Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m grinning from ear to ear. This is such a fun conversation. Already I really adore this gentleman, excuse me, and the work that he does in the world. Also, and I’m getting choked up. I guess my grin is impacting that.
He came to us through Dr. Saida Desilets who has been on my show. Neva’s interviewed her also about how to talk to kids about sex. Already we know that he carries that amazing, kind of yummy, good vibe in the world. He’s incredibly, incredibly impressive.
Tim Freke is author of 35 books that have been translated into more than 15 languages. His latest book is Deep Awake and Soul Story are all about these things that we talk about, right. What is the spiritual awakening? What do we do with it? How do you know? All of that good stuff. We’re gonna talk to him today about Signs of Spiritual Awakening and kind of what comes after that, right?
He’s been exploring spirituality since his awakening when he was 12, which is just amazing and we love those stories. I’m really, really excited to have him here with us sharing his wisdom with you all and just kind of identifying how he’s walking his path, and inspiring you all to continue walking yours. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Tim Freke to the show. Welcome, Tim.
Thank you. It’s a delight to be on the show.
Well we’re so excited to have you. I’ve been looking forward to this interview. The first question we ask people is what are your super powers?

I can lead people to the deep awake state
What a great first question that is. It’s a lovely idea and I’m thinking about it. When you invited me on the show I thought it turns out that I seem to have the super power that I can lead people to what I call, The Deep Awake State. I have this ability, it seems, to guide people to this shifting consciousness that I experienced as you said in the intro, when I was 12, and I’ve been diving into ever since. It’s a state of consciousness that’s marked by a profound sense of communion and oneness with all of life and a sense of the fundamental goodness of existence, and most important of all for me, this enormous love, just big love.
There’s this overwhelming love, like the whole universe is pulsating with it. That’s what really impressed me so much when I was 12, and I kind of fell into this state, not intending to and thought, “What the hell’s that?” What I’ve gone deeper and deeper into myself and tried to find, and lose, and find, and get to know, and then work out how to take other people there? What I’ve done is to develop ways of doing that. I have developed, I think, the ability in my speaking, and in my books to make some very profound and deep ideas easy to understand, so I guess that’s my super power.
Well I think it’s a great one. The challenge I see is that there’s a lot of ambiguity and lot of people who are confused. At least in my experience a big part of this process is the walking into the undefinable until your kind of on the way out of it. Then you kinda get it. That part of the process seems to really throw people off because most of us are so trained in such logical, rational thinking. We’re not gonna take a step forward unless we know the path, and the goal, and the where we’re going and all these steps.
The spiritual awakening journey, in my opinion, is you have to be willing to kind of put your foot down without even seeing the ground beneath your foot. It’s like the Indian Jones throwing the sand out to see where the bridge is, or whatever. So it’s quite opposite of what most of us are trained in. So, I think it’s really crucial when those individuals who feel like they can put some sort of construct, process, structure, something to it to make it just a little bit more tangible is really, really powerful.
The key for me, I think Tanya, has been the development of what I call paralogical thinking. It’s a philosophical term that I’ve developed, which sounds a bit scary, but it’s really not. You can think of it as both and thinking rather than either or thinking. What that does with awakening is that the approach that I teach this Deep Awake approach is not about waking up to something beyond our ego, beyond our humanity instead of our humanity, or it’s not awakening to the great mystery instead of our rational thinking, but as well. So that when you see that it becomes so much easier to wake up to this vast oneness when you actually allow your individual humanity rather than trying to get rid of it, or deny it, and see that they both coexist.
So my job, it feels, as a communicator of this is to try and model that. To be authentic in myself. Not to set myself up as some sort of guru, or take on any sort of specialness or anything which isn’t authentic, and be what I am, which is a vulnerable human being on a journey of evolution, which means I’m constantly discovering things which I’ve missed in learning. And when I touch my deepest being it turns out I’m a whole universe, so I can be both this deep awake presence and a human being making this journey, and just not trying to be anything else than Tim. That I find really, really helps people go, oh maybe I could do that too. What I thought, astonishingly to me really, is actually people can. I’ve seen hundred thousands of people actually across the world and in so many different cultures step into this deep awake state and feel this oneness and big love in a way that really they just can’t miss it.
