Hello everyone this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I’m excited for today’s conversation folks. We are talking today about using yoga to harness your superpowers. Now make no mistake about it we’re not talking about getting your mat out, going to the gym, doing your stretches. For sure if that’s how you practice yoga then that’s how you practice yoga and that’s your experience of it. There’s so much room in that conversation for the nuanced ways that we like to approach it. And yet at the heart and soul of it is very deep wisdom and knowledge tradition that sometimes gets skated over. So, I’m really excited to talk today with our guest about how that informs this concept of superpowers, or supernatural abilities, or spirit provided gifts or however you prefer to refer to them what is the intersection there and I’m pretty positive that there’s a significant intersection there.
So, today’s guest is the author of The Business Casual Yogi, Vish Chatterji is joining us to really dive deeply into this ancient wisdom tradition that informs so much of our day to day and the projection around us and yet most of us never stopped to think about it. So of course, you’re here, you’re listening to this show, you stopped to think about it so we’re going to give you a little fodder for that fire there. Please join me in welcoming to the show Vish Chatterji. Welcome Vish I’m so excited for this conversation.
Hi Tonya. I’m so excited to be on the show as well. Thank you for having me.
Absolutely. My pleasure. And we’re going to jump in now and ask our quintessential question what are your superpowers?
Well it’s, I’m sure for some people it’s a very, very quick and simple answer for me it’s a little bit more complicated but I would say that I’ve been a student of the Vedic tradition, the Vedic knowledge system for the last 20 years and one of the superpowers that I feel I have is I’m able to take, I’m able to experience the mystical aspects of this tradition but I’m able to then explain them in a way that is very relevant and powerful and impactful for the normal world. So I’m in a way the translator, the super translator of taking a very esoteric mystical science and then presenting it in a very accessible way for normal people in the business world. And so, that’s part of what I’ve done in the book is the Business Casual Yogi is filled with very deep, esoteric, powerful techniques from a very ancient tradition but they’re expressed in a very accessible way for normal people. So, it’s like every person can get a taste of the mystery of creation so to speak.
Beautiful. Beautiful. We tend to attract the bridges here and so that fits in very perfectly with our tribe. What’s fascinating about this is this idea of this never the twain shall meet, right? It really doesn’t seem like it connects in if you look at yoga versus business per se and I think that’s how we’ve looked at it is in this compartmentalization format. But the interconnection there in all of it is us. And so, we talk a lot in our superpower programs and working with clients around it’s really important that we start to talk about personal development as something different from the spiritual journey if you will or the spiritual practices not because they need to be separate. But because if we don’t then one has one motivation; one has another with different processes and practices to get to an end goal and most of the time that end goal meets up together.
But yet if we don’t look at it, we start to take personal development principles and try to apply it to our spiritual life in our spiritual practices and try to apply them into business success and it starts to get really muddy. Certainly, that all has to get integrated again but I think that that divide where we thought that we could have a spiritual or religious or tapped in kind of identity privately but then in business we have to be this way really created a lot of confusion. Have you found similar?
Yeah, definitely. I felt like people almost have two personas. They’ve got their inner spiritual journey persona and then their business world outside persona. And sometimes for people in the business world the outside business persona is so powerful the other persona just ceases to exist in some ways. And so, we start to see some really terrible behavior in the business world. But one of the frustrations I had and this was something that it’s almost an epiphany that I had was I would be in a community of yogis or spiritual practitioners and find this incredible knowledge and experiences that these groups of people were able to have collectively with each other and then I would go in the business world and find that it was completely lacking. And in a regular corporate office in America it’s almost like they got left out of this beautiful connection to spirit.
Well I … Please continue.
Yeah but then I found that the business world and people in leadership roles in any kind of institution they crave to improve themselves. There’s a need that I want to get better, I want to do better. And maybe it’s driven because they want a promotion or they want a better job review but most people just have a motivation I want to improve myself. And so, I found that what is in the spiritual traditions is the ultimate self-improvement process so if I could merge those together, I could bring the power of the spiritual world into the everyday regular world and that’s what I feel is part of my life mission.
Beautiful. I love the eloquence with what you explained that. We’ll dive into that further, we’ll talk about those divergents, those of you out there listening that can see through all of those lenses and how to be that bridge and how to do that. And also, for those of you who know that you lean on one side or the other of this equation and you really, really want to be able to incorporate the gifts and the wealth of information that exists on the other side of it. And that’s an easy walk too. It’s certainly a journey but we can tie that altogether when we start taking a more elevated perspective of some of these concepts. But before we would go off to break Vish would you like to share with folks where they can go to find out more about you?
And so that’s not fair. How can such a massive swath of our society, it’s probably over a hundred million people that work in corporate America, how can they be left out of these beautiful experiences? I found that in the yoga communities or the very spiritual minded communities it’s almost like you looked at somebody in the business world and they just look down on them in some ways. And I felt that way because I’d wear business casual clothes and show up to a spiritual gathering and people would look at me funny. And I’m like, “Hey, I’m one of you too. Just because I’m dressed different doesn’t mean you exclude me.” And so, I felt like why is it that it’s only the hippies, the hippie part of the world that gets to have access to these amazing experiences and techniques and teachings and the business world doesn’t get that, it feels unfair.
Yeah, so I’m thebusinesscasualyogi.com is the website for the book so that gives some information and background about the book and then from there there’s links to my own personal website as well as out of my co collaborate on the book a Himalayan Yogi named Yogrishi Vishvketu. I also have a Instagram, The Business Casual Yogi and there’s a Facebook page as well dedicated to The Business Casual Yogi. So yeah, you can find me on Instagram, on LinkedIn, typically business people find me on LinkedIn as Vish Chatterji. And yeah, so website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. I’m figuring out how to use all of them.
Beautiful. Well, we’ll have all those pages or all of those links on the episode page so make sure you go to superpowerexperts.com to find those. We are talking today with Vish Chatterji about using yoga to harness your superpower. Stay with us folks we’ll be right back.
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