Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. I’m so excited to have with me today the corporate Yogi, phenomenal, phenomenal brand. I’m just in love with it. Anyway, Julie Zuzek works with entrepreneurs and businesses. She brings in that entwinement of kind of the mystical, woo woo that we’d like to call it here. But really, those higher frequency pieces in terms of making sure that the people who are assisting the world and changing the world are operating in their own actualization and highest elements. And so, I’m really excited about our conversation today. We’re going to be talking about entrepreneurial superpowers. She is no stranger to the superpower conversation. So, she comes in well armed with all kinds of yummy information about that. Please join me in welcoming Julie to the show. Welcome, Julie.
Thanks, Tonya. It’s such a pleasure to be here.
Yeah. Well, we’re excited to have you. So, we’re going to jump right in and ask you what are your superpowers?

I can find what is keeping people stuck.
I would say the first one. And this is very aligned, as you kindly mentioned in the introduction. I do a lot of work with entrepreneurs. And so, my superpower really aligns with that work that I do specifically with them. And that is to be able to tell what someone’s limiting beliefs are, and what their blocking behaviors are that is holding them back from being successful with their business. In that first two minutes of our conversation, I can tell what it is that they are holding that is really keeping them stuck. That might be a belief, it might be a behavior or some sort of story that they’re telling that is standing in the way of their success.
That’s so necessary. We have all these blind spots that we don’t even realize. Over in the Super Power Expert world, we talk a lot about frequencies and vibrations, and which frequency you’re choosing to associate within that moment. Depending on your experience with or the longevity that you’ve been in a specific frequency, those blind spots are really challenging. They often lead to people not being able to embody those higher frequencies. So, your ability to point that out to folks and help them work through those is really powerful. How did you get into all this?
Well, it just kind of fell into place. I did spend blind years in corporate. I worked in marketing communications for technology companies. And then I decided to start my own business. And so, I went to coaching school, I became a coach. What I really started to do is work with people in a more strategic sense. So, helping them with the branding and the marketing and the setting up of a business. But what I realized really quickly within the first year, was that there was all of this inner game that when we use the iceberg analogy, that’s always a great one for your listeners to have in mind, only 10% of that iceberg you see above that waterline. That is our behavior. That’s the action that we’re taking. But if you can actually go below the surface, the 90%, that is all the inner game, the beliefs that we have.
Once I started to dig around into that area, I realized it was a lot more efficient to help get people unstuck and get them to move forward and do the things that they needed to do. Because quite often, it’s people standing in their own way that is preventing them from being successful. And so, really, it was just rolling up my sleeves and just working with a client after client after client. And so, I started to see these patterns and similarities. That’s really where my whole concept of conscious business came from, which is focusing on your personal growth and who you are, to allow your business to grow.
I think it’s so incredibly necessary. I find too, those stuck moments or stuck places really shape our reality. I think that could be some of the most challenging aspects of this work is, if you’re basically telling somebody that what they’re seeing and believing isn’t real or doesn’t need to be real, or it’s mutable, they can alter it, what are some of the patterns that you’ve noticed, with regard specifically to the entrepreneurial sector?
There’s definitely a theme of being seen and heard and being in that position of an expert. There’s a lot of resistance that people have to that. It’s, if I step onto that stage and I really own this, or if I really call myself an expert, people are going to laugh at me. It’s that fear of imposter syndrome of people judging them. When in fact, people will admire you if you really step up and you really truly own your power.
Because what you’re doing is you’re giving them permission to step up and be powerful as well. I’d say that that is definitely the first and foremost that everyone deals with at some level, is that fear of judgment from others, that fear of really, really stepping up.
I can see that. Absolutely. How do you work with people who are in that position?

Growth hangover.
Yeah. Connecting them to their purpose, to their big why is very, very important. Because I like to talk about growth hangover. Quite often as entrepreneurs, we’re doing-
Growth hangovers.
Yeah. When we’re having a day where everything, or maybe even a week where it’s like you did a bunch of new scary things that you’ve never done before, rather than just sitting at home on email, which is inside your comfort zone. But if you spend a disproportionate amount of time outside of your comfort zone, doing new things or crossing over edges from the unknown into known, then you’re going to have a growth hangover. Just like if you ate too much food or drank too much wine, you’re going to suffer from that the very next day. What I try to tell people is to make sure that as you’re planning your time, you don’t have an entire day or an entire week really spent out of your comfort zone, you’re really scheduling your time and your activities so that you have ample time in and outside of your comfort zone, so you don’t get so burnt out.
Love the growing thing over. That’s awesome. It’s so crucial just to give yourself permission, I think for that. In our world, we talk about what happens is like the knowingness jumps ahead into this higher frequency. So, it gives you, I call the universal dangle. It’s like, hey, look what’s possible. And then there’s a bunch of pieces and parts of you that haven’t lived in that space yet. And so, you have to kind of acclimate all of them to that new frequency. I can see that I may have to borrow your growth hangover context.
I can see that causes that kind of, what am I, where are I. And the backlash, if you’re not cautious, that can ensue. Once you start to build stories around the backlash, you created this whole the construct that at some point you have to work through. That’s beautiful. What aided you or what sparked the interest in you to move from corporate into assisting people in this way?
Well, it was really just … There isn’t a story here. I apologize. It’s just, really it was after 15 years, I kind of got bored doing the same thing. The last company that I was at, I was in the UK, I was living right in London. As our company was just purchased by a larger firm, and I knew I wasn’t a fit for that new company. I decided to move back to Canada. I live here in Toronto. As I was doing that, it was like, okay, well, let’s get the wheels in motion, start talking to recruiters. It just literally felt like everything I looked at, I was like, “I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to do that.” Nothing really excited me. The thought of going over and doing the same thing in a different company, but really the same company over and over again, I just I couldn’t do it.
And so, a friend of mine had just gone through her coach training. I watched her journey and it was incredible. I just decided I wanted to be a coach. And so, I quit my job. I did my training and dove right in completely blindfolded.
I love it. That’s perfect.
Well, we’re going to take a quick break. You’ve been listening to Super Power podcast. We’re talking to Julie Zuzek today about entrepreneurial superpowers. When we come back, we’re going to really dive into how important it is to kind of look at your own superpowers. If you’re in business or you want to move into your own business, then these are conversations that you need to be having with yourself. When we come back, we’ll give you some pointers and tips on how to do that. So, stick with us and we’ll be right back.
Find out more about Julie Zuzek at thecorporateyogi.com.
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