So many people get frustrated with the law of attraction because they don’t understand how to move from intention to manifestation. In last week’s episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talked with Dr. Nisha Manek about the science of intention. In this episode, Tonya goes further and talks about moving from intention to manifestation. Don’t miss this episode as she illuminates that there are many secrets buried in the intention-manifestation dialectic.

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts. I’m really, really excited about today’s conversation. We’re taking this dialogue around the manifestation, intentionality kind of relationship into another level.

Activate Your Superpowers

We’re going to be talking about moving from intention to manifestation. We’ve been having this kind of theme in our orbit ever since the COVID-19 experience and all of the upheaval in that. It’s looking at, how are we manifesting? What are we manifesting? Why are we manifesting it? And what is our intention behind it? Last week, I talked with Misha Manic about the science of intention. Great episode. Go back and listen to that if you haven’t caught it already, and we have to push that conversation even further. We have to be looking at what is our motivation in the intention, and then how do we actually draw the connection, integrate if you will, moving from intentionality into the manifestation component? There are things that are operating subconsciously that we’re not aware of that create things at the projection and reflect back to us at that frequency, and we don’t always put it together.

Most of the time we think that we’re responding to something that happens in the projection without ever recognizing the origination point. It requires extreme sensitization to be able to sense these things. We’re talking at the level of being able to sense your own involuntary systems, right? If you missed the conversation I had with Amica Swami about finding everything in nothing, we talked about that at a cellular level, him in the quantum spirituality space. So, it’s all about looking at what cells are projecting out what stories, and if we don’t know because we’re so out of touch with our bodies, we don’t know what each cell is disseminating, right? It’s projecting out some sort of broadcast on our behalf, and so it’s really challenging to master this whole manifestation thing. This is where most of you get super frustrated, as you may have a momentary success with a technique of manifestation, but that you can’t sustain it, right? It typically happens in an area that you don’t have a lot of charge around. It’s kind of fun, like a parlor trick, but then in the areas that you’ve got to charge around and you’re having to really integrate and grow and embody through, it’s difficult to maintain a parlor trick type ability. You have to be willing to do that deeper work in order to unearth all of this stuff that’s in between you and that.

So, we’re going to dive more deeply into this conversation. Make sure if you haven’t watched that in the beginning series or one of our I am series, go to the messages tab, go to, and go to the messages tab. You can put your email in there and there and you’re getting the emails to your inbox. Make sure that you’re staying up with those. That acts as its own attunement. I know you all want to keep walking more deeply and wholly in relationship with the divine. Make sure that you’re supporting yourself in that through listening to a podcast episode a day on our network, as well as catching those messages each week. Engage the Masterclass Library if you feel drawn into that body of work and you want to understand it more deeply. Follow those curiosities. Stay with us folks. We’re going to be right back. We’re going to dive much more deeply as we go about moving from intention to manifestation. Stay with us.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.