Hello everyone, and welcome. I am Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPower Up! I’m a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and you’re listening to SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m here today with Lisa Manyon. What we’re talking about, creating solutions with conscious thought. I’m so excited, so welcome, Lisa.
Thank you. I am delighted to be here.
Yah. I always like to start off with what do you consider the super power of your soul?

The super power of my soul is truly my intuition.
I would say the super power of my soul is truly my intuition.
I’m nodding my head. And you know I’m nodding my head going, yes, there’s more there, and, no, it’s a complete stop. Yeah, totally. I would agree with that. How have you utilized and developed that super power throughout your life?
Well, you know it’s interesting. I think, sometimes we’re a little mystified by our intuition. Sometimes when we just know things, it can be uncomfortable, so I didn’t always embrace it. Sometimes it kind of scared me, right, just to know, oh my gosh, how do I just know these things? Why is it that I have this sense that somethings going to happen, or I can make these marketing predictions and they come true? What is that all about? So, I guess it took a little bit of course correction on my part to embrace it, as opposed to be a little bit afraid of it, to be very transparent, and to realize this is truly a divinely guided gift, and when we tap into that inner flow, and we really tap into our connection with source and divinity, whatever that means to you is completely up to you. For me, it’s just tapping into what I know to be a power much bigger than me that guides me with love and truth, and I can trust that, and I can lean into that, and honor it.
I guess I honed it by acknowledging that, by moving away from fear, and into love, and also by doing a lot of prayer and meditation. I think that we often complicate thing when there’s little things we can do, like sitting in silence for a bit, or saying a prayer that can really tap us into that deeper truth, and guide our intuition to even greater heights.
I love that. You know, that’s how I started, kind of before I heard what Soul Language was, what I was teaching people was how to use their intuition. It’s really, yes, it’s a super power, and why it’s a super power, it’s like you have to understand how your intuition talks to you, right? Because it’s going to be different then mine. Everyone has that muscle, which I love because everyone has this super power of this interaction with divinity. So often, on the show and in my work, I talk about sacred purpose. Lisa, what do you call your sacred purpose? Like, what is that definition of why you’re here?
Well, my sacred purpose is, number one, to do all things with love, but it’s also a divinely guided purpose. I was given the charge to help shift and change the trajectory of marketing, advertising, and copywriting, and to flip the script to focus on passion points instead of pain points, which I’ve been carrying out beautifully for well over a decade. It’s really starting to catch on more now.
Thank God.
I know, thanks. But you know here’s another piece of it, Jennifer, that I haven’t talked a lot about yet that I think is really fascinating, but I mention that it’s to do all things with love, so I got the divine nudge that, yes, you’re going to change marketing, advertising, and copywriting, and that’s great. Then, I got another divine nudge last year, and it was that I was going to heal cancer with love. And that’s going to sound a little crazy, but the truth is, I’m now sharing a little bit about my personal journey and how through coupling western medicine, a couple of surgeries, as well as my absolute faith and my intuition and changing everything in my life, that I was able to heal above, and heal myself above. Those are pretty big things, and pretty big messages that I keep getting. I call them God nudges, to share more and more with the world, so that’s what I’m here to do.
Yeah. And you know, I think it’s so important that when we have that leading by soul that we follow it. Also, as an aside, if you don’t follow it, nothing terrible is going to happen to you. That’s one of those fear things that I think spiritual people use, which annoys the bejeezus out of me. Like this judgment that if you don’t follow your sacred purpose, then you’re never going to be happy. But, no. It’s all about choice. I always have resonated with things that you’ve said, so again, we’re kind of right on the same page. What has been that common theme, the big theme that your soul has shared with you over your entire journey?

Do all things with love.
Just seriously to trust my own truth. I know that we all have that little part of us, that who am I voice, that rears its head and shrieky little voice when we start to stand in our power and share our truth and our messages, that make us doubt ourselves a little bit, right? That make us think, wait a minute. Other people are doing something so different. Who am I to share this new message of focusing on passion instead of pain, and healing with love, and doing all of these things? It’s really listening to, not only that intuition, but your own truth because we can get derailed by others who are maybe well intentioned, sometimes not, wanting us to adopt their principles, or buy into their programs, or whatever it might be. And so staying that course is vital.
Yeah. Beautifully said. You talked about how your soul supports people with this love, loving cancer, healing from cancer, and spreading that message, and spreading the message of focusing on the passion rather than the pain. What are some of the other ways that your soul supports others and has supported you?

There’s never been a day where the Creator didn’t provide.
Wow, that’s a really good and deep question. I love this conversation. I’m going to think about that for just a second. I know we’re on live and on the spot, but. One thing that I can always say is that I know I’m always going to be taken care of. That knowledge and that inspiration helps me course correct when I’m getting nervous, or maybe there’s a time in my life when I’m thinking, oh my gosh, this big contract didn’t come through. What am I going to do? I still need to meet those projections or whatever it might be. It’s going back to that place where we know that we’re going to be okay, right? There’s never been a day where the creator didn’t provide, or where I didn’t have a place to live. I know that, that’s not true of everyone, but when we get into the right mindset and really tap into that deeper knowing that we really are taken care of and that we really are loved, that’s how I believe my soul supports me. By sharing it with others, it’s how my soul supports others. When we’re walking in our truth and we’re truly shining our divine light, it lifts others up. That’s what we’re here to do, to lift each other up, not tear each other down.
Yeah. You know, again, on the same page. So often, I’ll go, oh, I can’t believe I’m doubting again. Like, oh my God. I can’t believe I just spend all of that energy worried about this thing, and then when I just pause and I just focus on that connection, and I focus on that feeling of being home, that feeling of freedom, that feeling of deep safety within, something freaking amazing happens that I could never ever come up with in the wildest of dreams.
Then, I always say, God, and then again, that’s what I call my higher power. You can call it universe, tree, Bob, God, cupcake, rock, we don’t care. I always go, God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that I played that game again. God’s response is always the same. No, Jen. I’m sorry that you played that game again, right? Like, you are that divinity and allowing that access to it. So wow, lots of fun, powerful conversation here. Before we go on break, tell people, Lisa, how to get in touch with you.
Absolutely. You can always find me on my website at writeoncreative.com. Which is write, like you’re writing, writeoncreative.com
Beautiful. Well, everyone, you’ve been listening to me, Jennifer Urezzio and Lisa Manyon. Our topic today is creating solutions with conscious thought.
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