The SuperPower Up! Podcast celebrates its 200th episode with this very special message from Podcast Creator and Super Power Experts Executive Director, Tonya Dawn Recla. Listen in as she shares the Super Power Experts vision, her predictions for the future and their very timely mission based on the undeniable truth that together we can change the world.
The Vision
Super Power Experts began two years ago as an experiment in harnessing synergistic collaboration to unplug those who are ready and a practice in the systemic and scalable pursuit of bringing awakened people into the same conversation. During that time, the creation of the SuperPowerNETÂ began providing a high vibrational training environment for those seeking support in stepping into their superpowers. The SuperPower Up! Podcast started as a single show airing once a week with Tonya as the host. Now, as it celebrates Episode 200, the SuperPower Up! Team produces four other shows and is scheduled to add six more within the next three months. Their commitment is to provide change agents a practical and proven method for sharing their message with the world.
Current Shows
SuperPower Up! and SuperPower Fired Up! with Tonya Dawn Recla
Super Power Kids with Neva Lee Recla
Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and this is a special edition of the SuperPower Up! Podcast. This is Episode 200, and I am so incredibly honored to be able to feature it today and to share our message with you. We’re gonna talk today about together we can change the world. That’s the appropriate topic for our 200th episode as we look back on the two years of this experiment that is occurring with Super Power Experts and the SuperPower Up! Podcast and how it got started, where it came from, and where we are now.
Super Power Experts Vision
My goal is to share with you the vision, not from the place of really illuminating for you what we’ve planned to do, but really what does that mean to you. So, if you’re attracted to concepts like together we can change the world and some of the topics that we’ve discussed here on the SuperPower Up! podcasts, then I know that that is a big deal for you. And for those of you who’ve awakened to the idea that you know that as a means of changing the world, you know your own personal journey serves as the foundational starting point for that. If you’ve listened to our shows, you know that we often discuss how we have the process of climbing up our own mountain, which is essentially the hero’s journey to develop self actualization, and my belief that true collaboration rests in fully autonomous individuals coming together for a greater purposes.
There are a number of components there that have to occur prior to real solid collaboration, and Super Power experts rest on concept like synergistic collaboration, which takes the cooperative, collaborative game to the next level where we recognize that the energy between us creates. That’s always been the vision. What’s been interesting along the way is discovering how to really make that sustainable and scalable. So, we exist to be a playground for change agents to come together and work together, develop themselves while assisting others and developing themselves and figure out how to take some of the current models or older models that exist in the coaching and training arenas and see if perhaps it’s time for an improvement based on the rate that we’re seeing evolution happen from a consciousness awareness frequency, dimensionality perspective.
Evolving Models
My bias is that most of the models that we’ve seen up to this point served a purpose in getting us to this level of awareness, and now we have the ability to build on top of those, to alter them, adapt them, whatever the case may be to move us forward into a different space. As I talk about the abstract frequency is what I refer to it as, as opposed to the traditional mindset, evolved consciousness, many of you have heard that model throughout some of our shows here.

I sit in total gratitude at this point in time for this journey.
But I first want to take a step back and just say how much I sit in total gratitude at this point in time for this journey, for this experiment, for the people who’ve stepped forward. Some have come and gone. Some are still around, and just the amazing lessons and reflections and everything. It’s really instilled within me a solid appreciation for the journey and for making sure that we’re not just looking out to the goal, but also recognizing that the journey of itself is an adequate goal, not in a complacency way. I think sometimes it’s easy back into that and say, “Oh, la, it’s just about the journey.”
But, for those of us who’ve been given visions and missions and these amazing models to create in the world, the idea that we get to just relax on our laurels and enjoy the journey is a little bit counter-intuitive, so there is a way to balance off of that to continue to hold that vision, steward it, while recognizing that the journey is part of that process, and it’s a very necessary piece of that process. Whether you call it trial and error or ebbing and flowing, or whatever the case may be, there is a magic that occurs when you relax into the process while still holding the container of the vision. That’s a delicate balance, dance that we do within that space.
