Hi everyone, I’m Tonya. Welcome back to Superpowers of the Soul. So excited for today’s conversation, because we’re talking with Tatiana Berindei, one of our dear, dear, dear guides and coaches, and one of the new coordinators in our SPP or Super Power Programs, of course, we have all these acronyms over at Super Power Experts world. You can thank the military for that.
Today we’re talking about this really valuable topic that comes up with every single client we work with. When it comes up in our lives, it comes up in our families, it comes up everywhere and it really is what I would contend to be kind of the driving principle in terms of motivating us to change, to transform and to kind of evolve.
So what we’re talking about today is How to Get What You Want, because a lot of times people come to us and they’re like, “Yeah, I’ve journeyed.” “I’ve been in my personal development world.” “I’ve been doing this stuff.” And, “I’ve worked with manifestation,” but if I’m honest, it’s not really working a hundred percent of the time, right? Like sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, or it’s not really working anymore. You know, that kind of dialogue, and they’re really confused about how they feel like they’re no longer able to get what they want. And so that’s an area that we work with people in. I wouldn’t say exclusively, but it really is the driving force. I think it is a foundational element of what brings people to us.
So I’m excited to have Tatiana Berindei with us today, to have this conversation. Tati, Thank you so much for joining us.
Yeah. This is a deep dive. I’m sure we’re only going to touch the surface here because there’s a lot of nuance to this topic, but…
Oh my goodness, yeah. Well, and also what I like, I want to loop into is that through your years hosting, like Sex, Love and Superpowers, and now Superpower Mommas. The conversations that get to happen there, I don’t know if you’ve seen it in your shows also, but what I talked about in the coaching programs with our clients, I see it in the dialogue that we’re having even in the network too, around what other coaches or practitioners that come on, and itis this sticking point that people typically butt up against? Is that your experience?
Yeah. Well, I mean, I think that is sort of the driving factor for the world that we move and operate in. Is that people aren’t getting what they say they want. A lot of people like to sort of throw the law of attraction under the bus and say, “Well, this doesn’t work or it’s not a thing,” but I think that there’s so much misunderstanding because there’s so much nuance.
I think one of my teachers that I have followed for years is Abraham-Hicks and a lot of people because of the way those videos work. If you will, I mean, you can go on YouTube and you can get all these little sound bites, all these little snippets. When you take these teachings out of context and you just take a little micro piece of it, it’s so easy to misinterpret and to misunderstand. I mean, there’s really a science to this.
I feel like that’s one of the things that we do really well over here with people, are we really have been actively studying this all in our own little Petri dishes and then collectively in the Petri dish of Super Power Experts for a long time. And so we’re really good at really getting into all of the layers, all of the reasons why people aren’t getting what they want. The first thing that was coming through that I was hearing when you first introduce the topic, is like a lot of people don’t get what they want because they actually aren’t even clear on what it is that they want.
Yeah. That’s a really great point that I think that’s a contributing factor. And then, on the other hand, they don’t realize that what they think they want isn’t what they’re asking for.
So we’ve got the, I mean, that’s like lifetimes of research right there. Just those two components of, Wait first, wait, wait, in order to get what you want. You have to know what you want. Well, there’s a thing. And then in order to get what you want, you need to ask for what you want. There’s another thing, right? And so a lot of times the feedback is, I don’t know why this keeps showing up.
Well, it’s not what I want. And it’s like, well, it’s all usually really easy once you experience or see something to decide if you don’t want it. But it’s a really different conversation when we’re talking about the essence of our beingness, like our existence, our life, our world. What do we want? I mean, that’s a huge question. Why do you think that? I mean, and the hugeness of it is enough of an answer, but I don’t think that’s all that’s at play when we find ourselves fumbling about in that question, what else does it play there for folks?
