the little messengers. Those are the big indicators to get us to, “Hey! There’s something more to this. There’s something more to see. There’s deeper to go in this rabbit hole.”
And so, for me, I just had this drive, “I want to lean more,” and, “I want to learn more.” I grew very, very powerful. Very wise great-grandmother, and she always had second grade education but she was wise beyond her times. She always said, “You keep going. If you fall down and you can look up then you can get up.” And so, every time that my ego ever tried to tell me that I’d failed at this, or I didn’t do good at that, or I did wrong, or I’m not worth it, I could look up and so I got up, and when I got up that opened me to other experiences.
The most perfect people showing up at the most perfect time, the most perfect experience unfolding for me in that moment, of whatever lesson I needed. That’s what drove me to be where I am and who I am today.
Beautiful, and how do you work with other people to assist them in that journey?
I’m sorry can you repeat that question?
Yeah, how do you work with other people to assist them in that journey?

There’s always a symbology.
Well, we offer sessions. I do session work, I teach sessions. I have a class coming up in January called Dream Weaver. It’s all about learning to see and understand the symbology, not only in our dream state, the symbology of our dreams, but also the messages that the universe gives us in our waking daily lives. A certain number keeps showing up in our point of vision, you know, 11:11, or 253. There’s a meaning behind that. A certain animal makes its way into our world, even if we live in a city and that animal’s not used to being there.
There’s always a symbology. My teacher always said, “Nothing happens at random. There’s always something deeper to go. There’s always a, deep further down the whole of the sea if we’re just brave enough to take a look.” I take people on Shamanic journeys around the South West. I take people to Peru, it’s every October. We go into these sites and they go to these places, these ley line points, and they breathe, and they get their charge. You know, you go to these certain spaces and it feels good. It feels right in your spirit.

The world is a 360 degree mirror.
But also, I tell people, “You went to this place but this world is a 360 degree mirror, and so it’s reflective. So, if you’re finding yourself at this place, this temple site, that lay line spot, then you’re also there giving back to that space.” So, I make sure that you’re in the right alignment, you feel good with your heart, you’re doing good things in your life, you’re speaking to yourself kindly. You’re gentle with the people you interact with.
I do apprenticeships for one month and three months. There’s quite a few services that we have listed on the website at beloveseelove.com.
Oh beautiful, and I love the concept of the world being a 360 degree mirror. One of the things that I teach, and that we incorporate at Super Power Experts is, I call it the diamond facet theory. It’s the idea of, of all of the various facets that we possess in our outer shell if you will, and everything that gets reflected, and then we reflect back in all of those different spaces. And so, I like the complementary component of adding in the environments that we touch. I think that, that’s a crucial piece of finding the clues, looking for the patterns, finding the themes.
That’s the detective, investigator element that I possess, of like, “Okay, what are the clues, what are we looking at?” And seeing what rises to the surface that we can kind of piece together. So, I love that.
What I recommend right now, why don’t we go ahead and take a break. When we come back let’s dive into that a little bit and see if we can’t some people some really solid tips on how they can start doing that in their own existence, to start looking for those clues, because I really believe that’s a primary step to walking in realization, is being able to observe.
And be in awareness. So, why don’t we go ahead and let people know where they can find more about you.
Yes. My website is beloveseelove.com.
Beautiful, we’re talking with Tia. You’re listening to Super Power Podcast. We’re talking about how to walk the world in realization, and we’ll be right back.
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