Aligning with the Divine is the secret to harmony, peace, joy, and love. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Jonathan Hammond about some of the pathways toward that end. Jonathan is a shamanic practitioner and author of The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change your Life. Listen now as they discuss the importance of staying on the path and ways to traverse obstacles. 

Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I just have this big grin on my face. I love what I do. I have the greatest life ever. Today, we’re going to talk about this concept of how do you look at where the world, where reality, where you’re butting up against it, right? Where it’s creating some friction. I know some of you get frustrated with all of the teachings on manifestation and how do you make things appear? And if I really, really want it, then the force is going to be there and all of these things. And I think a really, really crucial element of that conversation gets left out a lot because it’s not easy, right? It’s not the super sexy stuff. We just want things to appear. We don’t really want to have to do any work to get there, right? That’s silly.

So today we’re talking about aligning with the divine and we’re talking with Jonathan Hammond and why I’m so just jazzed about this dialogue, is it really is the secret to your freedom, folks. While you’re still at odds with the projection, right, and you’re at odds with the projection if you’re not in alignment, then it’s a painful rocky road and it doesn’t have to be like, we’re happy to sit and watch you suffer. And actually, we’re not at all. It’s super painful for us too, but you have a choice, right? And when you can see that, when you understand it, you get to be in full conscious choice. Otherwise, what’s the point of being in choice if you can’t see it. And so today we’re going to talk about that idea of aligning with the divine.

Activate Your Superpowers

In Jonathan’s book, The Shaman’s Mind, he talks about how the importance of bringing all of those elements into sync. I know so many of you are in the work of the mind, body, spirit work. But let’s face it, when you’re in your day to day, when you’re on quarantine, when you don’t know whether or not your business is going to get shut down because of protest, there’s just a lot of whatnot going on in the world. And it’s difficult sometimes to stay in the practice, right? So then, and the challenge is that then the projection, every time we slip, the projection reworks itself and shows us something affirming what we just did. And it creates this internal dissonance and confusion and it’s wholly unnecessary. So we’re going to see if we can help untwist some of that today.

And I just think Jonathan’s a really great person to do that with. So for very selfish reasons, I’m really excited to bring him on the show and see what we can unfold for you all today. So please join me in welcoming to the show, Jonathan Hammond, welcome.

Aloha, it’s really great to be here Tonya.

It is so wonderful to have you here. We don’t know each other well, but I feel like we know each other well, and it’s a beautiful space to meet in. And I just really honor you and the body of work that you’re putting forward and choosing to walk in that and be in that and encourage others in that way. So before we get too deeply into that, let’s start off by asking our quintessential question, what are your superpowers?

What are my superpowers? I think more than anything else, it’s helping people to transform the difficulties in their life and to see that the soul’s journey is contained in those difficulties and that right underneath the surface, on the other side of the coin of any of those difficulties are the keys to your unfoldment and your growth and your development. And so often when people come to me and they have a problem, or they talk about that their life is falling apart and all of that, my hidden thought is, I don’t usually say it out loud, because I don’t want them to slug me, but my hidden thought is usually now we can get started. This is the beginning of something, it’s through the darkness that we’ll find the keys to your unfoldment.

That’s beautiful. And there’s so much wealth of wisdom in that statement in the sense that it takes real courage to sit and hold that container for somebody. That’s what we’re seeing a lot in the race relations dialogues right now is that there’s real anger and real hurt and real confusion and real desperation and everything. And all that does is highlight a lot of parallels that are on that journey in other contexts as well. And one of the episodes I did recently, I talked about anywhere where you’re not willing to look keeps you imprisoned, right? And then the trick of the, whatever you want to call it. If you want to call it your fear, your lower frequencies, the ego, the devil, I don’t care what you want to call it, but it’s the enemies within, right?

And it’s this idea of if there are spaces that somehow you’ve been convinced are too scary or too hurtful to look at, it’s the biggest misnomer. They get hurt when it happened, right? And so to open those spaces up and to really align with them, what Jonathan’s talking about is the gift in all of it. You rob yourself of the gift, you’re already going through the challenges, or you did. It’s like, you might as well get to the gift, right, and be able to utilize that. And so I think it’s a process that I think provides real hope, that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Would you agree?

I would. In fact, in my shamanic tradition, we talk about taking 100% responsibility. Because essentially what we experienced in the outside world is merely a reflection of what’s going on within us. As within, so without. That’s deeply embedded in the Huna wisdom that I write about. And so it’s so important to look at the things in your life that are happening, that you may not like are always, always, even though it’s sometimes difficult to look at, and it doesn’t mean necessarily that you’ve done anything on purpose, but on some level, all of those things were created by your thoughts, your beliefs, your intentions, and your actions. Sometimes those are unconscious, meaning that they’re just on autopilot and we’re not aware that we’re creating that. But if we can know that we are truly in a co-creative relationship with reality and that we create a reality based on how we think about reality, not just our experience of reality and how we think it affects how we experience reality, but the reality itself, the world itself, shifts based on how we think about it.

And we are literally the causative source of what we create in our lives. And it literally starts with what goes on between your ears and all.

Go ahead. You were on a roll.

We all have, I get so excited talking about this.

I love it.

I know Tonya, and I can tell you do too, it’s so amazing to meet you. But yeah. So we all individually have such an important part to play in the transformation of the world, because what we’re doing, just with ourselves in our own homes, without even leaving our home has an effect on the collective. And my Hawaiian teacher says, “If you want to heal someone, think of them and you feel good.”

Exactly. And it’s trippy, right? One of the concepts we teach here is the inside out game, right? And so we use that, right? Because again, they’re all tools. We have a saying here, we don’t throw anything out. And that’s what I was thinking about when you were talking about the superpower thing is like, absolutely the alignment there in the sense of like, it’s all on purpose. There’s something happening. Yes, you may have had this thought that created this thing. And yet there’s a reason for it, right? And we can always look to that and the projection can only show you what you used to believe, right? And so where people typically get tripped up is in the void, right? Is in that pause. That’s why I love the shaman tradition.

I love the energy, even the Hawaiian traditions, right? You combine those two concepts (divine) and you get this really yummy mix of that patience, right, and that reflection. And in a cool way and in a unique way. But we’re going to take a break in a second folks, but I’m going to let you know, there’s a catch to all of this and more on the how to align with the divine. It’s great. And we can talk about thoughts become things. And mind over matter and dah, dah, dah, dah, and all of that can be true, but there is a catch to this. And that catch is why so many of you are so freaking frustrated when it comes to how do you interact with the projection? So you’re going to have to keep listening to the show if you want to know what that catch is. How was that? I’m just going to dangle it. But before we go to break, Jonathan, let’s tell people where they can go to find out more about you and aligning with the Divine.

Sure. The easiest way to find me is You can find me there. That’s the easiest way. And my book, The Shaman’s Mind: Huna Wisdom to Change Your Life is available on Amazon.

Beautiful. We will have a link to that folk on the episode page, but you’re listening to Disrupt Reality. We’re talking about navigating and aligning with the Divine. What did I say? Navigating what, where am I going with this? Let me remember what we’re talking about here. Aligning with the divine, we can navigate to. I was like, we’re already off on our next show, I think Jonathan, my energy was somewhere else with you creating. Anyway, so stay with us folks. We’re talking with Jonathan Hammond, we’re talking about aligning with the divine and we will be right back after this break. Stay tuned.

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