In the midst of a world desperately calling for leadership, we see a single, solitary origin of light quietly, intentionally, unapologetically calling to arms those committed to sacred leadership. And from that origin source, the connections become beams of life-breathing, grace-giving, love-gifting divine essence lighting up the world. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series on Sacred Leadership. This series walks us through the importance of understanding that we can only truly lead when we know who is leading us. Don’t miss this radical look at leadership that might just save us all.

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, we’re talking about the IM series starting next week on Sacred Leadership. I can’t think of a more important topic right now that is overarching over all of the various pandemics and everything else that we’re seeing is it’s really shining a light on this deficit of leadership, right? I don’t think that it’s necessarily that we have a lack of individuals calling themselves leaders, but rather who’s committed to what, what type of leadership. So this series that rolls out next week, it really looks at what’s important within that concept, and particularly if the idea of sacred leadership is something that matters to you.

Some people may refer to something like servant leadership. That doesn’t appeal to everybody. Some are God led, God driven or creator lead or spirit led. However you want to kind of encompass it, our take on it is this idea that to truly lead, we kind of need to know who’s leading us, right? That’s a weird thing because I think we’ve put a lot of pressure on leaders, ourselves, if we feel like we’re in that kind of a role and or those elected officials or those individuals who are in leadership capacities, I think we put a lot of pressure on them thinking that in some way they should know exactly what to do always.

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In light of current events, it’s become very obvious that that’s not the case. Sometimes, they’re faced with things that they don’t know. I remember a while back, there was a representative, one individual who works with certain representatives and stuff like that. We had a really, really cool conversation where we got to talking about where certain candidates stand on issues. It came about in a weird way, because the question that was broached was like, okay, where would somebody have to sit on certain issues for you to work with them?

In terms of coaching them right or getting them prepared for that level of leadership, then immediately out of my mouth was I don’t really care where they stand on the issues. It was such a weird thing to say, because it sounds, in our culture, that sounds really kind of either ignorant and, or anarchist or empathetic or any of those things. I sat with it and I said, “Okay, is that true?” It rang very true and I said, “Okay, so what does matter?” In that moment, I was able to illuminate what’s far more important is who do they show up as when the issues are being debated? Are they able to have a dialogue, to really listen, to check in, to see? Does that resonate to move beyond party lines, to move beyond corporate pressures or dollar driven kinds of marketing lines or lobbying that’s happening? Are they able to stand in the fire?

Those are qualities that unfortunately, I don’t think always get wrapped up into leadership. We saw it a lot in the government and military sector when sometimes time and rank was enough to get promoted and that was it. Certainly, the military does a great job of providing leadership training in certain capacities at that time, but it was really lacking in terms of the character, right? The forging of the soul in it and it kind of had to be because we don’t often talk about things like our spiritual beliefs in secular situations.

So it does create a lot of confusion, I think, for those individuals who find themselves thrust into a leadership capacity either when they already knew about it or one that they’re kind of surprised to find themselves in the midst of all kinds of global upheaval, and they feel very, very ill prepared. I think that that’s, it’s safe to say, across the board. It doesn’t really matter what level of leadership people are in. Everybody feels very ill prepared right now.

I’ll say with the exception of those who found their leadership in terms of where do they build their foundation of it in the divine, with spirit, in communion with God. Those individuals aren’t confused right now. They don’t feel lacking and they don’t understand everything that’s going on, but they are very clear in the path ahead of them. So it’s a real different experience, and that’s something that we take a look at in this IM series that gets ready to start next week. So if you’re not getting those messages in your inbox, make sure that you go now to and find the messages there, and put your email in to make sure those get to your inbox so you can stay up on this series.

Don’t forget also that we offer the master classes. That’s a really great opportunity as you get into the curriculum and stuff to dive even more deeply into. Those of you in leadership capacities, it’s not enough just to consume passively, right? We have to synthesize, we have to sit in the work. If there’s an area that we talk about that you know isn’t a particular strength of yours right now, and, or has been in the past, but because you’ve shifted in your consciousness, now you’re find yourself in a space where it’s not comfortable. Then there are matters that you’re not sure how to address where you’re sitting.

Be sure to look at how can you get support in that, right? At certain levels, it becomes not just a good idea to get support and make sure that you’re being held and you’re being held accountable, but also being held in love and support. There’s a certain point where that just becomes a responsibility. Then for sure, if you’re taking on a leadership capacity, and however you define that, whether that be at home, whether that be in a workplace, in a school, in a church, and amongst your friends, you know who you are, folks. So really look at how are you defining and approaching that leadership perspective, that persona that you’re creating, the essence of your leadership, how is that being informed right now.

Stay with us. We’re going to take a quick break. Again, go to and click on the messages tab, and then you can be sure to get the IM series messages and the teachings there, they’re all free training for you, straight to your inbox. We’re talking today about sacred leadership and we’ll be right back.

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