Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m very excited to have with us today, a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful soul of a woman. She just emanates this amazing kind of love and embracing and openness. I like the fact that she has a little bit of a different twist on this whole integrative approach to existence. She knew at the age of three, that she was connected to the source, and God and used that as a primary, kind of directional, her primary compass. Which is unusual for a lot of us. A lot of us kind of had to come around to that.
So I’m excited for her to share that journey, and then what happened after that. It’s like, that’s one thing a lot of us wistfully look, and like, “Oh, if I had known this before.” But then, you know the grass always looks greener, but she had her own kind of challenges and things that she had to adapt to in order to move into that integrative existence here. So, Reverend Janelle Hoyland is a soul pathway healer. She’s an international bestselling author, visionary, psychic, she’s definitely our peeps. So, without further ado, could you please join me in welcoming to the show, Janelle. Welcome.
Oh, I’m so excited to be with you today and I am you know, everything in divine order, just perfect timing for everything. And I can’t wait to see what rolls out of my mouth, because I don’t get a say so in that. So it should be fantastic.
Oh, I love it. It’s so funny because I find myself saying a lot that, I find myself saying a lot. Like, it’s like is so, I’m almost in an observation role within my own existence. Like, “I heard that just come out of my mouth. That was very interesting.” Oh, I love it.
So, well we’re going to be talking about spirit soul conversations with you because that just felt like a really juicy topic to share with you. So I’m excited. But before we jump in all of that, let’s follow the protocol of course, and ask, what are your superpowers?

I am a Creature of the Planet.
Oh my goodness, so my first one that came to mind was my sarcasm and my sense of humor, obviously. And you know, I’m very down to earth, like grassroots. You know I love to get in there and just touch the earth and be connected to the water, and all of that. So, the creature of the planet I would say, too.
Oh, I like that, the creature of the planet. Oh, that’s beautiful. Well, have you always been that way?
Yeah, all of my life, yeah. The comedy part of it has always been there. But, you know that’s the thing, you know for all of the seriousness I always have brought this funny, sense of humor to things and not taking it all so seriously as well. But, you know yeah, touching the earth, being connected to the trees, being on the water, you know all of that has always been a part of my life.
That’s awesome, I love the creature of the planet, that’s perfect. So, let’s talk a little bit because I mentioned at the beginning of the show that you kind of always, gotten it. Like you’ve always had this connection. Like how did that all come about? Or how did your awareness of that come about?
So, at the age of three, I was kidnapped when I was three. I was taken away from my mom for three and half years of my life. During that time is when I heard directions on how to care for myself. What I needed to do, and so that began my first experience with hearing something outside of me. What I would equate to God, or a higher source giving me directions on how to care for myself. So, that created trust and faith in a real core, survival way.
Wow, so did it scare you? Or was it welcome? Like, how did that happen for you?
No, it felt like breathing. It felt like safety. It felt complete.
Beautiful, it’s so funny, I was just talking with my husband the other day about that. Most of the accounts of people who’ve heard the voice of God, or connected with it, or seen entities or spirits, or something that emanated from those higher frequencies gives the same account. That they were at peace. In retrospect, they’re like, “Maybe I should have been a little bit of afraid, but I wasn’t.” So it’s beautiful to me that there’s kind of this overlay with safety, especially at three.
You and I were talking a little bit before the show about our children. I remember when Neva Lee was really young, she had a lot of visitations, saw a lot of people and everything. One of them was, why did I just lose his name? Anyway, one of the Archangels. And I remember just her feeling fear around it, and I thought that was unusual. So, I kind of had a little chat with God, because I was like, “Dude, seriously like if you’re going to do this, can we maybe not scare her, when you’re doing this? Don’t you have it within Your power to not make her afraid? Or to at least help her with her feelings of fear?” So the next day we woke up, and we walked out to the front room. She looked over at her dollhouse and starts laughing, and I was like, “What are you laughing at?” It was Metatron, and she goes, “Metatron is playing with my dollhouse.”
That’s a way to do it, I guess. So, it’s neat to me that at that young age, and especially in what I’d imagine was a pretty fearful situation, that that came through.
Um-hmm, exactly, exactly. It was a real protection and you know, no harm came to me. I was not injured or abused in any way and returned completely intact.
Wow, what an amazing, it feels like there’s some healing that went on in there for not just yourself but like, almost like an agreement that you were like, “Okay, this is cool. I agree to go through this.” But there was something special in the fact that you were unharmed and that you were able to traverse that, and then what that opened up for you on the journey of this lifetime.
Exactly, yeah you’re absolutely correct. It was definitely that feeling for me, of not victim at all.
Wow, were you, at that age were you in awareness of something like an agreement? Or, I mean, how did that feel to you?