So, I really am just amazingly appreciative of that experience. The last two years has taught me so much as it relates to bringing people together and assisting them in collaborating. And, a glimpse into what comes next, as promised, one of the ideas of this message here is to talk a little bit about what I predict for the future in terms of where groups are gonna come together and cohere in order to create that change. It really rests in that synergistic collaborative space.
Synergistic Collaboration
I know many, many groups are playing with these concepts, and I honor you and just know that you have sisters and brothers over here who are working in the same capacity, perfecting that model, making sure it’s sustainable and scalable, all while accounting for human variables. You have friends over here who play with things like the concepts covered in Tribal Leadership and Holacracy and other things from a structural standpoint, but also in that really magical kind of woo woo spiritual space of the connectedness and oneness and all of that. So, I don’t believe moving forward that models are going to last, unless they can account for all that. And, technology, I’ve said for a long time now that the businesses that could stay ahead of technology and consciousness will be extremely beneficial and necessary for us as a society moving forward.
So, I do believe that synergistic collaboration is where it’s at. I’ll talk about that for a moment. The difference between coming together in a cooperative way to accomplish a goal versus coming together with synergistic collaboration as the primary component is that with synergistic collaboration, you may have an idea, a vision, if you will, an overarching theme or concept, but the synergy aspect allows for the awareness that we don’t really know what it’s gonna look like, not in the world of form. It takes on the energy of the people who choose to come together and play together. We’ve seen that with Super Power Experts.
I’ve often said that it’s a living, breathing organization unto itself, and it takes some of the identities of the people who come into it to play. So, if somebody chooses to step forward and play with us, and they have particular super powers and are adept at using them, then the organism itself gets to drift off of those. And it’s a powerful exchange. Just like if somebody has that ability and they leave, then there’s a void. Now, we can quickly move to replace it, which is traditional business model, or we can allow that void to fill itself and ebb and flow in a different direction.

The system will always correct itself.
The system will always correct itself. It may not always correct itself in the way that you want it to, if you have attachments to how that looks, but if you don’t have attachments, and you can step back and take the 50 foot perspective on it, you can see how there’s a natural reorganization that occurs as people come into the organization and leave the organization. I love attending to that and stewarding that versus trying to control for outcomes.
Practical Business Models
At the same time, from a business standpoint, there have to be some practical pieces that are in place. The business has to be able to make financial predictions of its own. It has to be able to be self sufficient. All of those tried and true business concepts still have to exist, and that’s why these models are so challenging. I call them hybrid business models, because a lot of them, we don’t have maps for. We don’t have models for, but I do very strongly believe that the heart and sole of the successful models rests in that synergistic collaborative space.
Inclusion is another big core value of ours, and it’s not that we think that we’re here to provide services or products to everybody. That’s not our market space. Our market, actually, is extremely, extremely niche, but for those who hear us and feel us and resonate with us and want to come play with us, our goal is to make sure we have a place for them to do that. And we do that in a number of ways.
The Power of Podcasting
For instance, with the podcast, we beta-tested the idea of bringing in different hosts into different shows within the same podcast with first Super Power Kids, with our daughter, Neva, who’s eight, and she did fantastic. Then, we built a systemic model around Tatiana’s show, Sex, Love and SuperPowers, when she came on board. Then, we tested that model when we brought in Jennifer Urezzio’s show, SuperPowers of the Soul, which launches this weekend. We’re very excited about.
We perfected the process prior to opening that space up. The reason I chose to open that space up was because what we saw is this amazing thing that occurs when people host their own show. I contend that it is the quickest, most efficient and effective way to grow yourself as deep cellular confidence level and also to start the influencer status piece. Hosting your shows are a really powerful place, particularly if it’s an interview style show where you’re uplifting the vision and the work of others. It starts to create this really cool pull towards synergistic collaboration naturally within the host if they allow it to.
