Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla. Your Super Power Expert, and I have really, really fun conversation for you today. We’re going to talk today with Mellissa Seaman. She’s a Stanford educated business lawyer, and I love this part. This is like … Who’s superpower came in line with the birth of her daughter, so I don’t know how many of you know that I can absolutely relate to that conversation? But, she’s an intuitive business strategist. I’m really, really excited about that because I see a giant need in the kind of change agent arena with regards to business strategy. Most of the business strategy pieces still exist in some lower frequencies and some kind of confined boxes. Taking pieces of that are valuable to create hybrid models, or to create models that are in alignment with change agents and the frequency.
They’re sitting at is really quite an art, and so we are desperately in need of more and more people how can kind of step into this space. We’re going to be talking to her today about intuiting business genius which I love because it’s got this whole genius component. We really do have to get down to the nuts and bolts about business, because it’s got to be profitable, it’s got to be sustainable, scalable and all those Keywords there. But, that intuition piece and how do you intuit that is super crucial also. As you can tell I’m very excited about this conversation. Please join me in welcoming Mellissa to the show. Welcome, Mellissa.
Hi Tonya. Hi everybody. I’m so happy to be here.
Fantastic. We are so happy to have you. So, let’s start in and ask what are your superpowers?

My super power came on with the birth of my daughter.
My superpower is that as you mentioned came on with the birth of my daughter, include really seeing people’s their soul strategies and connecting those with their business. For me, my superpowers came on so suddenly, and they were such a surprise. I was someone who didn’t really believe in superpowers that when it began I saw so much of where people had been, what they had experienced, what was guiding them, where they were going. It was actually quite overwhelming to have that much sensory knowing and seeing right up front. My superpowers then developed because as you know they come on, and they come on strong sometimes.
And then I developed other sorts of worldly superpowers to make sure that this crazy, wild, intense new superpowers that I was experiencing could be grounded and utilized in a way that lifted me up in life and made sense to me, and that I could navigate. I feel like the secondary superpowers are the ones that developed to help me manage and utilize and further develop my otherworldly superpowers.
Beautiful. I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s not surprising to me at all. But, let’s break this down a little bit. Let’s talk about what were the weird, wacky, wild ones first. What were the ones that were like, “Oh my gosh? This is a thing.” Not necessarily how did they come in line, but what were they?
Well, after Clarissa’s birth, I started having visions. I had visions all day every day that I could tell that they weren’t quoted in the quote in the real world. They were in my imagination, but they were so strong. They were really like visitations often from beings of intelligence that looked to me rather like something from a movie. They were indigenous looking wise people showing up in my visions. They were tall beings of light that showed up in my visions. They all had useful things to say, and that’s what surprised me I guess is that they were wise energies that were speaking to me through these appearances and through these voices, and giving me information that I wouldn’t have otherwise known. Giving me information about other people in my life to help and support them. Showing me ways to see what I now see as dimensional layers to see energy moving that I couldn’t previously see.
It was a lot quite frankly. It was a lot of different things. I started to understand that the angels and saints that I’d been relating to as a Catholic were also these huge, wise energies that had gifts that were really way outside the box of what I had known to be possible before. During those early times, I would walk up to people. For example, once I was pushing my new baby in the stroller at the mall, and as I looked around at all these other women walking around in the mall, I could see, “Oh, it looks like she was assaulted when she was four.” “Oh, she was abused by her parents.” I just thought this is insane. This feels crazy and yet it feels relaxed and certain. During those early times, I would actually check in with people. Now, it feels almost a little embarrassing to admit. I would walk up to a stranger and say, “Excuse me. I have this ability to see things. Would it be okay if I tuned in with you, and asked you about something?”
I mean, it was so awkward, because here I had been a lawyer, and to see so much of people’s private business seemed a little wacky to me. But, when I checked in it would always end with her crying, or “Thank you so much for seeing me and no one ever knew that.” And then I could help also energetically move things through or release things from people. That kind of thing. As a lawyer and as a business person I very quickly within a month or two I created my own boundaries so that I wasn’t just seeing everybody’s stuff all the time. Now, I have created these strategies inside myself with my intuition to be able to hold that and focus that superpower when it’s called for and not just kind of broadcast it constantly, so that I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed all the time. And so that I wouldn’t feel like I was breaching people’s confidentiality by knowing their deepest, darkest secrets all the time.
I love it. I love that you came from the legal profession. You’re talking about confidentiality. I came from counter intel and had classified information. That’s a really good depiction of what my experience was. Although one of the differentiating pieces is that I never felt like I had to do anything like slow it down or anything. I felt like it just did that on its own naturally. For those of you listening like you may feel a call to say, “Okay, this is too much.” For me, it was way too much, but there was something in me that just kind of knew, or at least my messaging was ride this out. You’d eventually find spaces. For me, that was kind of the onslaught and how I handled it. But, that’s really the only differentiator, because everything else is like, “Yap, yap, yap, yap, yap.” It’s like how do you freaking explain this stuff.
I think it’s fantastic that I had no knowing any of it. I wasn’t trained in it, I didn’t study it, I never heard about it before, I didn’t even know it was possible. It’s like the similarities and the stories are so fantastic, and I hear that kind of awakening piece. Actually, that’s something my husband and I were just joking about this morning. People think the awakening piece is like, “Oh.” I just laugh. I’m like, “That’s just the first step. Oh my gosh. Let me just tell you.” The journey, the hard work if you will, the integration piece comes after that. Given that you gave voice to … You had these amazing whatnot like, “Okay, now you can fly and whatever.” And then there it is.
That practical kind of grounded piece of you, which is also a trait that I see in a lot of change agents, and most of them have very practical, grounded, rooted, conservative upbringings. I tell people like, “Would you have gone back and picked up that piece?” If I had started in the woo-woo, I don’t think you were going to do anything to convince me to go the opposite direction. Of course, now you’re like, “How do I balance all of this?” What am I doing with it? Where do I take it? That led you as you said to develop more practical superpowers. I don’t even know if that’s a thing. What was that piece of the process like for you?
That first year or so where I was really adapting internally, and creating systems to hold myself through that. It was internal and like you, I hadn’t studied this stuff. I hadn’t read whatever Pleiadian books and stuff, yet I was meeting more and more people who had a lot of superpowers. They would say, “Oh yeah. We call that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,” or “You’re doing shamanic journeying.
You’re like what.

