Terrie Christine, an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to explore the journey of intuitive development. She is Clairaudient (hearing), Clairvoyant (seeing) and Clairsentient (feeling). She helps people access love, abundance and peace by clearing old energetic blocks that hold them back. She works with clients all over the world and continues to be a source of emotional and spiritual healing in the self-empowerment community. Over the course of many years, she studied with the Masters on meditation and many different modalities. Today, as an Intuitive Life Coach and Psychic Medium, she can remotely scan a body for environmental and energetic blocks. Listen in as she talks about intuitive development.
Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Experts, and I’m really excited to have with us today, Terrie Christine. She is delightful and you’re going to love her. She’s an intuitive mentor, and we’re going to be talking today about the journey of intuitive development because she has some cool stuff to share about that. So, we’re going to be talking with her about what it looks like when that’s about the last thing you think you’re gonna stumble into in your existence. But, also what changed, and how her life turned around completely when she entered into that intuitive state and the experience of life from that place. I’m really excited for her to illuminate that because the feeling I have from her is just this real embodiment of that journey. And I know we get a lot of people in the self-help and personal development arenas who can give lip service to it, but you’ll feel instantly, as soon as I give her a second to talk, that she really embodies it and walks that talk. Without further ado, please join me in welcoming Terrie Christine to the show. Welcome, Terrie.
Oh, thank you so much for having me here. I’m really excited to share with you this space. Thanks.
Oh, awesome. Well, thank you for being here with us. As I said, we’re going to be talking about the journey of intuitive development, but before we get into that, we love our favorite question, which is … What are your superpowers?

I am Clairaudient, Clairvoyant, and Clairsentient.
I laugh because I do acknowledge and tell everybody that I do have superpowers. I am Clairaudient, and Clairvoyant, and Clairsentient. Which totally just means, that I hear, feel, and see the energies around me. And I can know that … I spent over 10 years working in the realms of this energy, and I connect to the energy of another person, of the energies around us to help people in a profound way by digging deep into their subconscious of where their limiting beliefs are. When I’m dealing with them on that level, I utilize these other superpowers because when I close my eyes, I ask the energies around me, “Hey, tell me what their biggest challenge is. Help me help them.” Because I live in truth and love. And then I’ll see a full-blown movie of something that they went through, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it was exactly what they went through.
What happens is, it’s a form of what I can repeat to them and what I feel, or what the energies around me are trying to describe so that I can understand. And then I’ll tell them, “Hey, I saw this story of your dad. He looked like a lion and that you jumped on his back and you were riding him.” That told me that they looked at Dad as being loyal and that they wanted to be so with him, and trust that they could ride, and be, and go on his journey. And then when I repeat that, it ends up exactly what they were living, when they were visualizing, or experiencing their dad. And then I say, “Okay, this is now why what you experienced then, is holding you back from what you want in your life.” Then, it really opens up major doors to people understanding that I have these challenges of repeating things, and I don’t know why and now that you’ve told me or shown me, I really get it. And then I do some energy statements and help them shift it out of the subconscious.
Very cool. And I love that there was so much wealth of information in there, but you’re talking about the symbolism, which is a big thing that we talk about here at Super Power Experts and really having the courage to speak that. Even when it doesn’t make any logical sense. It’s not like you’re sitting there going, “Oh, for sure, they jumped on the lions back and rode it.” I notice that a lot of times our lower frequency aspects of ourselves will jump in and say, “Well, that’s ludicrous. Why would I say that?” And not trusting at that moment, that that imagery is very powerful for that individual.
And then secondly, what you’re giving voice to in such a beautiful way, is the what happens within us when we’re able to see it from that vantage point, to get those patterns, and to clear things, even when, again, it doesn’t really fit into our logical paradigms. So, I really appreciate what you’re talking about there. I know we’ve got some folks who are listening, that is like, “I want to be able to do that. How do I do that?” As soon as you start talking about the claims, I heard all of it. All the constriction. I don’t have that, or I don’t … How did you journey into that? I guarantee, and maybe I’m making assumptions, I’m going to make the assumption that you haven’t always been confident saying, “By the way, I happen to be clairvoyant, Clairsentient.” How did you get to the place where you were comfortable saying that?
