Hello everyone, I’m Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul and I’m with Kate Houston today and I’m so excited because today’s topic is being conscious in love. Welcome, Kate.
Yay, thank you so much, Jennifer. I’m excited to be here.
Yay. So I always love to start out with the ultimate question of questions for this podcast, what is your super power of your soul?

My soul has been around for a very long time.
I loved this question because there has been, what my superpower has been in my life and in my soul has been around for a very long time and it took me a long time to actually understand what it actually meant, which I think sometimes happens to people. Are you get the tapped knowledge of what it is but then you don’t know how it’s going to play out in your life. So for me, my superpower is that I make people feel safe. And the best way to describe that is that I don’t know if there’s a maternal quality specifically but there are different ways to help people feel safe. One is the more masculine energy that is going out the warrior to protect outward by fighting what is out there to make someone safe. Or there is the more insular and maternal model where the person gathers people around and gives some sort of safety and connection and blankets somebody with safety. And I think that’s where my superpower comes in.
And so for a long time, I was wondering what does this actually mean? I know that people always felt safe around me and that they felt I was approachable, that they could talk to me about any number of things, which of course being a coach is very helpful for that, but I didn’t understand the deeper value of that in that allowing people to feel safe allows them to really get into the depths of things they need to look at without feeling judged or criticized. And it’s all just from an essence of who I am, I believe when I’m around somebody who is looking for an opportunity to open up and to do work.
Beautiful. So I want to ask another question.
So how do you use that superpower for yourself? Because so often master healers go, “Oh they’re always willing to be of service and they forget about their own innards.” So how do you use that safety for your own superpower?
I think truly the best way that I can use that for me is to remember that there’s an inner knowing and an inner trusting for me in how I should approach the world, how I can help conduit to people and really understand or get a nuance of something that may be deeper than what is being said. There might be a feeling or an intuition, I suppose.
So what do you consider your sacred purpose? My sacred purpose here is to alleviate suffering through the connection. That, of course, is what I offer others but it’s also what I’m here to embrace and embody and roll around in. So what do you consider your sacred purpose?
I think this is great because one’s sole purpose is also, what I’m doing out for the world is also the work I need to do for me. That’s really what is wonderful. It is that I am here to heal with love from within so that I’m maybe fully able to bring love out into the world. So the more that I’m grounded and find peace and serenity and inner love and self-acceptance for me and all of my whole human messy parts, the things I don’t want to look like, maybe the things that I wish … The things that aren’t necessarily the “positive” things that we like to say about ourselves. But knowing that they’re fully human is the thing that I love that I get to accept about me. But then because I’m doing that, I get to help others with that as well.
So that totally reflects what you do in your work, right? It’s about accessing the love within and then helping people from there receive more love in the world. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

There’s a constant opportunity for a law of attraction to happen in my life.
Absolutely. We all know a little bit, most people know about that law of attraction and it’s just so interesting how long ago I heard about that and I would say oh yeah, yeah. And that’s, of course, your mind speaking, “Oh yeah, yeah. I get that.” And then you start to experience it more and more in your life, a little bit here, a little bit there, things that come into your life that are matching your vibration of whether it’s love or ambition or kindness or generosity or whatever it may be. And so it’s just interesting that there’s a constant opportunity for a law of attraction to happen in my life. So I’m really loving that what happens is that the more I’m able to be generous with love, the more I’m getting that risk and response. And that, I think, is part of my bigger sole purpose here on earth is to learn that lesson for me. And it’s so funny how I can say, “Yeah, I get that law of attraction,” and when something happens it’s just a little bit deeper and a little more nuanced it’s like of course, there’s the lesson again.
Mm-hmm. Beautiful. And you know, what has been a big theme your soul has been sharing with you across your journey up until now?
I believe it’s self-acceptance and that who I am as I am now is enough. And that I’m a growing person, soul, entity that over time that will be great that there will be more enlightened, more awareness, but it’s okay to not be there yet. Even where I am now is enough because the journey, it’s the journey so much that is where the juice is in life, and not about the hitting a marker on some calendar or on some goal setting device. It’s really about how it unfolds rather than the getting there, the being there at the end.
You know and I think that’s so important for our topic today about being conscious in love because so often people aren’t in the present moment as they’re moving into that relationship. They’re in the field or in their class, they’re dating in their head and it’s so, all creation happens here and I think to really truly be conscious you have to be in this moment and not conflicted or utilizing your energy trying to rewrite your past or make your future so in control so you feel safe.
Before we go for a break, I want to have everyone know how to get in touch with you. So fill us in, how do people reach out?
If they’d like to reach out to me they can go to my website at fabulousandfearlessover40.com and they can send me a message and see what it is all about with me and helping women over 40 find lasting love and choose the perfect man for them.
Beautiful. Hey, everyone, you’ve been listening to Jennifer Urezzio and today’s topic is being conscious in love.
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