Hi, everyone. This is Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and Founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m with Asha Ramakrishna today and we’re talking about the divine spirit of modern woman. Welcome, Asha.
Hi. I’m so excited that you’re here.
Thank you.
I always like to start kind of everyone getting to know you and getting to know me a little more. And we often talk about superpowers, and I want to be really clear about this question because the question and I’m going to ask you is what is the superpower of your soul? Meaning, what is the superpower of your soul for you? So often I ask this question and everyone goes outside themselves, but I really want to know about you and your soul and how it operates for yourself because that’s why you have it. So, what is the superpower of your soul for yourself?
Compassion. When I think back, even when I first started in my spiritual journey, I think that that was always the theme that I was being brought to face. And through the decades at this point, multiple, I can see these affirmations and confirmations of like, yeah, it’s compassion. Compassion.
Beautiful, beautiful. I was reading something that one of my practitioners posted today and I had to read it three times because I couldn’t really understand it because she was talking about comparison and I kept reading the word compassion and I’m like, “Wait, I don’t get this. Why is she saying no to compassion?” And it was really a comparison. And I think so often compassion is something that really we are so freely offering it to others, but we don’t really kind of stay in that compassion of ourselves and I think we’re doing ourselves a disservice when we’re not really sitting in that compassion and love for ourselves
For sure. I mean, I feel like sometimes that’s a piece that we forget that the thing that is our greatest gift, that we think it’s for other people. Really ultimately in the first place, it’s for ourselves first.
Agreed. And I think so often, and this leads me to the next question, what is your sacred purpose? And when I ask this question for people, anyone who knows me can hear me silently, I will. Because so often they all go, “Well, I’m here to serve blah, blah, blah.” I’m like, “No, no, no, no. Your sacred purpose is for you.” And I think we’re so trained, especially in master of service, especially master healers, and anyone who comes on the shows as a master healer and a master influencer. I think we’re so used to going outside of ourselves for that answer. So my sacred purpose is about connection. Yes, I teach connection. I’m always going to bring people back to connection, but why is that my sacred purpose? Because I profoundly want to understand that for myself and experience that for myself. So what do you consider the reason why you’re existing? Your secret purpose on the planet at this time?
Big question, right?
Yeah. The moment that you asked that question, I could see three rings emanating out of me and the first one is for myself. I feel that what I’m really here to do in this lifetime is to really bring in more of these feminine aspects of the divine or a woman into my life. I would definitely say that I was very masculine right from the get go and it’s been an unlearning of some pieces and a greater invitation to feminine aspects. The second ring is for my beloved and my daughters. I think my purpose with my beloved is to have a good time and to build something meaningful, and with my daughters is to create space for them to accept who they are and get to be that in the world. And then that final ring, the purpose really feels, and it’s ever evolving. It always has different flavors to it, but it really feels like it’s this deep invitation to ground our soul into our everyday life as much as possible and letting go of the conditioning from society, family, DNA, if you believe in past lives, that too. Letting go of those things and really opening up to how the soul, how the divine can co-create with us.
Yeah. I’m nodding my head to all of them. When you were talking about coming in, having more masculine kind of force or energy, I had this kind of thing about, “Oh, that’s really warrior energy.” I think so often women begin in a female form, when they come in and they have this warrior energy and they’re told, “Oh, you’re so masculine, you’re so aggressive.” I think that’s really that warrior energy that’s misunderstood and not being utilized gracefully because we’re only taught to use it one way. I think that that’s changing. I think there are a lot of women warriors out there and they’re utilizing it with gray son and sacredness.
I agree. I’ve been shifting, I hesitated even saying masculine and feminine. I start saying more yin and yang because… You and I chatted a little bit about this, that I see the goddess archetypes as these representations of who we are. And when you look at them, if you’re familiar with Kali, the Hindu goddess, I mean, yeah, she may be voluptuous and depicted in long hair and all these things, but there is a fierceness about her and it’s like, is that feminine or masculine? Well, I don’t know that we can continue to use those labels to describe who we are. So I feel like that’s fading a little bit, and yet it’s just like language that everybody’s familiar with.
Right, because we were at one level of consciousness. Our consciousness is evolving and so we need new words. I heard something the other day, “Labels are for cans.” I love that. But there’s this sacred kind of more of a moving forward energy, and then there’s the sacred of that pausing and receiving. I think that we’re just finding new words to describe what we’re experiencing and when we do it from a place of the consciousness of love, people will get our meaning versus what we’re saying. I think that’s really important and I think that’s the same with when it’s not in the consciousness of love and labels
I feel like it’s just like dance though. Like we hold this vision for… Let’s say that we don’t say sacred feminine or sacred masculine, we say sacred human. We hold this vision for sacred humans, but we can’t ignore that women do not have the same level of presence or reverence in the world. So it’s just like the answer of holding this vision and still not ignoring, not doing some spiritual bypass and not ignoring what is actually happening today.
Yeah. I think when you take action from the knowing of wholeness and completeness, that you won’t ignore things and that you will take action. And it doesn’t mean that you have to hold up a placard and march. It means that you have to take sacred, divinely inspired action for your soul’s expression. And I think so often we’re wrapped up in truth, which is this moving target, like what is truth? Instead of the overall truth of that everyone on this planet is whole and complete even if we can’t see it, that’s divine spirit.
We got off on a lovely track, but before break, I want to ask you, what is your sacred purpose as it reflects in your work? How does it show up in the way you support your community in the world?
It is always evolving, but I would say in this moment, three ways. One is through my writing, so I wrote a book, The Priestess Code: Awakening the Modern Woman. Two is my podcast, Women on Purpose. And three, this birthing of Modern Priestess School, where I’m really creating space for women of color and people who identify as being female and those who want to support people of color.
Beautiful. Okay. Give out your website or how people can get in touch with you prior to our break here.
Sure. Asha is Now in the website, and Instagram is Asha is Now, and Facebook is Asha D Ramakrishna.
Beautiful. Okay, everyone stay tuned because we’re going to be talking about the divine spirit of the modern woman.
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