Finding everything, as in the totality of what’s possible, is a quest some actively pursue. For some it’s the pathway to understanding the very nature of existence. And the irony is we find everything in nothingness. In this special episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla synergizes with Amit Goswami, retired physics professor and founder of the quantum activism movement. As a pioneer in the space where quantum physics meets reality, Amit continues to contribute viable and reality-bending insights to this body of work. He has authored numerous books and was featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know!? If you’re at all fascinated with questions like, “Who am I? And why am I here?” then tune in to this fascinating conversation that guides us straight through nothing and everythingness.
Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Up! Expert. And I am so excited to have with me today just a delightful man who’s just dedicated so much of his life to this deep body of work in terms of the transformational space as well as the expansion space and what’s possible. We’re going to be talking today, the topic is around finding everything in nothing, and our guests are the perfect person to open that dialogue with. Amit Goswami is a retired professor of physics from University of Oregon.
And I know all of our folks are very familiar with What the Bleep Do We Know!? And he was featured in that one. And his latest book is all around this idea of quantum spirituality, and he’s a big proponent of something that he’s called the quantum activism movement. Trying to open our eyes to the fact that it’s so much bigger than what we thought and also perhaps so much more simple than what we thought. And so we’re going to dive into that dialogue today and allow him to enlighten all of us with his deep wisdom in this area. So please join me in welcoming to our show, Amit. How are you doing, sir? Thank you so much for joining us.
Hi Tonya. Great. I’m doing great. I’m very happy to be with you.
Ah well, we are so excited to have you with us. And we’re going to jump in and ask your first question of what are your superpowers?
Well, I have power, but it’s not so secret, because it’s all scientific. I was very interested in this slogan when it first came out in the 1970s; we create our own reality. And The Secret was a book that was written on it and the movie was now released, and all of them have part of the quantum physics in it. That basic idea was given by Fred Alan Wolf, we create our own reality. But of course we don’t create our reality with the ego consciousness and that confuses all of us. I was determined to find out if there is any truth to that.
And eventually when I discovered the true interpretation of quantum physics, that science must be based on consciousness, I did discover that, yes, consciousness chooses, except it’s a deeper state of consciousness. So you have to find your access to that deeper spirit. And over the years… I have worked on this for 40 years, and finally I think I have a fairly good idea to live a life where your access is better. And the secret, I’ll tell you, the secret is simply, learn to make intentions, learn to be inspired and learn to be sensitive to intuition. And then when the intuition does come, what you can manifest that the intuition is about, and then manifest it to paint. And I explained the whole thing. We are writing a new book with some collaborators, and this is now common knowledge. I mean, hoping that this will be common knowledge and people start using the power of physics in order to manifest things in their life.
Well, and I think that that was the situation was that there was some fine print, right? That perhaps not all of us were reading. And I love how eloquently and very simply you stated as like, of course we create our own realities, but we’re creating it from frequencies and from aspects of ourselves. And most of us aren’t sensitized enough to be able to witness or to even grip or open our eyes to the fact that they might exist. And so it got a bad rap when all these people wanted to invoke their will into manifestation and it didn’t work, right? Or they’d have these false starts, like a blip of success and then it’s like it crumbles and you can’t sustain it.

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We just ran a whole series. We run what we call our IM series, and the first one was on in the beginning and it was all about that exact concept. That manifestation in any form of reliability or effectiveness comes from an alignment with that, what we would consider the divine will or perhaps the quantum realities, but the whatever framework you want to put it in, there’s a sensitization and an aligning that kind of naturally has to occur in that state. And that takes a lot of work to unpack everything that isn’t that. Right? And I think that’s what frustrates people.
Yes, you are absolutely right, that alignment is what we need to do. Because usually, especially in the current situation where the entire world view of the world is polarized between two factions. The religious faction, which is outdated because it stresses too much about corona, not of this world. And of course as a reaction to it, science accepted a materialist view, which is of course a completely unscientific attitude. Now the technology is based on matter alone. It is just a ridiculous concept.
Tell us how you really feel about that.
When people believe that though, they are just losing out on infinite possibilities that we have to manifest, and we really, really have to feel sorry for those. But you-
You are awesome. Oh my gosh. You’re like, why did I just have this flash to like Jesus in the temple destroying things and going, “Stop trying to keep people from God,” and then so… I can see you, you’re standing on this platform being like, “Stop trying to keep people from what they’re capable of.”
Well, we’re going to take a quick break, folks. This is going to be a really fun conversation. You’re not going to want to miss any of it. Amit, before we go to break, where can we send people to find out more about you?
It’s my website,
Perfect. Perfect. Well, folks, we are talking today about finding everything in nothing. And as you have surmised, this is going to be a fun conversation, so stick with us. We’re going to be right back after this break.
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