Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m really, really, really just enthusiastic. I’m trying to find other words than super exciting, because you all hear that one all the time, to introduce this guest today because the conversation around how we kind of come from really different belief systems and structures and walks of life and everything else, is so alive and well right now. And I think it’s incredibly important that we’re able to find the threads of the commonalities and see if we can kind of construct something there together. And so, today’s guest of course is no stranger to that dialogue.
We’re talking today with Eliyahu Jian about the tipping point. And in his book, this is really what kind of struck it for me, in his book, The Laughing Billionaire: How to Become Rich and Happy, he wrote, “A state of happiness for all of humanity is truly ready and waiting to be unleashed, but for that to happen, enough participants need to take the challenge to master transformation. We need a tipping point to occur and it can only occur if there are enough willing participants. If we reach that tipping point, if enough humans are willing to partake in this transformation, consider how the world around us might be transformed.”
And why that flew off the pages at me, is that the way that I’ve received that information is in this concept of the divergence coming forward and then the social proof phase and then mass consciousness. And so, it’s a really ripe conversation. It’s very pertinent right now and I’m excited to share that with you.
So please, without further ado, please join us, join me in welcoming Eliyahu to the show. Welcome.
Thank you Tony, and thank you for inviting me and thank you for being with me. Appreciate that.
Beautiful. Beautiful. Well, we appreciate you being here and we’re going to start off by talking about, what are your superpowers?
My superpower? I like that question. My superpower, here we go. So, basically my power, it’s called muster Kabbalist, which means when people come to see me just by looking at the forehead, that the eyes, nose, lips, ears, body movement, aura, color of the aura. I know a lot about them, what happened to them last lifetime, what about to happen to them this lifetime and based on that, I’m guiding them. So they might, when they come to see me, they might think they need to give me a lot of information and they do. But, what I’m relating to is I’m looking into their inner being and knowing what was the mistake that happened last lifetime just by looking at the forehead and what is that they come here to do in this lifetime. It’s not a fortune teller. It’s more likely to change the future based on what’s written on it.
Got it. Beautiful, beautiful. And you were raised in a traditionally Jewish home and I think that from a collective place that, I don’t know that most would identify what you were speaking with, with having roots in the Jewish tradition. Can you explain how you’ve journeyed into all of that?
Well, in the Jewish tradition, there is a sect that’s called the mystical sect. Those people existed for 4,000 years before it was Judaism, before it was anything. So it’s a sect of people that is basically using the method of Kabbalah, which is based on the book that was given to Adam and Eve on the way out from the garden of Eden and within this book there are all the secrets of everything. It includes astrology, reincarnation, everything. Unfortunately, most Jewish practices just don’t know about it, but it exists. Let’s say the name of the astrological sign, whatever it is, Cancer, Libra or Scorpio, it’s them that come from a Kabbalistic method. It’s continued into Judaism, but most Jewish people unfortunately don’t know it actually exists there. Also, I mean there is a group who practice that there is a group used to be called the Golden Dawn, or the FreeMason, people who established this country and basically practice the knowledge of Kabbalah.
All spiritual guru practicing Kabbalah in one way or another, so it’s not like belonging to Judaism, it is the foundation of Judaism, but as Jewish became a religion, they didn’t go back to look at what was the foundation. So the foundation of everything was in the beginning, the spiritual method of Kabbalah. So, it’s a simple thing to study. I mean, you just need to invest a few hours to understand it and everybody’s welcome to go to my site. It’s for free and you can study 400 hours of just Kabbalah with spirituality or self-help things, whatever you want. Then I offer it for everybody to go on my nonprofit organization and just study, enjoy yourself.
Beautiful, beautiful. And, so talk to me about the tipping point and why you’re passionate about that concept and why that’s a worthwhile goal?
Well, I mean, passionate about one concept, human beings, people. This universe was created for humanity, not for animals. And I have a dog and I love my dog, but the universe was not created for animals, neither for vegetables or flowers or neither for minerals. Those three things that I mentioned came to serve humans as they are. Of course the human abuse, that power of minerals, vegetables, kingdom and animal kingdom, then those three forces, unfortunately, will not be so friendly with a human being.
So I work with people. So there’s nothing more fascinating than working with human beings, because think about it? I mean, you work with people. We talk about people. Now, can you imagine if you can do what I do, is seeing how many lifetimes those human beings have? Say if I see a person who come to see me and he has on his forehead three lifetime, that the last one he cheated on his wife and he left her and he’d come to talk to me about relationship and I’m looking at his forehead and I see that he is cheating on a woman from another lifetime and the first question I’m going to ask him, “Tell me sir, are you doing any other relationship?” And he will look at me and said, “I come in to talk to you about money and business. Why are you talking about relationships?” And I say, “Because I look at you and I see that this is the one thing that you can actually change to make your life better and happier. Are you open for that?”
Because we are here, basically, to change the consciousness of humanity. It’s a very important point. I mean, if we talk about the tipping point is we need to change the human beating mind. It’s not how they behave or what they say, because if the mind is in the right place, everything else will follow, action will follow, words will follow. And the consciousness or the awareness to be aware of why you’re doing what you’re doing? Why are you not doing what you’re supposed to be doing? All of the things have an answer. So, that’s fascinating me. This is what I love about you.
I love it. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Where can we send people? What website should we send them to?
Oh, you could go either to my nonprofit organization, vitaltransformation.org. If it’s too long to write it down, and this is a nonprofit organization that offers a lot of hours of spirituality.
Those of you, if you want to work with me personally, you just reach out to my name, eliyahujian.com and you can watch some of the motivational lectures that I gave and you might find that interesting for you.
Perfect. Perfect. Well, we’ll have links on the site folks. Today we’re talking about the tipping point. Stay with us. We will be right back after the break.
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