Hello everyone and welcome. I’m Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. And today we’re with Elana Davidson, and we’re talking about the unlimited power of happy. Hello. Welcome.
Thank you.
Hi. I’m so excited about you, because I like happiness, and I believe that it’s unlimited. So I’m excited that we’re going to cook up together today. The first question I want to ask you is, what do you consider the superpower of your soul? And we’re talking about superpower, what I’m really talking about here is a superpower that you utilize for yourself.
Okay. So one of the things that I have learned to turn into a superpower is being incredibly empathic, and feeling into the world, having senses about what’s going on with the people around me. And it wasn’t always a superpower, but I was able to learn how to work with it, so it became something that is an amazing contribution to my life.
Understood, and I think that that is an amazing kind of redirection of something that people are, you know, it’s a natural gift and how to utilize it for your greatest good. And then to really hone that gift and talent I think is key. And it’s really funny, I just created a tool called checking your emotions for the empaths. So I too am an empath. We talk a lot about sacred purpose here, and I define sacred purposes as what you’re profoundly here to experience, and then offer that experience to others. In that sort of definition, what do you consider your sacred purpose?
Well, it’s along the same lines of honing those empathic gifts and using that to help others sort out what’s going on for them, and then also be able to use that empathic gift for themselves.
How has being empathic and being connected, what has your soul or your essential nature, however you want to put the terminology around it, what has been a big theme that your soul has shared with you over the course of your journey?
In what way do you mean?
Well, sometimes we get messages that you’re enough. Sometimes we get messages that all is well. Sometimes we get messages that you’re courageous.
Okay, got it. So my book, Finding Your Own Happy, one of the things that I talk about is my journey from feeling incredibly like I was incredibly broken and screwed up, to understanding that I had a real gift and a superpower, and did that I wasn’t as wrong as I thought it was.Â
So like if you put it in the positive language, it’s like wow, I’m actually incredibly perceptive and aware of a lot of things that I hadn’t been willing to acknowledge. And once I started to acknowledge that it made a huge difference in my life.
Beautiful. So we’re getting a sense of how you support others, of course, one of them is through your book. How does your soul support others in different ways? Can you give us some examples?
Being present with people, feeling into what’s going on for them? I do energy work. So, for example, I went for a walk with a friend the other night, and I said, “Hey, can we sit and just do a little clearing for you?” Because he had some heaviness going on for him. Excuse me. I just provided that space for him or another, I can deeply listen into what’s going on with people and ask the questions that help them get back to feeling empowered, understanding what’s going on for them below the surface, and coming back to trusting their own experience, and trusting their own knowing, including their empathic wisdom, which sometimes we get very mixed up about what’s ours and what’s not. So to come back and to get to the place of really acknowledging and identifying that.
Yeah, that’s really important. And one of the ways I always do that is this mine?
Yeah, love for that question.
That’s a great question. I was working with a tool from a client of mine, I was looking at her stuff, she’s so amazing and she’s like, we kind of tip was, are you asking, is this mine? And I was like, “Oh my God, I’m totally not”, like, you know, you talk about it all the time, and I think we can get kind of so used to our tools that we don’t really utilize them for the full potential.
Yes. And asking questions is another thing that I find so vital for me as an empath, and also with my clients, because it helps us understand what we’re actually aware of. Like, oh I feel this weird sadness all of a sudden, is this mine? That’s going to give you some information, or what am I aware of here? Whose sadness could this be? And if you follow the energy, you can get a whole bunch of information that before, before I knew I had the superpower, is just like why do I feel so depressed all the time or what’s my issue? Because I don’t get how to function in this world, so to speak.
Yeah. I think that’s really important. Warner, who’s my, oh everyone knows who Warner is, he’s my boyfriend is, because I talk about them in a gloriously enough, but so this morning he’s like, “Okay”, he was coming home. He was like, “Okay, I got lunch stuff.” And I was like, “Oh, I thought we were going out for lunch.” And he goes, “You asked me to run the show.” He goes and I was like, “Oh my God, you’re totally right. I asked you to run the show.” And sometimes when we’re caught up in other people’s stuff, we don’t really pause really to go, where am I? What do I know? What am I feeling? Really what I’m mad about and I think that deters from our happiness, which we’re going to go in deeper, as we move to the second portion of our show.
So before we do our break, let people know how to get in touch with you.
Sure, so actually one of the things I do is I give away my book for free, because they want people to read it, and want it to make a difference in their lives. So if you go to findingyourownhappybook.com you can get a free copy of Finding Your Own Happy.
Very cool. Okay, everyone, stay tuned so you can understand how to tap into the unlimited power of happy.
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