Hello everyone and welcome. I’m Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m a Super Power Expert and founder of the Soul Language.
We’re talking with Laina Orlando today and we’re talking about building self esteem through self-awareness.
Welcome, Laina.
Well, thank you so much for having me here. This is very exciting.
I’m so excited that you’re here. I always like to ask the first question about what do you consider the superpower of your soul, but here’s the additional part, for yourself? What do you consider a superpower of your soul for yourself?
Ah, nice. That’s a big one.
I love that and I love when people get those big things. They go, “Oh, it’s so big. It’s so cliche,” and it’s really not. I always like, “Okay, so what’s your kind of secret sauce for love?” What is your vein in that big category of love?
Well, I had to understand that the love of my soul is an unconditional love, which is totally different than the love of my human side, my conditional loving that I got indoctrinated like everybody else to believe was love. This kind of love is a love that is kind, that is compassionate, and that ultimately frees everybody to be itself.
Nice. We also talk about sacred purpose, and again, sacred purposes of what you’re profoundly here to experience, then offer that experience to others. It’s not about doing. What do you consider your sacred purpose?
My sacred purpose is to be an example of an ordinary person who came to experience an extraordinary awakening. I’m here to show that if I can awaken and transform my life into one of purpose, my soul’s purpose specifically to be the presence of unconditional love, then if I can do it, anybody can.
This is the second time in less than two hours I’ve heard this ordinary life, ordinary thing. I’m starting to think like what if extraordinary is the ordinary, right? What if that is what we are here to express and to be rather than what we think is ordinary. Stay tuned, everyone. There might be more about that. What is a common theme that your soul has shared with you over your journey?
Throughout the entire journey, the common theme was to become aware of what blocks the truth of who I am, what blocks my soul from expressing and having that extraordinary life and that is to look at my egoic belief system, to look at any thoughts that have been created by what I’m going to call humans on the planet, made up information that limits me, that confines me into a definition. That has been the thing that I’ve had to focus on the entirety. I’ve been on this journey for 17 years, and I’ve been coaching now for 14 years.

My soul is already whole and complete.
It’s the same thing, whether I’m looking at myself. I’m peeling layers. My soul is already whole and complete. I don’t have to do anything to my soul except let it be what it is and to let my soul be what it is and have that extraordinary life.
I’ve got to look at all those old ordinary thought systems that I have been raised with, and that’s the same thing that I do with my clients. Let’s look at what you believe about yourself as was taught to you by other.
Yeah. I love that wholeness and completeness. We talk a lot about that within the community about my favorite question to ask myself is, if I knew I was whole and complete, what would I be? What would I do? What would I say? I think so often we’re not coming from that whole and completeness. We’re coming from separation.
You talked a little bit briefly, you gave us a little teaser there about how your soul supports others. Can you go a little more in detail for us?
Absolutely. I used to be a realtor. When I started this spiritual awakening, I was a real estate agent and I did extremely well. I loved my work. I love my clients. But as I began to awaken, I began to hear guidance. My soul was guiding me into realizing that I was going to have to shift my career completely and I was going to become a life coach. I was given specifically an awareness coach. Well, when I researched that, there were no awareness coaches and life coaching 12-13 years ago was still relatively a new thing. I didn’t find a whole lot of information, but I persevered and I kept hearing the guidance that I would eventually be given everything that I needed to be given. Sure enough into my awareness popped in a training organization for life coaching.
I did that certification and quickly realized that that was teaching me the generalities of coaching, but my process in coaching was then being given to me. I began to write these processes. Mind you, I was a realtor. I had no clue about spiritual awareness. I had, excuse me, no clue about how to coach somebody else, but I was also a mom, I was a wife, I had sisters. I know how to talk to people. I was always the go-to person. In many ways, I’ve been a life coach in training since I was a baby. But as I was being given the very specific processes that I was being taken through, then I realized that those were the processes I was supposed to help others go through.
It’s been an amazing. The most fulfilling work that I’ve ever done is helping others do the same work that I had to go through. That’s really pretty much what I share.
Yeah. I look forward to hearing more about that. But before we do a break here, let everyone know how to get in touch with you, how they can find more about you. Give out your website address.
Yes. It’s lainaorlando.com.
Beautiful. We’ll be right back everyone.
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