The Flow of True Happiness
What is the flow of true happiness? Where can we obtain it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Mike Chang talk about the importance of a genuine stream of happiness. It has the power to improve our bodies and consciousness. Moreover, it will lead us to our journey away from an unfulfilled life. Listen to this episode to gain inner peace, contentment, and new favorable horizons in life.
Blessings everyone. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki and I am extra delighted to be here with you all today. Talking about the flow of true happiness with our incredible guests. We are so blessed to have Mike Chang joining us today. Let me tell you just a little bit about him before we bring him on. Mike is a world-class body and mind coach, former bodybuilder, entrepreneur, and creator of the Flow Training Method, which my whole family and I happen to absolutely love. Mike is really well known for having built one of the largest fitness followings on Youtube, but at the peak of his career, he started to experience extreme mental anxiety and emotional stress that caused a severe physical injury to his lower back and nearly stopped his ability to work altogether.
He made a really bold choice and he ended up selling his company, leaving everything behind to embark on what would ultimately turn out to be a five-year journey learning to master his mind. And that’s one of the many things I truly love and admire about him. He does whatever it takes. He really walks his talk with that full force of his commitment with his whole being. And now, he’s on an absolute mission to help other people raise their level of mental health to live in a state of joy and peace too. Mike is such a genuine soul. He’s got such a wealth of transformational wisdom to share, and I’m thrilled that he’s here. Mike, welcome to the show today.
Mike Chang:
Thank you, Amorahki. Glad to be here.
Yay. It’s going to be incredible. I’m so excited about this conversation. The search for true happiness, hey, such a common thread running through humanity. Would you say that the ability to realize the flow of true happiness in your life is a SuperPower of the Soul of sorts?
Mike Chang:
I think it’s like a natural path of our soul to find it. And when we, the closer we get to it, the closer we feel connected to ourselves. And I think ultimately that’s just what, that’s what people really want, but the path to get there wasn’t ever really defined. We didn’t grow up going, “Okay to connect to your soul when you grow up, here’s what you do.” Everything is really aimed towards being successful, making enough money to live. And so, we never really develop the idea of what it really means to connect to ourselves. And even though happiness is used as often as to be successful, I think it wasn’t really ever defined as what it really is and what it really feels like. And the people that talk about it, a lot of the time, let’s just say growing up and parents telling their children, it’s about being happy. But what does that really mean? And it leaves all of us growing up and not really knowing what that really means to accomplish that and just leaving it up for ourselves to kind of figure it out.
There’s so much in there already Mike. Wow. I love that you’re bringing to the conversation, the idea about understanding what it even means. It is true. I never got that guidebook. I guess you didn’t either grow up on what this really looks like and what that path is, and how to. It really was with the best intentions. I, as always, you know people love you, they want the best for you, but there’s sort of this idea that it’s out there. And it really is based on being able to and succeed in some external way. And I think there’s this myth that is sort of interwoven in that sometimes when I speak with people who go down that path and expect to find happiness when they get there. When they get some measure of external successor when they do the thing they need to do to earn their daily bread, so to speak, or whatever that external path is.
I don’t know if you’ve experienced that, but to walk down that path and then sort of meet a bit of a dead-end and discover that there’s no happiness there for you. I love this flip of learning to connect within and find that flow of true happiness within. Just tell me briefly a little bit about what started you off. I mean, I know you had that experience and you sort of took off for a few years to master your mind but was the injury really that catalyzing factor that sent you on your search?
Mike Chang:
I always say that when we are, when we have really strong willpower, it could be good for us or actually bad for us. And in my case, I was dealing with this injury for nine months already. And I couldn’t stand, sit or lay down without dealing with some type of pain. The pain goes from super intense, like just jabbing knife pain to just kind of a normal, moderate pain that I can deal with. And so I just put up with it. I literally just kept going because I had this iron willpower in my mind that nothing’s going to stop me. So even with this pain in my body, I didn’t think I’m just going to, I needed to change something. I knew something was obviously wrong, but I was looking at it in a sense of, if it’s physical pain, there should be a physical solution.
