Heart Centered Finances

Why do we need to have heart-centered finances? How does it relate to our soul path? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest Ximena Vasquez talk about abundance as a birthright. Most people are blinded by worldly things that sometimes, being good is not an option. However, if we anchor our finances to the Earth, we allow it to create a solid structure for us to navigate our soul path. Don’t miss this episode! Tune in and learn more about having your heart-centered finances enrich your soul and guide you in your lifetime. 


Hello everyone, and welcome. I am your host, Amorahki, and you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul. I’m so glad you felt the call to join us. Because today we are talking with our absolutely delightful guest, about heart-centered finances.

This is such a juicy, abundant-sounding topic. I’m so eager to dive in. The idea of bringing more heart, more feminine masculine balance, and just more love to any area of life, is truly thrilling.

For some of us, finance is an area that really needs it. Sometimes finances can feel a whole lot less than easy, joyful, sexy, or even sacred from… I don’t know. I’m just feeling uninterested in our finances to outright avoid them. You’re hiding under the bed from them.

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Whatever the case may be, even resenting them, I absolutely love the idea of bringing our hearts back into how we experience our finances and bringing a relationship of sacredness to that.

That’s just why I’m so thrilled to be talking today with a woman who is so deeply passionate about, and absolutely brilliant at guiding people into a more soulful relationship with finances.

And really helping them to capitalize on the power, and the magnetism that comes from balancing the heart and the head, as well as balancing the feminine and masculine energies within our financial world.

She’s so heartfelt, she’s so charming. She’s got this amazing pioneer spirit, that just had the ability to see an incredibly new and holistic way of really serving people in the financial realm.

I’m just so glad she’s here. I’m so glad she’s here. So please join me in welcoming this brilliant financial analyst, who many would call their financial Alchemist, and the founder of Heart-Centered Finances herself, Ximena Vasquez. Welcome to the show, sweetheart.

Ximena Vasquez:

Thank you so much, Amorahki. This is just a blessing, and I feel so honored to be here with you sharing this amazing message. I’m so thrilled to be able to share the things that I’ve been learning through this lifetime and many other lifetimes. So I feel really honored and blessed to be here.


That’s so beautiful. Thank you so much for that. We are so happy you’re here, and I am so eager to learn from you. I really bow deeply to your dedication and to what you have committed yourself to learn over. I can imagine more than just this lifetime.

So I’m so truly excited for what we get to talk about today, and what we get to learn from you and through you. I’m so eager to learn more about heart-centered finance and talk about how we can bring more sacredness, more balance, more ritual, more true heart to our finances. How yummy is that going to be? Oh my goodness!

Before we dive deep into that, and because I don’t want to break us up while we get going, let me just start us off before we go to break by asking you about your superpowers of the soul. Can you share with us what one of your superpowers of the soul is, and maybe how you’re using them in service? What are you using them in service to right now?

Ximena Vasquez:

My superpower is to be a financial alchemist. So what I want to do in service, is to help so many amazing beautiful souls to understand the part about finances that will help them anchor all the abundance; all that is coming to them, and to be able to anchor them on planet Earth.

All that abundance is going to help them be on planet Earth, be in service, and feel supported, feel loved, feel nurtured, and be able to step up in their paths.


I love that. I love how you’re bringing in. Very feminine quality of holding, of nurturing, of nourishing, and combining it with that very masculine quality of support, and structure, and anchoring. There’s such a balance in what you’re speaking to there. I’m so excited to expand on that.

Before we do that, let’s go on a short break so that we don’t have to take any breaks when we start chatting. Before we do, Ximena, can you please tell all of us the best place for people to go connect with you online to find out more about you?

Ximena Vasquez:

Sure. Thank you so much. My website is www.heartcenteredfinances, and also I have the same name on Facebook. People can find me in Heart-Centered Finances on Facebook.


Perfect. That’s great. Thank you so much. We’ll also make sure to drop links in here for everyone. All right. Angels, you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. And we are talking here today with Ximena, about heart-centered finances. We are just so happy, so happy to be together in this conversation.

It’s so much fun to gather in a heart-centered community, where we get to play and grow among soul families. So if you’re filling the call to see all the ways we get to do that over here, please be sure to head on over to superpowerexperts.com, to check out Superpower Universe and all that is over there for you to explore. For now, stay with us, stay tuned, and we’ll be right back after the break.

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