You know that space of where I was prior to this life that I live, was I looked at it as being dark and living outside of myself. I was in a 14-year relationship with two beautiful children together, and I wasn’t feeling that full-blown connection of love. I stayed because I was from a family where I had two … My parents were young, teenage kids having three children … We weren’t triplets. They were 19 and three kids, and here they are. There was a lot of lack and a lot of challenges, and problems, and here I am growing up and reliving the lack of love that I saw while I was growing up, from being in school and my parents and everything.

I felt like I was floating.
And so, here I was, 14 years, two kids, and crying. The very last year, hysterically … Not just a little whimper … Hysterically, every night, begging love. Three nights before the end of that relationship, I woke up at three AM, it’s that happy hour time when magical things happen, between that three and four AM time … I crawled out of the bed, I laid on the floor, I remember those cold tile floor in that bathroom, just going, “Oh my God. If I could die and my heart would just stop, I would be so happy.” That’s the space that I was in. And I was feeling that, and crying, and saying, “Please, just take me now.” I became almost as if, I wasn’t part of my body. I felt this feeling as I was floating.
And then, my eyes were closed and I just saw this vast, dark sky all around me and these stars so close. I honestly thought I could touch, and this damn taste in my mouth, and then I’ll never forget when I heard those words. “Love will come.” It vibrated through my entire being. I will never, ever forget it to this moment, to this day. I got up, I went back to bed, and I woke up and my whole life was changed. I felt as if I now have … I got it. Even though I said they were coming, I got it. Yes. And it was almost this glimmer that I want to live now. I got what I want now. And I went to the bookstore and started buying hundreds of books, you would have died and laughed seeing my closet. I was reading two and three at a time. I couldn’t get enough, and then I started taking courses. Reiki, essential oil, crystals, things I never knew anything about. I didn’t even meditate until that moment of that spiritual epiphany. And then I was moving into it, I felt like I was … I just couldn’t get enough.
I was running and getting, and feeling it, and just living it, and then I started taking intuitive development courses and training with the masters. That’s when my whole life really shifted. I was able to work with them in clearing my own limiting beliefs, as these listeners are saying, “I don’t have that.” Well, I was saying the same thing then. I don’t have that. I can’t hear that. I can’t see that. As I was removing, and saying, and clearing my own limiting beliefs of what my dad was telling me when I was little and my mom, and my grandma, and my sister, and you’re not good enough and you’re too short. And you’re too … Whatever.
I was clearing it, and clearing it with all of this training, and then I connected. Then I trusted. And to this day, as I work with my clients, I live in truth. And I live in love. I trust what comes to me. I see the stories in my head. I hear the words like someone is speaking into my ear. And I feel it like I’m in a warm bath. I feel that, knowing that what I’m going to tell them, is the truth. Even if you don’t want to hear it, I’m living in truth.
And I help them in such a profound way to dig deep into their … I call soulular level, of where we like to hide the deepest, darkest pains, things that we may have never wanted to feel again, or wanted to say I healed and push it off, and push it in deeper. I dig deep, I help you pull it up, I help you release it with energy statements, and connecting and shifting. All of this is energy. We’re just a little shell with all this energy inside of us, and our thoughts create these little puffs of smoke but become the collected consciousness, and I work with all of that energy within you, outside of you, through you. Up, down, whatever. And that’s how I help in the profound way that I do.
Absolutely beautiful. And I love your conviction around that. For those of you who are sitting in that space of how do you do this, and how do you get to that place of confidence, and I think one of the points here, is you do it. You have to really be willing to do it, and that is a discipline in of itself, in the sense that it’s … The courage to step into it, and the discipline part, in my opinion, comes in being willing to not do what you did before. Where if what you did before, was not owning that, and not trusting that, and not stepping into that space, really being willing to do something different. And so, when we come back, we’re gonna talk with Terrie about some practical steps you can take, right here, right now, to move your self closer to that space. Stick with us, we’re talking to Terrie Christine. We’re talking about the journey of intuitive development. We’ll be right back.
Find out more about Terrie Christine at terriechristine.com.
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