What happens when we die? Can we access the after life now to find answers to our most burning questions about our current life? Listen in as Amorahki chats with Regan Forston, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Certified Life Between Lives Facilitator from the Newton Institute. Tune in to learn all about how we all have the ability to visit the place we go to when our life here ends, right now, in this episode on life between lives!

Life Between Lives

Blessings everyone and welcome back to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. This is Amorahki, and I am truly delighted to be here with you all today talking about life between lives with our wonderful guest, Regan Forston. Regan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, and he’s a Certified Facilitator from the Newton Institute. He’s actually one of the 200 Certified Therapists in 46 countries who have now helped over 65,000 clients access what he calls the God Switch inside of Us, while in a deep meditative state that allows us to access the afterlife. Why would we want to do that? Well, once in the afterlife, Regan’s clients are able to ask and get answers to questions about their current lives, answers to questions such as, why did I choose this life? What is my mission? What is my purpose here? Why did I choose this body? Why did I choose my parents, siblings, and friends? Where is my soulmate? In case history after case history, people have found answers to these questions and so much more. Regan also does online and in-person traditional hypnotherapy, specializing in trauma fears, phobias, anxiety, grief, depression, and spirituality. He’s a lovely soul, a brave soul, and very passionate about his super interesting work in the world. I’m absolutely thrilled that he’s here with us today to chat about it all and shed some light Regan, welcome to the show. It’s so good to have you here.

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Regan Forston:
Thank you, I’m happy. Happy to be here, too. You know, we just now passed the 70,000 mark. Fabulous.

I’m so curious about it. I’m truly eager and excited to hear all about it. I sometimes think curiosity should have been my middle name. But I’m eager to talk with you about all of this today and to learn what you have to share about this life between-lives process and all the things you’ve heard and seen, I can only imagine. So before we jump deep into all of that, let me just start us off by asking you our favorite opener question around here and that is what is your superpower of the soul Regan and how are you using it for good right now?

Regan Forston:
My superpower is the power for listening to people. I had to learn why did I have to learn that being a guy especially you know, it was part of me developing the feminine side of myself that happened in this kind of a spiritual way by my second wife had four step daughters has four daughters. So they became my stepdaughter. I was totally immersed in my feminine side for 10 years with five women around me all the time. And I found out I became a good listener after all of that, and that helped me when I became a therapist.

That’s the best immersion therapy story I’ve heard. That’s fantastic. Everybody. Listening is absolutely a superpower. And I can only imagine the things that you have heard in recent years.

Regan Forston:
I know. Well, I had a real estate company way back in the 70s. And I gave it up to become a professional clown. And about 4000 children’s birthday parties, and then became a corporate comedian, a ventriloquist, and a fake motivational speaker. And then an actor in Hollywood for 12 years, did a lot of movies and things and you know the market, kind of in 2008, the market crashed and I couldn’t get any corporate work anymore, which was paying all my bills. So I went back to school to become a Stage Hypnotist because I could work in nightclubs and things like that. But instead, I decided to help people with their issues instead of making them quack like ducks. Do you know? So, all divinely inspired. So you never know your path in life. And I think what in this work that I’m doing, the thing that’s beautiful is it’s starting to wake people up to see that there actually is meaning and purpose to their lives and that the hardships and the difficulties they’re going through in their life are actually challenges that they decided to have as part of their life’s contract to come down to be you know, incarnated. So when they realized that they stopped complaining, they started realizing. I bet I can’t claim to be a victim anymore when I signed up for this class.

I can’t wait to get into this conversation with you without interrupting this. There’s a lot. Okay, we’re gonna go ahead. We’re gonna take our short break. So just before we do that, Regan, where’s the best place for people to go connect with you?

Regan Forston:
It’s me through my website visittheafterlife.com very easily. It’s got a thing, there were some books that I have available once, 3 Hours, 33 Minutes in Heaven, which were about my own personal experience in the afterlife. I’ve been there twice. Now, I haven’t written a second book about the second experience yet but then there’s a book that I’m actually giving away on there called Reincarnation is Real. And it’s about all the current research and there’s tons of it being done now all over the world. And that pretty much, we’ve had 70,000 People now experience past lives. We pretty much know that that’s the name of the game, you know. But anyway, I’m giving that book away for the next year or so there.

How generous. All right. Beautiful. All right, everyone, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. And we’re gonna be right back to get deep into life between lives with Regan Forston. In just a moment, stay with us. You do not want to miss this one.

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