I love the verbiage of deep awake. The verbiage I received was the abstract frequencies is kind of what I call it because there was no way to encompass everything that you just said. Everything kind of just gets smooshed all together and it’s all valuable. I often find myself saying in conversation with our members, or clients, that I don’t throw out anything. All of it is clues. I think it was kinda my way of saying exactly what you just said, which is it’s all in there. It’s all there for a reason. You have all of it, so the process … I know for me it was really challenging early on going through the well meaning advice of okay well you have to quiet your mind, or you have to turn of your mind, and all these other things.
It took me quite a while to get to the space where I’m like, okay I’ve got a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree pretty much in how to think. Then I was a counterintelligence agent. This mind is not going to get shut off. When I kind of opened the space and said, “Is there a way that can look different? Is there a way that I can maybe incorporate that in my individuality, and kind of what I brought into the equation, into this what I call the abstract frequency, the awakened state.
It was so freeing to do that. To be like, but wait maybe I don’t want to meditate. Maybe I want to do things differently. And just really giving people permission to say I think it’s okay if you do it your way. I really do think that, that’s what we’re all so hungry for. We want to see other people doing it. We want to feel free to do it for ourselves. I mean all of these pieces, and so I love the fact that you’re giving voice to that, but before we get too far into that let’s back up a second because on the show today we’re talking about Signs of Spiritual Awakening, so can you kind of put a definition to spiritual awakening? What do we mean by that?
If we look at our identity. We can just do it right now. You can see what people have been describing since the ancient of times, which is that we experience a flow of sensation, and a flow of imagination. Two very different qualities of experience. The ancients called that soma and psyche, which we translate as body and soul. Those two parts of our experience one is which is material, and fixed, and formed. And the other which is fluid, and immaterial. It’s a completely different dimension. It’s not in space. This is body and soul.

It’s a presence of awareness
This is what makes us an individual. They’re both amazing. They both have problems to them too because it’s both and, but they’re both extraordinary. Then the question is what is experiencing all of that? What’s the thing which is experiencing the flow of experience and has been there since the very first moment of our lives, maybe before. That there is something which is the same now as when I was eight because it doesn’t change. It’s a presence. It’s a presence of awareness you could call it. The traditional word is spirit, which means essence. It’s your being.
What awakening is, is just tuning into the presence, which is always present, this being. When you do that you start to discover that … Well I discover that my individual being is actually one with all being. That’s when this huge sense of communion and oneness comes and the love because the love is how the oneness feels. So, as I become conscious that behind my individuality, which I love and like I love yours, I love people’s … Our individuality is a wonderful thing because through it we can both wake up to the oneness, and express the oneness. We can wake up to the love, and express the love.
Beautiful, beautiful. Well we’re gonna take a quick break, but before we do where can people go to find out more about you?
Well, my name is a bit strange, and as long as you spell it right you’ll find me. It’s Tim Freke. If you go to timfreke.com you’ll find all the things that I’m doing, the events I’m running. I’m coming to America, for instance, in October to run a Deep Awakening retreat where I’m pretty convinced anyone who comes will experience this Deep Awake State for themselves because I mean everybody does. It’s so accessible now. It’s extraordinary.
I’ve become so confident, but it’s not in myself. It’s not like, well I’ve got magic powers. I’m just Tim, but we each have magic powers in us, and when we give it the opportunity it just comes out. So we can wake each other up, which is what happens when we come together.
Oh, beautiful.
There’s information on that. There’s an online philosophy course about how to understand the universe we’re in from this new perspective, and lots, and lots of inspirational videos. In fact if you sign up for the newsletter there’s an endless … Every week we’re putting out inspirational videos, so all of that’s timothyfreke.com.
Oh, I love it. I love it. Well we have lots more to talk about folks. Stay with us. We’re talking to Tim Freke about Signs of Spiritual Awakening. When we come back from the break we’re gonna dive in and tell you how you can start invoking this process within yourselves, so stay with us and we’ll be right back.
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