Barbera Aimes, Online Business Mentor and Freedom Navigator joins Super Power Expert Jennnifer Urezzio to walk listeners through being fully conscious of your supernova moment. Barbera specializes in helping emerging coaches and other change-makers navigate the complexities of Internet Marketing. She also specializes in guiding them to release self-imposed limitations of the mind and forge the shortest path to financial independence and a joy-filled life. Listen in as she and Jennifer talk about the role of soul in experiencing irrevocable change in a supernova moment.
Hello everyone. I am Jennifer Urezzio and I am a Super Power Expert and the founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of Your Soul. I am so lucky today to talk to Barbera Aimes and the topic today is, Being Fully Conscious of Your Supernova Moment. Welcome Barbera.
Hi Jennifer.
Hi, I’m so honored that you’re here with me today. I always love to start with my number one question for people, which is, what is your super power of your soul?

It’s really about curiosity, courage, and connection.
That’s a great question, thank you. I think it’s really about curiosity, courage, and connection, it seems to be what’s coming up over, and over again for me.
I love that. You know, curiosity is so important because when we have that curiosity, when we tune into that kind of child like curiosity of our soul, it allows us not to stay in the problem, but it allows us to move into the solution and that energy of solution, so I love that that’s your super power.
You know, and it also allows me or moves me towards connection, right? Because curiosity about not just the things around me, but the people and how they tick, and that drives me deeper and deeper into connection, which requires courage.
Definitely. That courage to feel safe and vulnerable, that courage to be present, I can totally resonating with you here. I talk a lot about sacred purpose, I’ve said over and over again that my sacred purpose is to alleviate suffering through connection. What do you consider your sacred purpose?
Wow. You know that the thing that keeps coming up for me over and over again, and I see it as a lesson that I keep having to, I don’t want to say relearn, but maybe deepen my learning of it or integrating of it, and that is that I matter, and everybody matters. It’s really about how important every single soul on this planet is, and really just feeling that and feeling loved and supported and that we matter.
Yeah, I’ve known you for a while here, and that really comes through very strong for you, and I know that that’s reflected in the work you do with people, but our listeners don’t know you as good as I do. Everyone matters here, how does that reflect in the work that you do with people?
Well, you know Jennifer, a while ago I did a exercise, authentic life expression to figure out what my purpose was and the thing that came up for me, the strongest that I just felt really passionate about was just to help other, inspire rather, inspire people to go for their dreams and to give them the tools that they need to get there. The thing that stands, that I see standing in the way of most people, myself included, is just that sense of self-worth.
I’m nodding my head. Yeah, that’s a huge one and you have some really amazing … We’re going to go through this later a little more, you have some really amazing experiences about turning that self-worth corner and really choosing to know that you’re worthy and then spreading that word to others through what you do. What has been another big lesson or thing that your soul has shared with you?
Wow. Well, self-worth has definitely been the biggie, and there’s a whole trickle down of things that my soul has shared with me in various ways, went through my supernova moment, that lead into that self-worth and they’re all wrapped around ownership, and forgiveness, the abolishment of judgment and gratitude’s. Those are all things that kind of … Roads that lead to self-love and the realization of our self-worth.
Beautiful. You know, You do, you talk a lot about non-judgment, and you talk a lot about forgiveness. If you were going to share with someone that was listening today, something around the topic of forgiveness, what would that be Barbera?
Thank you for asking me that. That seems to be coming up so much. The one thing I want everybody to know and understand about forgiveness, is that it has nothing to do with the person you are forgiving, or the perpetrator of whatever you feel you need to forgive. It has everything to do with us, right? Whether somebody deserves to be forgiven or not is completely irrelevant. Forgiveness is something we do for us. It’s a sign of our self-love because it releases us from the bonds of resentment, bitterness and anger. It’s an important thing, I feel, for everybody to embrace.
I agree with you. The way I also look at that from an energetic perspective, is also, that’s an energy that you’re utilizing, where you could be utilizing it in a more sustainable way.
Right? It’s like this huge kind of party at your table that’s just taking up space in your life that you can’t really do anything about, and I think that when we live in the past, because that’s what non-forgiveness is all about, is that we’re really actually allowing our past to have a hold on us when in present moment it doesn’t and when we tune into our soul, right?
That curiosity and that courage and that connection does, “Yeah, no, I really don’t care about that.” Like, “Okay, that happened, let’s just accept it,” that is, what do we want to do now? It’s that kind of child like wonder of, “Oh okay, let’s play a new game, let’s do something more fun and more beneficial for us.” Before we break here, how do people get in touch with you? How do they find more about you. I understand that you have a gift for everyone as well.

We have to stop up the power leaks.
I do Jennifer, I do. As I’m working on new branding, so I don’t have a website to send people to, instead, I just have a free gift that I think your people will really like a lot. It’s actually called the Supernova Breakthrough Formula. What you were just saying about forgiveness, I’ll say it another way. It’s zapping our energy. I see it zaps our power, right?
My mission as I said earlier, is to inspire people to go for their dreams, to show them what powerful creators they are. To do that, we have to stop up the power leaks, right? Forgiveness is one big way. If you’re not in forgiveness, or if you’re in, as you call it non-forgiveness, that’s a huge power leak there. In the Supernova Breakthrough Formula, it’s a four step formula for stopping up all those power leaks, including forgiveness, so that you can really realize your power to manifest to create whatever it is that you want. The way that you can get that is just go to
Love that. It’s so important I think that as we … Another thing that I was thinking about when you were talking about, is how do people determine that they’re in this non-forgiveness, is another way of saying that is non-acceptance. If you’re in a push-pull non-acceptance, there’s probably some acceptance and some forgiveness that you can do there for yourself and that will free up a lot of your power and energy to create more and create what you really truly desire.
My name is Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPowers of the Soul, and you’ve been listening to Barbera Aimes today with me, and the topic is Being Fully Conscious of Your Supernova Moment.
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