Since we’re here to create playgrounds for change agents, we wanted to be able to open that opportunity up to others, so we do have a group of six moving through the process now as a group to develop their own shows, and that’s really exciting. Moving forward, we’ll probably open that up further. Right now, that’s only available to people who are already members of the NET, the Super Power NET, because those individuals have said that they agree with a lot of our principles as well as believe in the concept of collaboration, and that’s crucial. We build all of our systems based on collaborative models. So, that’s a really exciting component.
Super Power Academy
The academy that’s coming forward, what we’re noticing is that there’s a big training component that happens in any really successful coaching practice. When we can call that out and pull that forward, and also allow for the individual journey, it’s a powerful, powerful combination, so we play with those models. We look at all the models that currently exist, and we turn them upside down, turn them sideways. We ask, “Well, what if …” I think a lot of times, people move into industries and automatically take on assumptions that have existed in that industry for a number of years, and that’s not always valuable for moving forward. Oftentimes, it will kill the vision or the mission that the person’s been given to steward.

I just wrapped up the book, The Science of Superpowers.
So, if you consider yourself a change agent, you talk to your guides, talk to angels, talk to God, whatever the case may be, or you consider yourself a visionary, know that you’ve been granted that vision to steward, and it’s your responsibility a model around it that’s going to be successful in the frequency in which that vision exists. That can be extremely challenging, especially if you’re new to business. Again, know that we speak that language, and we understand that journey if you’re looking for support in that area.
But in addition to the academy model and people being able to matriculate through that, they’ll also be able to obviously move into training factors, and stuff like that. So, we can create more and more playgrounds for people, as well as our coaches’ program and our experts’ program that we are solidifying and beefing up as we go. There will be moving forward, I just wrapped up the book, The Science of Superpowers, will be out later this year, and that’s the foundational book for a series of publications to be produced. So, we were constantly asked for more and more information in different ways. We’re hearing that, and we’re setting about creating the, again, sustainable, scalable model so that we can produce that and get that information out into the world as we attend to the very real task of holding people accountable to their highest frequency and helping them bring those visions into fruition.
Training Synergistic Collaboration
Those are just some of the components that we’ve adopted moving forward. I also know that we have organizations coming forward who want to model their businesses or aspects of their businesses after us. I’m happy to have those conversations. As with all of our programs, I’m happy to have those dialogues prior to them actually being institutionalized within our organization. We’re rather open source over here. While we have proprietary systems, everybody is welcome to our lessons and learn if they want to implement those into their own businesses and business entities. I think that is the game. We have to be willing to come together and have these conversations and learn from each other. I love convening with people who are seemingly our competition and discovering win, win, win solutions. We started that way with the podcasts, and the entire business entity of Super Power Experts rests on that. That’s one of the reasons why the Super Power Net, it’s our own social network that we created that has a training component, a group component, so that people can come together and start this practice.
This is a long game, folks. A know that a lot of us like the instant gratification or the idea that if we take a 30-day program, we’re gonna be magically be living in the abstract frequency and be able to create and live in the world that want to live in. But this is a long game. Most of us have decades of programming that we’re unpacking, unfolding in the process, and there is a series of retraining that has to happen. I call it Jedi training, so stepping on Lucas there for a second, but that’s the closest thing I could see in the traditional environment that even remotely related to what I’m seeing happen with our clients and our members. So, if that intrigues you, definitely come at us with that, and we’re happy to have a discussion.
If you like what you’re hearing, join our Facebook group, Super Powers are Real. We recently opened that up in a public way as a segue between us and the Net, which is not public, obviously. That’s a membership program. Super Powers are Real on Facebook is a way that people can connect with us and get a feel for what we’re doing and stay abreast of our movings and shakings, if you will.