Well, I think people get tripped up in the thinking that it’s supposed to look a certain way. And I think fundamentally at the core of what we want, what everyone wants is to remember who they are, whether or not they’re able to articulate it that way. And then once that’s in place, then all of the ways that we play in the material world can operate and fall into place in a more easeful way. Then we get to have fun there, right? But that has to come first. Again, going back to this idea that most people they’re not able to articulate. They don’t even know what it is actually that they’re wanting first and foremost.
Yeah. And I think we’d be remiss if we didn’t clearly state like we’re talking about this within the container of superpowers and soul like that’s not a coincidence. We also have to be able to look at which aspect of us is driving that motivation, right? Which one of our many pieces and parts do we want to appease with this? Like, “What is it?” “Who is asking for this?” “Who is wanting this?” “And what is the motivation of that?” Because 99% of the personas we play from are rooted in fear. And there’s one place that isn’t, and are we wanting from that place? Are we aligning with the highest aspect that we’re able to know ourselves as? And then in the very next breath, how are we choosing to navigate things when it appears that we didn’t get? Right?
It’s kind of like, I’m always being watched. It’s like the universe is, it pays attention to everything, every little signal that we send out, every little breath that we take, every, every little word that we utter, even the ones we don’t utter. They all emit signals and a compilation of all of that, is what creates the projection that we see and what reverberates back to us. It’s not enough just to say, well, who am I? And kind of, what do I want, but what do I believe about how things work? And so you can see folks like to roll it all up and go, I didn’t get what I wanted. Really doesn’t do justice to the fact that all of that’s happening. That’s the little tip of the iceberg. And then all of the stuff that’s under the water, it’s like, “Oh, snap. Like, we don’t want to look there.”
Well. And was that desire even actually genuinely yours in the first place? You know.
Oh goodness. Yes.
All of the ways that we’ve been enculturated, especially in a media-driven society. We think we want things because we’re constantly being bombarded with messages about things. There’s really an invitation and an encouragement here to really look at like, “Are your desires actually even yours? Where did they come from?”
I remember when we first got to San Diego, when we moved out there, I had this moment. It was such a powerful teaching moment for me because I was there on Moonlight Beach in Encinitas and looking at the cliffs. I was like, “Oh my God, this is what I’ve been being sold. This place right here. This is what I’ve been being sold, this is what I thought I wanted because I was being sold. I’ve been being sold to this for years.” Were there elements at play in there around what my soul genuinely wanted? Yes. There was a huge moment of dissatisfaction when we first landed there and I realized, “Holy crap, this event, this desire is not even mine.” This is a magazine here.
Well, that’s where those superpowers come into play. If you don’t know that you’re predisposed to mind reading, empathy, psychic ability, if you don’t know that there are other influences that play, that you might be more susceptible to than someone else, or even sort of, I mean, we’re all susceptible on some level. If we have no idea that’s even possible, then it is impossible for us to be able to discern what you came to. And so I think that’s a really crucial element of this conversation.
We’re going to take a quick break here, folks. We’re talking today about How to Get What You Want. We’re talking to Tatiana Berindei, but before we go to break, if you are jumping at the bit, you’re like, “Yes, yes, yes. I want to know more about this superpower that I have. Yeah. I’ve been asking for this, where do I go?”
Go to superpowerexperts.com/activate. And you can get immediate access to our applying the Science of Superpowers information, which is important for you to have. For those of you who are like, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but it sounds kind of cool, right?” Go to superpowerexperts.com and start taking a look at the path there to get started tuning yourself to these conversations. It’s all laid out there with really clear instructions.
You can’t mess it up, just get on the path and keep walking along that journey. If you’re wondering, “Oh, I like podcasting. They’ve got different hosts. Like they’re having fun over there.” If you’re interested in having a show on our network, let us know about it. We’re currently taking applications and you can always, we’re always excited to talk with people who want to share their light in a bigger way and have a bigger impact. So make sure you go to superpowerexperts.com and you can track everything you want over there if that resonates with you. If that feels like something exciting that your soul has been asking for, we are here for you. We are so excited to have you joining us.
Stay here and we will be right back, right after the break.
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