Doug Vermeeren How can you better understand your thought energy? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with guest Doug Vermeeren who is on a mission of helping people make sense of things. Doug’s mission is to open people’s eyes to what exists and what’s present for them so they can use it in a creative way that feels good, much better than the hell loops that we like to put ourselves in. Doug believes in the power of seeking after high level relationships with people that inspire us because we actually rise to the standards of those that we surround ourselves with. Join Tonya and Doug in today’s episode to discover how you can understand your thought energy.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert. And I am so excited for today’s conversation. We have a treat for you today. We are talking with Doug Vermeeren and about understanding thought energy. And just to give you a little bit of insight into these gentlemen as we’re building our fast budding friendship here you know that secret society, you kind of have that look that you can give, or this hand signal or something. You’re like, “Oh, you understand, you understand.” And it was just beautiful when you can meet up in those spaces and you connect with people who are truly walking their path, and their path may be very different from yours, it may be similar, but you just feel it. And you know when they’re doing that and that describes our guests today really beautifully. And his work is in very similar spaces.

Activate Your Superpowers

In fact, he’s a Filmmaker. He has done a number of films, and the most recent one around how thoughts become things, really dives into that concept, taking some of those principles that we’ve all been introduced to and just expanding on those. And that’s why I’m excited about bringing him on the show as you know we’re not content with anything superficial. And so, we just dig and dig and dig and dig until we get to the core of the matter. And this concept around thought energy, most thought leaders actually stop at thinking thought is the origination point. And ultimately in everybody’s journey, at least the individuals that I’ve worked with, the people reach that point of like, “But wait, where does that come from?” Right? And so then you get into the unified field conversations and congruency, and then attractions and, and all kinds of things.

And, and then let’s not even mention roles and then if you’re predisposed to mind reading, right? So, we’ve got all of these variables but how is anybody supposed to make sense of it, right? And very similar to us here at SuperPower Experts, Doug’s mission is obviously to help people make sense of things. And he does a beautiful job at that. So, I’m excited to talk with him today about the film, but most importantly about this big mission he’s on just to open people’s eyes to what exists and what’s present for them so they can use it in a creative way that feels good, much better than these hell loops that we like to put ourselves in. So, without further ado, please, please join me in welcoming to the show Doug Vermeeren. Doug, thank you so much for joining us today.

Oh, thank you for having me. We’re going to have some fun, right?

Always, always. I don’t know how we could do anything but, right?


So, our key question here is what are your superpowers?

You know what? I’ve often imagined if I could pick any superpower, what would it be? But I think probably the one that I have, if you were to ask those around me, right? Like my mother, if we asked my mother, I think it would probably be the ability to stay absolutely super focused on a task the moment it really has my attention. That’s probably the power, right?

I’m guessing that that comes with a lot of stories about how that might not have always experienced that is the gift that it is, but perhaps the challenge that it posed?

Yeah. And I guess that’s the other thing too, is a person who is super crazy focused like that, I’m sure that the way that my mum would recognize that, or even my families would recognize it is that when it was dinner time and you had to call me up or if somebody wanted me to come and help with something else or whatever, if I’m in the middle of something, it’s crazy hard to pull me away. I’d almost rather starve to death.

Oh, that’s awesome. I’m just laughing, you’re funny. So, we have a history of doing these films and gathering people together who know things about things and who are experts in a field, who have developed some sort of mastery around something. Where did that start? And how, how did that all begin for you?

Well, it was actually by accident, which is funny. So, to be quite frank, I came from a family where my father worked in construction, my mom babysat kids in the home. There was really no discussion on personal development. And so even this idea of success or wealth, my parents lived the rat race, they preached the rat race. If you wanted to make more money or have more in your life, work more hours, get up earlier, do what you need to do, right? And so, I, I guess, started that path, but it wasn’t really working for me for some reason. I couldn’t make the wheels spin. And so, probably when I was just turned 19 more or less, a friend gave me two books. He gave me the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

And then he gave me the book Think and Grow Rich. Now, obviously this idea of just thinking about money and it should come, hey, that’s pretty cool. So, I started to read that right away, but I had an interesting, I guess, aha moment through it. And maybe funny enough, a little bit of a jealousy. I know that sounds crazy, right? You read a book and you get jealous of the author. I did. So, this is what happened, as obviously as I read it, we heard this idea that people believe it, you can achieve it. And I was like, “Okay, I get that.” But as I saw that Napoleon Hill got what he got by interviewing people like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, the Rockefellers, the Wrigleys, Andrew Carnegie, all these big, massive entrepreneurs and business leaders and wealthy people of his day.

I honestly thought, “Hey, why not meet? I should go and do that.” And chances are, I probably learned some pretty interesting stuff. Now, I didn’t want to learn how to be the next Thomas Edison, but I really did want to learn how to be a business leader, in my own right. And so, as I started interviewing these people, you probably heard that saying that says you become like the five people you spend the most time with. Well, all of a sudden, the people I was spending time with changed. And so, my results changed and that’s the big kickoff to things. Obviously I saw results immediately, financially. But the thing that was crazy is I actually saw results in every aspect of my life. My relationships were better. My connection to myself, my self-worth was better. My desire to take care of myself, even on a physical level changed.

Everything changed. So, funny enough from that point, I actually, and even today, still continue to seek after high level relationships with people that are inspiring to me because we actually rise to the standards of those that we surround ourselves with. So, that’s kind of the beginning for me and that’s actually continued.

Beautiful, beautiful. Well, I had a lot of questions to follow up on the topic of thought energy and to tell you, I don’t think it’s crazy about the jealousy thing. It’s insane in its own right, but I professed many times on this show to having channel envy with folks who get visited by beings, and they get a book dictated and all they have to do is write it down. And that’s not fair. That’s not a world’s best feeling. I know the grass looks greener on the other side, we love our channelers. Folks, don’t misinterpret, but, but it was, it was like when I started communing with the divine, it was like, “Oh, are you just going to tell me a book, and I just publish it?” They’re like, “No, you need to synthesize this and teach it.” And I’m like, “That sounds like the hard path, can we go a smoother way?” But alas, here we are. So, no, I don’t think it’s that absurd. Before we go to break talking about thought energy, let’s let people know where they can go to find out more about you and about the film.

Yeah. So for me, it’s pretty easy. Just head over to Instagram, YouTube, any social media, type in my name, you’re going to bump into me and we’ve got lots of cool free resources, especially things from those interviews I did. In fact, I still even bring some of those guys into my trainings that I do. And then for the movie, obviously head over to The name of the website is exactly the name of the movie. And right now, there’s a lot of really cool stuff that we’ve included for people that want to see the movie, things like a workbook and other tools.

Very cool. Awesome, well go check that out, folks. Stay with us, we’re talking today about understanding thought energy, and we’ll be right back after the break.

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