But the bigger picture, to me, is just making sure that everyone who has committed to doing this work in the world knows that they’re not alone and that others are doing it, and they’re supported, and they can come and get support. Or, sometimes, it’s just nice to know other people exist who are doing that. So, know that we’re there for that purpose as well.
That about wraps up where we’re at. My big belief is the concept of together we can change the world and how important it is that we start really challenging ourselves to look beyond apparent separateness. As we listen to things like this or other episodes in our podcast or any material, we immediately go into a process of discernment. There’s aspects of us that want to know whether we agree with the information or whether we disagree with the information. There more you’re willing to call that out within yourself and start looking for the similarities versus looking for the separation, the closer you’ll move toward those oneness concepts. In the abstract frequency, there really is no separation between all of us, and that challenges our traditional paradigm. So, you have to really be willing to chip away at it. I say often, you have to willing to stare something in the face and deny it’s existence in order to get the paradigm to shift in front of your eyes. That’s something that we hold people’s hands through and help them really process through. It can be really jarring when people step into that.
Super Powers
I want to leave with knowledge that when we talk about super powers, we really mean it. We started off two years ago with jumping right into the super power dialogue with the predisposed super powers, like mind reading and empathy and psychic ability, chameleon ability, those types of things. What I realized was the foundation wasn’t there in most people to hone those in any usable, effective, capable way. So, we just started looking at it and say, “Okay, what really has to happen at a foundational level?” And, of course, intuition is our foundational super power, and we train people on how to know where their intuition is coming in from and how to utilize that and how that serves the foundation for all of the other super powers that they’re predisposed to, and then, of course, the creation of their unique super powers.
We’re intent on that super power concept. What was a big shock in the first six to eight months was just how much foundational work has to be done before that point. So, understand that the vision still holds true. The super powers more and more are coming online in a really exciting way, and the more people who do this work in a synergistic way and are willing to dive into those foundations and dig into the depths of themselves, the more super powers we’re gonna see come online. I predict that in the coming years, we’ve already identified cat one and cat two super powers. We’ll start seeing cat three and four, which I can only imagine what those are gonna entail. So, if you are playing with those concepts and are excited about those concepts, know that this is a home for you as well.
Thank you!

We appreciate the loyalty that you all have shown us.
Lastly, I just want to thank everyone. We appreciate the loyalty that you all have shown us. Like I said before, our niche is very, very, very specific. Our people self select on things like intelligence and high vibration and consciousness. Those of you who listened faithfully and who are part of our membership base, I honor you, because it’s not easy to step into a relatively unorthodox and unknown arena and say, “I want that,” especially when our conscious minds typically don’t understand that. So, I honor that, and I appreciate the loyalty. I know that more and more of you are listening and coming. We intend to honor the trust that you’ve put in us to continue to develop more tools and more resources. Our goal is to create a home where people can grow within us, either build a business within us, continue their own personal growth, find the support that they need in their own businesses and practices, and start to also create dialogue for how folks don’t have to come out and build a new business.
A lot of people are choosing the second wave of folks coming forward, now, in Awakening, are choosing to stay in professions and do this evolutionary work, and we honor you as well. That’s a big uphill battle. The other thing I’m seeing is a lot of folks coming forward from the collectiveness cultures. Anything with Latin, Asian, or African roots and doing the work in those cultures, and that’s big work. So, know that we’ve got some of your folks here who are working through their stuff in order to step into those spaces, and I’m really excited about being able to provide voices that can speak to that, also.
All of these really fun things are happening and always churning and marinating in the background here at Super Power Experts. So, thank you all for listening, and thank you for the loyalty. Continue to spread the message and know that you’re not alone, and know that we honor your courage in stepping forward and saying this matters to you and that this is the life that you want to create and the world that you’re ready to step into. Trust that we truly believe that together, we can change the world.
Until next time, everyone, go out, uncover your super powers, and change the world. Take care, everyone. Bye-bye.
Read Tonya’s article: Do You Suffer From Premature Collaboration? It’s more common than you think.
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