Zarathustra Esfandiary, an internationally known spiritual teacher and a 5th Dimensional Quantum Healer, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to explore the concept of the 5th dimension and the healing power of love. As a clear conduit, he is a very powerful vessel and transmission of the Truth. After years of seeking and visiting many spiritual masters and healers, Zarathustra came to the realization of “that which we seek resides in our own hearts.” He created a unique blend of teachings from east and west and is able to transmit his understanding of the absolute to his audience. Zarathustra has access to 5th-dimensional quantum space and he is able to help raise vibration to the 5th dimensional vibrational frequency from which he will help build a bridge to inner wisdom and connection to Source Energy. Listen in as he talks about the healing power of love in the 5th dimension.
Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I have such a treat for you today. So I have with us today an internationally known founder of the Fifth Dimensional Quantum Healing and Awareness. But not just that, I mean, that’s very impressive in and of itself but Zarathustra is a spiritual teacher, master healer and this is someone who walks, talks, breathes, eats, sleeps his work here in the world and the walking embodiment of what it looks like to be committed to what you’re called to do and whether it’s in the last 30 years of studying eastern and western kind of masters and tying all of that together, what you’ll sense from him as we get into the conversation is that synergy, it is that real confidence in you know, walking is talk.
And we need that in the world obviously and that’s what so many of you are open to doing and so take this moment to look at him and listen to him and really feel into what it looks like to do this work in the world unapologetically and to show up in that way. So without further ado, please, please join me in welcoming to the show, Zarathustra. Welcome.
Well, thank you, Tonya. I appreciate it and it’s such a pleasure to be a part of your show.
Well, we’re honored to have you here.
Yeah, the honor is mine. Thank you.
Absolutely, so let’s jump right in and go into the dialogue of what are your superpowers?

Every human being on this planet possesses the power of love.
My superpowers are that power of love heals and that, that is the very treasure that we possess. Each and every human being on this planet possesses the power of love and love is always here. It’s our natural inheritance that we were born with. In fact, we represent love on this planet and we do come from the land of love and this superpower belongs to everybody, not just me individually. So my mission, I feel my main mission in this life is to share with everybody.
I love that. It’s so interesting, I had this insight the other day. I was talking with a new client and it just came so clear to me, I really do believe in exactly what you’re saying that truthfully all of them, no matter what everybody believes our purpose is or their mission is or anything, at the end of it or at the heart of it, is this concept of love and connecting and I think that over the eons love has kind of gotten a bad rap. When we equate it to a simple emotion or obligation, all of the ways that it’s been kind of bastardized through the years, I know for me it was really helpful when I delineated between the emotional love versus the frequency of love and I think that’s why these conversations are so important, why we’re talking today about the healing power of love, because I think there’s so much confusion about that. How do you help people kind of sort through all of that?
Well, it’s actually in so many ways it’s very easy because to recognize this space, the interesting part of it is not something that people going to gain because if they have to gain something, they can also lose it. It’s a matter of recognizing of a space or love, which is already here and to recognize that, this space, love, this phenomena, is that the mind needs to quiet down because if the mind is babbling and is going blah, blah, blah, blah, nah, nah, nah, and it’s really we’re very much identified with our thinking minds. So we are either residing in the past or judging ourselves of the things that we’ve done or we’re worried about future, of what is going to happen to us.

As we grow up we associate love as coming from outside of us.
That means we are very much involved in our thinking minds. Then that becomes like clouds that do not allow you to see the blue sky. So what I do is I help people to go beyond their thinking mind, to go into a silent place and as they arrive into the silent place, as they begin to touch this place then the heart starts to open or the heart begins to reveal itself. And they start to feel love. Now you mentioned something earlier that love got a bad rap. A part of it is because we’re associating … When we hear about love, we’re associating it with romantic love and romantic love is a completely different story. Or we’re associating it as love as some sort of business deal, like what have you done for me and what I will do for you or even as we’re growing up we associate love and acceptance through our relationship with our parents as some sort of a deal.
Like if I’m a good boy and I eat my vitamins and I eat my spaghetti and I get a good grade then mommy, daddy tells me, “Good boy, good boy, we love you.” And I get that type of love and acceptance. So what happens is as we’re growing up we start associating love is coming from another world, it’s coming from outside of us. And this becomes a very, very, powerful state of hypnotism that we start projecting love and acceptance is coming from someone else or a situation or a romantic love affair and then when it stops, the person doesn’t give us that kind of love or doesn’t show us that kind of affection or acceptance then we crash.
We fall out of love and we lose it. So what I do is I show my people that the love that they’re really seeking is unconditional and it’s always here. It’s within their own hearts. It’s not subject to any kind of action or deeds, whether I’m fulfilling someone else’s desire or society or school or the country or Church. It won’t make any difference. The love is always present and it’s always within my heart. So I help people discover that within themselves.
Beautiful and I know that … So talk to me a little bit about … One, I love everything that you’re saying about the business deals and I love the symbolism there and the analogies because it really puts it into the perspective and even I think all of us can identify with what you’re talking about through childhood, whether through our own childhood or raising children and it is that obligatory kind of place, you know and so I think that it does get kind of confusing and I think the distinction is very important. I know that you’re the founder of the Fifth Dimensional Quantum Healing and Awareness concept, talk to me a little bit about why the Fifth Dimensional kind of overlay with this?

5th dimension is a unified field of oneness.
Well, a fifth dimension is a unified field of awareness, a unified field of love without the illusion of duality. Earlier today you mentioned about taking the appearance of separation. Everything appears to be separated to our experience from the time when we’re born but in reality, as you have discovered for yourself, there is no separation. It’s all the one. So fifth dimension is a unified field of love, a unified field of oneness so the unified field of oneness means that by entering into the fifth dimension, there is no other and so there is no appearance of others. So it’s only one.
So when I came to this understanding and this awareness I realized that if I’m able to somehow direct somebody, the people that are attracted to my work into this place, which is within their own selves then they dissolve into the oneness and they recognize the truth. And then the work is done, the job is over. So that and the healing takes place but entering into this unified field of oneness within our own selves. It’s not somewhere else, it’s here. And it’s not in some other time, it’s here right now. It’s not in an ancient civilization of the past or somewhere in the future. It’s just here right now, so that’s …
That’s beautiful. I love that. I wanna jump in and take a quick break here because I really wanna flesh this out more with you. I know that people have a lot of questions about dimensionality and how that works and all of that good stuff but before we jump to the break can you please let people know so they can find out more about you?
Yeah, sure, my website is
Perfect. Thank you so much. So stick with us folks, we’re gonna dive into this concept of dimensionality and love and oneness here after the break but we’re talking today about the healing power of love and we’ll be right back.
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