Are you carrying strong mother energy? Do others come to life inside your field of unconditional love, care, and support? When was the last time you fully turned your innate power, dedication, ferocity, and loving kindness upon yourself? Host Amorahki Fenn invites listeners to honor and celebrate the carriers of Divine Mother Energy with a guided meditation to reclaim their own power and feel fully supported as they recommit to unleashing their greatest potential. May it serve your highest possible good and assist in supporting Divine Mother Energy to flow as freely and as powerfully as possible through you to help shape the most benevolent outcomes in our rapidly evolving world.

Divine Mother Energy

Amorahki: Hello beautiful beings, and welcome to another episode of Superpowers of the Soul. I’m your host, Amorahki Kimberlee Fenn, and I am so delighted to be here with you all recording this on Mother’s Day weekend here in North America, where I’m sitting and speaking to all of you from. We’re going to do something a little bit different today, as we are honoring, celebrating, acknowledging, and taking some time to show our appreciation and love towards the mothers in our lives: the mother mentors, the mother figures, the birth mamas, the adoptive mamas, the fairy godmothers, the grandmas. There’s so much Divine Mother Energy flowing through so many beautiful beings on our planet today! I thought what a wonderful opportunity to provide and gift all these beautiful Mamas a little break. So, in a moment, I’m going to invite you into a delicious, guided meditation that is short and sweet and powerful. This is for you to share with any of the mothers in your life or for you yourself, to really harness and reclaim and draw back all that love, all that energy, all that power, and thought and care and kindness that mothers tend to shower over everybody else so naturally.

Activate Your Superpowers

Whether juggling multiple things wiping noses, holding space, healing hearts, guiding, protecting, serving, inspiring, or loving, there’s just so much that goes on as a mother. So, today my intention is to invite you into a relaxed space where you just get to sit in the juiciness and the wonderfulness and the expansiveness and the power and the compassion and the loving kindness and the ferocity of YOU.

How many mamas are also so dedicated, alongside many other beings, to healing and helping our planet as well? Let’s take the opportunity today to shower yourself with 10 minutes or so of that depth of care, that depth of encouragement, of power, of compassion, of inspiration, that depth of healing and patience that you so kindly, probably naturally, probably without even thinking about it, bestow upon so many people in your life. Does that sound like you? Does that sound like someone you know?

Then I’m going to invite you back after this short break to gift yourself just 10 minutes to really come into direct connection with reclaiming all that power, reclaiming all that goodness, and shining it upon yourself so that you leave this episode today feeling fully seen, fully restored, fully refreshed, with your awareness expanded all directions, and with a renewed connection to the greater field of support that is here for you and the Divine Mother Energy that is here for you. Imagine the power of yourself turned around and gazing lovingly and powerfully upon you, so that you walk out of here, lighter, freer, relaxed, and restored to a place of true power and conviction, feeling the truth that anything is possible, and you are fully supported. Knowing that all of life is organizing around your unique success, that your heart is whole and vibrant, and you are deeply re-connected to your deepest desires.

If that sounds good, stick around. Find a comfortable place to sit, stand or lie down where you can be relaxed and in peace for about 10 minutes or so. I’ll see you back here in just a minute.

Activate Your Superpowers!