Yeah, it definitely felt like this was something that my soul knew that I was here to experience. And that I could choose to take it either you know, whatever direction I wanted to take it in. The clear choice for me from the beginning at that age was to take it into empowerment, and demonstration. And through vulnerability, and sharing that experience allows people to understand how they can transcend personal things that come up in their own life.
I’m so grateful that you’re out there sharing this story. Because I know a big thing part of what Neva Lee battles, and we kind of battle with her, is the idea that at her young age, that she’s even capable of that conscious choice. Especially as she’s kind of moved into business, and this and that. The feeling is, is that even if she feels like she’s in choice, that she can’t possibly be. My sense from the beginning, even in utero, was that she’s a fully autonomous, sovereign being. In fact, possibly even more so than we are. To navigate that in the world, did you get pushback on that? Or how did your parents handle that, or how did that work?
It was interesting, that’s interesting because I can imagine like your daughter, you know I was having visitations at an early age. And at a time when there was no definition for that. I didn’t have an encyclopedia or definitions for any of it to say-
Or Google.
-yeah, this is that, or that is this, or whatever. To me, it was just what was. You know had past life regressions, really probably at the beginning of the seven-year mark, so I was seven years old. And journeying at that age and visiting places that your soul has been, and different lessons that you’ve experienced. None of it frightened me, it felt very comfortable for me. And I would ask my mom, “Well hey, I had this dream, and I saw this. What does that mean?” And she would say, “That’s great.” And I would say, “Okay, okay what’s great? Not sure what to do with it, but I’m just going to just be over there.”
I also made the assumption that everybody saw and heard what I saw and heard. That everyone was seeing it in their own way. Which is somewhat true, but-
Right, yeah.
-not to the extent that I was experiencing it. So that part didn’t happen until I was like around 13 when I had the realization that, hey not everybody’s hearing that.
Interesting, and then did you ever lose it? Or did you ever walk away from it? Or try to, I guess?
No, no. In fact, there’s only one time that I’ve ever not listened to the directive. Yeah, that was a two by four, so I elected not to ever do that again.
Oh, my God, I’m laughing. Like, you and I were definitely, I don’t know what we were doing. Walking in parallel worlds or something, because that was the exact verbiage that, when I was in the Army and they were trying to medically discharge me because I’d gotten so injured, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. The dramas, right?
I ended up going to the Chaplain, and you know for the most part, at the stage that I was at in the military like, the Chaplain is really there to encourage people to stay in the Army and do the right thing, and all these other things. I went to him and I said, “Look, I’m not desperate. I’m not going to take my life or anything like that. There’s no suicide watch necessary, but life’s not looking really hot right now. Like, what can I do?” Because I was in and out of the ER like I was really not well.
He looks me in the face and he goes, “You know, God whispers to some people. Other people, he hits upside the head with a two by four.” I’m like, “What are you talking about?” He’s like, “Just leave. Go, go do something else.” And I’m like, “Wait for a second, like aren’t you supposed to be convincing me to stay in? Wait, what’s going on here?” So the fact that you would use that verbiage, it hilarious to me.
But, anyway, okay sorry off course. So I love the fact that the act of listening to guidance is so second nature to you. Because again, a lot of our folks that’s not the case. But you’ve shared with me that that comes with its own, like there’s a flip side of that, right? Like, how do you then navigate this world? What was your experience with that?
Well so, the thing is, is that you know let’s say meeting someone, right, for the first time, wherever, at the grocery store, whatever. I’m always hearing, if they have a conversation with me, it’s like having a room full of people commenting on what the person is saying, all the time. So, part of my issue was helping the person understand that I’m actually listening to them, and really want to learn and experience them. And what they’re used to is everybody being consumed in their own world.
So, the challenges for me was to stay present to what was in front of me. In the sense of, you know the entertainment part of the other, and not meaning it lightly, but there’s so much going on around us at any given moment that you can imagine, that that’s fairly entertaining. You know? And it would seem a lot of times when I was growing up, that I was aloof or very distracted in conversation.
Like you were having many conversations.

Life itself is such a gift.
Yes, and the thing about it is that I really love people. I think people are fantastic. It’s just so amazing that the soul gets put into this creation that gets to walk on this planet. And that life itself is such a gift. And that having that appreciation in a world that doesn’t have that, right, as the norm, it kind of makes people not always respond to you in such a happy way.
Yeah, that’s really phenomenal insight. I definitely want to explore this a little bit further. We’re going to take a quick break. We’re taking with Reverend Janelle Hoyland about spirit soul conversations. When we come back I want to dive into that a little bit more because it is such a powerful reflection of the magic in this world. So, stay with us and we’ll be right back. Find out more about Reverend Janelle Hoyland at janellehoyland.com.
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