And being a very physical person before and helping people train their body, I didn’t really fully link how much our mind can actually affect our body. And it wasn’t until I actually experienced the entire shift in my energy, a complete shift of, on the mental side, recognizing all the major points in my life. Seeing how my life was created ever since being in childhood, going all the way to that current moment. The major areas of my life and how everything was defined by my mental story of myself. And emotionally my body, having so much energy, surged through my body, clearing everything like this tremendous release that I did by accident at the time. I didn’t know what I was doing. But at the end of the experience, my state entirely changed. My mind changed. I was experiencing something.
I had no idea what was happening and it was the best experience I’ve ever had at that point. And then from there, it became, what just happened?, and I need to figure this out because I became the happiest I’ve ever experienced and yet nothing on the outside changed. I didn’t, nothing in my business changed. Nothing in my relationship changed. Nothing in my body physically, I didn’t do anything to my body to look any different, but yet something just changed. And I knew instantly that this feeling, this state was exactly what I’ve been looking for my whole life, but I couldn’t even define it because I had no idea it existed. How could somebody get to a place that they have never been to and nobody ever talks about? And when it happened, my whole purpose changed.
It wasn’t just this idea. It was, I was experiencing it. And that’s when I left everything and committed myself that I’m going to do whatever it takes to, number one, find out what actually happened. What did I just do that my mind went quiet? I was having so many problems in my head, like mind chatter, having so much mind chatter. I couldn’t understand conversations with people. I couldn’t hear them anymore. I would sit there and look at this conversation. And I would hear it, but nothing would register. Has it ever happened to you? It’s like you hear the words that people are saying, but then if nothing is clicking, because my nose was too loud. And I went from having that amount of internal mind chatter to complete silence. Presence. And I’ve never experienced that.
I don’t remember the last time I did. And the pain that we’re talking about, my back, that I was dealing with for nine months, disappeared in six hours. Gone. And my body became very light. Like I had helium in me. I was literally walking on clouds. I was walking around kind of floating around. And I knew that this is not what my body feels like. Being a bodybuilder before, you know exactly how your body feels like. And the last thing you’re going to feel like is very light. It’s the complete opposite. It feels like a heavy slab of meat dragging around all the time. So, it just felt amazing. It just felt amazing. It was nothing I’ve ever experienced. No experience came close. And I was just, that was it. There was no going back.
I literally surrendered everything and figured out the fastest way to exit out my company. I told my partners I’m out and I just went all in. I wanted it to find out exactly what happened. And I knew, I knew that I wasn’t going to risk just kind of going half-ass. I wasn’t just, because I mean, I had a really good thing going on career-wise. It was just skyrocketing. But it didn’t matter. I realized it didn’t matter because everything was great on the outside, but what I experienced had nothing to do with any of that. And so I knew that, what would the chance be of me holding on to whatever I just, whatever just happened or to recreate it again? When A, I was 33 at the time and I had never experienced that before, B I don’t even know what that experience actually was, nor do I, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t even know what to tell somebody.
“I feel really good.” “Yeah, so do I?” No, no, no. That’s not what I mean. Right? It’s like, what are you going to say? I just, I realized, no, this is, I’m not just going to kind of pursue this a little. No, I’m going to dedicate my life to this. And that’s what I did. And, and now I’m sharing with people how it all works because most people don’t really understand. And it’s like, once we understand how it works, it gives us a different viewpoint of ourselves, our mind, our body, our soul, it gives us a different understanding of it and also how we can interact with other people along with the environment. Everybody needs to know that.
Especially now, especially right in this red hot moment. I can’t wait to hear more from you on how it all works, Mike. Before we do that, we’re going to take a short break so I don’t have to interrupt this incredible flow. Before we go to break Mike, where can people go to find more information about you?
Mike Chang:
They can go to my social media, Instagram, MikeChangOfficial to see my posts or they can go to my YouTube channel. It’s just called Mike Chang. If they want to learn more about the programs that I have, they can go to mikechangcoaching.com. You’ll find a lot of, a lot of things there.
Beautiful. Okay, wonderful. Thank you so much. All right everyone. You are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. And today we are talking with Mike Chang about the flow of true happiness. And for those of you feeling ready to take the next step on the path of unlocking your superpowers, we invite you to come on over and play with us in the superpower universe and take your next step within a loving, supportive high vibe community. We’re having lots of fun over there. Head on over to superpowerexperts.com for more info. For now, stay with us. Stay tuned. You do not want to miss this one. We’ll be right back.
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