What happens when we choose to live in a frequency of hope and refuse to feed fear? In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Elizabeth April about how to Quantum Leap into What’s Possible. They touched on the idea of hope and faith as key components of that leap. In this first part of The Frequency of Hope, Tonya expands on the importance of being really solid in deconstructing any programs that originally developed from a frequency of fear instead of creating programs rooted in an expansive walk with the Divine. Listen in to hear powerful insights and tactics you can implement in your life to start creating from a frequency of hope.
Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today, we’re talking about the Frequency of Hope.
Last week’s episode with Elizabeth April, we dove into this concept of how to quantum leap into what’s possible. A big portion of that is this idea of hope, but it’s such a fleeting concept. We use that word all the time. We kind of agree on what it means, but when you actually think about enacting it, I don’t know that we, any of us, realize exactly what we’re up against with that. So prior to talking about the frequency of hope, you have to take a look at the alternative. So if we’re not operating in the frequency of hope, what are we operating in?
I’ve done this social experiment now over the last few months, where if you just sit in a crowd, if you listen to people talking, if you watch a show or watch a movie, it doesn’t matter. Just observing human behavior, there’s this underlying frequency of hopelessness, which of course is comparable to a frequency of fear. There’s a density to it. There’s a weightedness to it. It’s kind of this idea that there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. What are we all doing here? It’s kind of the difference between the idea of paranoid or paranoia and pronoia, the difference between everything’s out to get you versus everything is conspiring on your behalf.
When we look at that and really understand, well, what does it mean to live in a world where that’s prevalent, that’s the norm, that’s accepted, and we don’t even realize it? The subtleties are so incredibly well hidden on purpose. I would contend that all of this is very, by design, purposeful by certain aspects of us that operate in those lower frequencies, and they perpetuate themselves.
All they need is a little bit of energy. So if we look at them, if we think about them, if we mull them over, if we worry about them, the very spaces that we’re in when we’re experiencing them perpetuate their very existence. So it’s like “How do you get out of it?” If you’re in it, how do you get out of it?
The idea of quantum leaping, as we talked about last week, is choosing a different version of reality, choosing a different frequency to operate in, choosing a different timeline requires the ability to supersede, to rise above, to transcend this notion of fear or hopelessness. Because as long as it’s in us and there are those constrictions, we’re actually not really creating, we’re simply reacting.
So there’s stages to this, that the reaction is from the gut wrenching, the saber tooth tiger is chasing us kind of reptilian fear of paralysis. You just can’t move in those spaces. To think that we’d be capable of, in that level of constriction, without assistance, without processes, without practice, without training, without guidance, without prayer, without belief, without anything to be able to yank ourselves out of it, the very thing that we’ve created. So it’s like the most intense AI experience ever, because it’s ours and it works with our stories and our emotions and our constrictions and our traumas and everything that we have to prove to us that the fear that is emanating from it, the concern, if you will, the very thing that we need to look ahead to, to try to avoid, is so personal to us because it comes from all of our own pieces and parts. It’s the biggest manipulation.

Even if we’re happy or relieved or feeling love or grace or the divine or beauty in a moment, there is always that aspect inside of us that knows that the next moment may bring something very different.
Now, culture after culture after culture has tried to describe this, and it could be the devil, it could be dark forces, it can be the ego, it can be anything. We could go kind of ad nauseam on that to kind of look at all of the different ways of explaining it, but at the end of the day, all we know is that it works. It perpetuates. We are okay staying in this kind of perpetual existence of fear. Even if we’re happy or relieved or feeling love or grace or the divine or beauty in a moment, there is always that aspect inside of us that knows that the next moment may bring something very different. In fact, it suspects it. It’s pretty sure it’s going to happen.
That’s what we’re talking about when we talk about the frequency of fear. Not necessarily that we’re all walking around aware that we’re operating from a fight or flight scenario, but when you start to peel those layers back, that’s exactly what’s going on. So what do we do about that? So this series, this two-part series is on the frequency of hope. So we’re going to take a quick break here, and then when we come back, we’re going to dive more deeply into how to disentangle that frequency of fear. Then in part two, we’re going to look at how to introduce the frequency of hope, perhaps in a different way than how you’ve learned it or heard it.
Of course, as with everything, take what works for you. We tell our clients in our programs, this is our software that we’re offering to you, and we’re offering it to you as a way for you to upgrade your operating system, to upgrade what you’re capable of doing. You may not always agree with the software. You may not agree the words that we say, they may sound different to you or maybe it doesn’t mesh up with your religious beliefs or your spiritual beliefs, but it’s just software. It’s just a playground for you to start recognizing these very real programs that you have inside of yourself that are prohibiting you from moving forward in your evolution.
So just entertain the notions. Entertain the words, the vernacular, the ideology, the philosophy, whatever it is, and don’t be so quick to disregard it before going, “Okay, how can I apply this? How does this work in my life? Does this work? Am I seeing this? If I take an observing kind of perspective, can I see how this functions in my existence?” If so, then keep listening. If not, well, then you’re doing great and find a different episode. But this is, in my opinion, one of the biggest contributing factors that keeps people limited and keeps them from moving into that role as the creator and into that abstract frequency.
Again, if you want assistance and if you want some guidance in that, go check out our SuperPower Up! Programs on the site, SuperPowerExperts.com. But we’ll talk about that more when we come back here from the break.
Again, you can find us at SuperPowerExperts.com, and you’re listening to Disrupt Reality. We’re doing a two-part series on the frequency of hope. So stick with us, and we’ll be right back.
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