Hello everyone and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, Founder and Spiritual Director of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m a Super Power Expert. I’m so excited that we’re going to talk to Nikki Gangemi today. What we’re talking about is having the courage to leap into success.
Welcome Nikki.
Thank you, Jennifer. I’m so excited to be here.
I know, it’s a good way to start. It’s Monday morning. By the time everyone listens to this, who knows what it will be, but today, it’s Monday morning. I want to talk to you about what you consider the superpower of your soul, and when I talk about superpowers, what I really mean here is the superpower for your soul for you. I think so often, you know people are asked this question and there’s such this desire as master healers to go outside of ourselves to answer that question, but I really want to know what you consider the superpower of your soul for yourself.

There was not one person in the world that could fill me up and make me feel good.
That is a great question, and this is the first time I’m being asked this, so kudos to you for your creativity, Jennifer.
The first thing that comes to mind when you’re asking me what my superpower is for me, I have to say that it’s really going within inside of me, because for so many years I was looking for other people to let me know that I was good enough and that I was worthy, and it was just never enough. I never felt fulfilled. There was not one person in the world that could fill me up and make me feel good. I saw that I started wearing people out eventually because they just couldn’t do that for me. It took me a long time to learn that I have everything that I need inside of me. Once I’m willing to sit with myself and just be still and be quiet, all of that that I was looking for, there was a well of it inside all along, and that’s what I love helping others realize.
That’s really an amazing superpower. I think that we all have the potential.
Thank you.
You’re welcome. We all have the potential to activate that superpower. You said something extremely like, in a good way, “I was wearing people out.” I think so often, when we’re searching outside of ourselves to fill that hole, it’s totally never going to be filled. I think when we do that, we are also intermingling with people who are sharing in the not enough, right? Now you have two not enough people. One is trying to fill the hole, one is trying to get the hole filled and no one’s going to be satisfied. Again, it turns out into this big not enough moment and you have to let that person go or move on or there tends to be some discord. What you said was extremely powerful, and I think it’s a really good awareness for people to check in and go, oh, am I wearing people out? Of course, you’re wearing people out because you’re wearing yourself out. Really amazing answer. Thank you so much, Nikki.
You’re welcome. Thank you for asking the question. I love that question. It’s my new favorite question.
We talk a lot about sacred purpose and sacred work, and I think sometimes people intermix the sacred purpose and the sacred work. You know, our sacred purpose is what we are profoundly here to experience and then offer that experience to others. I think so often we’re looking for that doing a delivery system to prove that we’re worthy or we’re being our sacred purpose. Again, you’re going to wear yourself out, to use Nikki’s language. What do you consider your sacred purpose and then how does that purpose going to show up in areas of your life?
I think my sacred purpose is a little bit of a repeat of what I said. It’s to help people just realize that they matter and that they’re good enough as is. That was such a huge lesson for me my whole life well into my 30s. It was something that took me a really long time to learn. I remember I was always very much in the spiritual growth and personal development work. I remember doing Oprah and Deepak, you know, they have those 21-day meditations and I was such an avid listener of that. I remember it was Deepak Chopra in those guided meditations that really helped me to find that sacred space within. I didn’t even know that it existed. I feel like my purpose is to help people slow down, to get off the autopilot how it’s almost like robotic. You’re just going about your day going, going, going; wishing the days away, and can’t wait for Friday. Sunday comes and it’s like, “Oh God, I’m going back to work on Monday.”

Why are we waiting for permission to be happy and be excited to wake up every day?
It’s like, why are we rushing our life away? Why are we waiting for permission to be happy and be excited to wake up every day? Just tune in, go within, listen to yourself, and always know that you matter. I think the bottom line is what we really want, the commonality we all share, is that we just want to know that we’re being heard and we want to know that we matter. That was the birth of my business named Mindful Matters.
Again, I think so often, you said a lot of really amazing things there. I think that people need to start looking at their themes of their life because when we’re on autopilot. We’re just on our pattern and our theme and just pause and go: What are the big themes that keep showing up in my life? What’s the same circumstance or experience that keeps happening again and again and again? That’s going to tell you a lot about what you get to transform and where you get to move. I think people have to understand the three levels of what happens in transformation, right? There’s the information gathering stage. There’s the perception phase where you’re starting to change your perception. Then there’s the transformation where there’s an embodiment. I think that the more that you are aware of your patterns, not to judge yourself, but to pause and go, okay, wait, there’s that pattern again. I think that patterns can get really sneaky and sometimes not enough is coming up because you’re in a pattern that you weren’t even aware of until your consciousness level grows and you’re like, “Oh, that’s the sneaky way, that not enough, or control issues happen.”
It just comes up and then a lot of it, you talk about pattern, you realize that, “Is it that I’m not good enough or is it that I have a habit of thinking that I’m not good enough?” Just that little switch for me that it’s not me, I can remove myself, take me out of the equation, and just see it as a pattern programming in my brain that it’s just a habit. It’s like, “Oh wow. Now I can just get curious.” I love stepping into that curiosity and questioning all of this.
Beautiful. I love that. Before we do our break here, give out your website again. I’m sorry. Give out your website. Let people know how to get in touch with you to learn more goodness of what you do and who you are.
Sure. Thank you, Jennifer. My website is mindfulmattersliving.com.
Beautiful. Okay, everyone, stay tuned. We’ll be back talking more with Nikki about having the courage to leap into success.
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