I channeled courses and retreats for people.
Part of it was just creating my own lexicon and my own systems. I did learn to do things like direct channeling information and channeling courses, channeling retreats for people. Mostly the ancient temple arts. The feminine temple arts were what came through me first. I just let that come through. People started to assemble who were very spiritually-oriented. I did that for some years. I lived at Harbin Hot Springs, which is like a Hippie community resort at hot springs. I just went full on woo for a while. I just dove in and healed a lot of things. Within a few years I was also doing a lot of business again, but for other people’s businesses. Developing a $15 million re-development project down the road from Harbin, and getting back into business basically.

My marriage fell apart and I went crawling back to San Diego.
At a certain point right around 2012, everything shifted. The land project I’d been working with closed. It was foreclosed on after the whole 2008 collapse. We just didn’t make it. My marriage fell apart, and I kind of went crawling back to San Diego and realized I have been kind of hiding in the forest with my new woo skills practicing my magic with other magicians. I need to get into the world. I need to bridge fully back into the world in a way where these gifts can be supported and really fully leveraged in a world that really needs that level of integration. It’s almost like I had a second awakening, but it was a pragmatic one of, “Hey, time to be in the world again.” That was when I really made myself available as a business strategist for other people who were awakening or had this sort of experience of awakening superpowers.
Realizing that there are so many professionals with very intellectual backgrounds, with very strong intellects, with very reasonable pragmatic minds who are accidentally awakening into their superpowers.
Like oops.
Like holy moly. And what-
Yap. There’s so many of us. Yeah
Activate these powers which I also call our genius. Our ability to channel through our ultimate genius in our own unique way. To also make that available in the marketplace and in creating new systems, and adapting to the world of business. Making sure that these change agents, as you call us which I love, have everything they need including the support from someone who’s been walking in both worlds for a while. Who’s on the other side of knowing that’s safe, that it’s actually super fun, that it can be very profitable and prosperous, and more importantly that it can have an impact of deep meaning in the world and provide a lot of fulfillment and change.
Beautiful. Well, so much goodness in that. I’m excited to reconvene after the break. Before we go for a break, where can people go to find out more about you?
Well, I like to help people along the journey of discovering what their true genius is that they channel. The first step of that is My Soul Gift Quiz, so I would encourage people to go check out SoulGiftQuiz.com. It’s just a little eight-question quiz, but it really nails people their deepest gift. Does it begin a journey of asking what am I really here for? And what am I best at? And what can I do that nobody else can do?
Brilliant. Well, thank you so much. We’ve been talking today with Mellissa Seaman about intuiting business genius. When we come back from this break we’re going to really dive into that kind of practical application what I call coming down off the mountain. Mellissa referred to it as going back into the world. So many similarities in that journey. I know many, many, many of you are facing some of the same stuff, and so when we come back we’re going to dive more fully into that. Stick with us.
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